War God Asura - Chapter 3496

Published at 13th of February 2023 09:59:16 AM

Chapter 3496

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"What do you say?" And hear the demon emperor said so, the devil's mood is suddenly become excited.

"Zhang Ying, she is not dead, she is still alive!" The demon emperor was very sure.

"Really? Are you serious? " It seems that the devil can't believe his ears, but his face is full of excited smile.

"Seriously, Zhang Ying is now in the soul source world." The demon emperor nodded his head.

"Soul source world, please take me to" while the devil emperor said, he grabbed the demon emperor and prepared to rush to the direction of the soul source world, ignoring the people present.

"Wait a minute, the soul source world is very special. It was laid by the soul Wuji before he was alive. We two may not be able to enter." seeing this, the demon emperor quickly added, and turned his eyes to the sentence.

"Oh?" At this moment, the devil emperor also understood the meaning of the demon emperor, and could not help turning his eyes to the sentence: "brother, you should control the boundary of the soul source world? Can you do me a favor? "

"Yes, I will." Seeing this, the sentence also smiles and agrees without hesitation.

I thought I was a big enemy, but I didn't want to be a friend. This kind of mood from nervousness to relaxation is a great joy.

Then, Xing Jue, the demon emperor, the demon emperor and bao'er four people left here and went to the soul source world together.

Only a group of shaken strong men from all sides were left, looking at the direction of their four leaving, it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Because on this day, they have experienced too much and seen too much, which is beyond the scope of their tolerance, leaving an indelible memory.

the first World War on that day shocked heaven and earth, the eternal world suffered heavy damage, countless worlds collapsed, and the area controlled by Xianzu was almost in a mess.

After the war, the name of the sentence was spread in the holy land. However, when it was mentioned, it was like a very sacred word, and no one dared to show any disrespect.

Because today's sentencing has become the king of the holy land, the masters of various forces, even the most powerful ancient eight clans in the past are also subject to his feet.

However, there is one exception to many forces, which is the Taoist clan.

The punishment was not difficult for the Taoist, but it turned the Taoist out. The reason was very simple. He had betrayed the running dog of the soul eating clan, and he would not take it in again.

The reason why the punishment did not destroy the Taoists was very simple. When he felt the existence of the holy God on that day, he thought it was a warning from the holy God.

That's why he left the Tao a way to live, at least before he defeated the gods.

However, when the soul eating clan once again stands on the top of the whole clan, when it is sentenced to become the king of the holy land, the whole holy land becomes the world of the soul eating clan.

Dao clan, the running dog who once betrayed the soul eating clan, how can he spend the rest of his life safely?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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