My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1027

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:45:10 AM

Chapter 1027: 1027

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At such a close distance, a person would be burned instantly by the naked eye. The entire ground was exposed to strong light, and the eyes were white.

Mountain top.

Lin Shan's eyes were unaffected, looking at the dazzling world, once again communicating the planet's gravity, some dust flew into space again.

After a while.

The sky is gray.


Slightly less glaring.


Lin Shan nodded with satisfaction.

This brightness.

Just right.

Due to the large impact and the abnormal gravity of the planet, the atmospheric material composition loss + flocculation, and dust can only be used as atmospheric material.

Don't say it.

Pretty effective.

. . .

After a while, soul soldiers flew back, bringing back some black objects. It was hard to see what they were from the outside, but there were gene fragments inside.


It's all cooked.

The impact and the instantaneous high temperature melted the rock, and 99% of life was turned into fly ash, and the genetic structure was destroyed.


Still some luck. . A little bit better, some debris was kept, and there was almost no ‘whole corpse’, whether it was an insect or an animal.

Or maybe it's a plant.

It is not easy to leave gene fragments the size of rice grains. It is said that it is a wreck, which is equivalent to at most a person's left nails.

Very broken.


Lin Shan frowned.

"found it!"

. . .

Thousands of miles away.


Nearly two kilometers away, inside a huge cave.




On the side of the stone wall at the corner of the cave, drops of turbid liquid dripped into a wooden basin, and every time a basin was filled, it would be taken to stand still not far away.

After precipitation.

It will be the only one hundred people remaining in the cave, the only source of water, and the faintly luminous moss on the cave wall is the only light source.

The light is weak.


After getting used to it, I can look at things a little bit, so I won't be completely blind. There are dead people lying around on the ground, and the sound of breathing proves that they are still alive.

No one spoke.

Say what?

Sharing a desperate experience? Mostly conscious.

Do not move.

It's because of lack of energy, lack of food, and being able to lie still and live an extra moment is a moment, if someone commits suicide in a mental breakdown.

It's not hard to imagine how it will be.

. . .



One of the young men sat up.


He picked up a stick with glowing moss growing sparsely, and walked towards a hole with a numb face. This time, it was his turn to collect ground fruits.

Go tens of meters.

Along the steep slope, carefully climb up, and then walk a few tens of meters, another steep slope, diagonally downward, if you accidentally fall.

Definitely have to lie down for many days.





The passage is extremely complicated, but despite this, the man also hopes that they will always be good, don't collapse, or they really have to finish playing.

Back then.

When the natural disasters came, the people in their village quickly got into this underground cave that had been discovered for thousands of years. It was because of it that the ancestors escaped the chaos of war several times.

After coming down.

The earth trembled.

The most convenient way to enter is to collapse on the spot, and excavate those boulders, which is almost impossible for them.


There is one passage left, the one in front of you, which can lead to the surface, but he hasn't been up for a long time, and it gets very hot as soon as it gets close to the surface.



There is also the benefit of heat. In some subterranean soil near the surface, it is suitable to grow a heat-loving plant that can grow large rhizomes when buried in the ground.

After eating the food.


They have become the rations for their survival, but the yield is not high, and they can only hang their lives. It is a delusion to eat, and they just didn't die from starvation.



Ascending more than a thousand meters, you can climb up and down, the passage is winding, not as easy as walking more than ten miles, the air is getting hotter and hotter, the man wiped his sweat.

Gritting his teeth.


After a while, I finally came to the vicinity of Diguo. Due to the low terrain and several flash floods, there was mud from the surface to here.


It can't grow fruit at all.

go ahead.

Turn around.

When he was about to see the fruit, the man with a numb face suddenly stopped his figure. The expression on his face was instantly filled with astonishment, and he was dumbfounded.

I see.

Right now.

In the hole where the earth fruit is located, a burst of light can be seen from the entrance of the hole. It has been in the ground for a long time, and the light that I perceive is faint blue, but the front is white.

Long-lost white light.


The man gasped.


Do not.

What's in it?

The man couldn't help his mind fly around. It was located underground and it was impossible to directly connect to the outside world. The heat in the air told him that if it works, he is dead at the moment.


There is something.




Another breath of heat, eyes shining, is there a baby? Thinking of this, the man moved his feet to regain control and walked forward cautiously.



at last.

When he came to the entrance of the cave, he stretched his head to look inside, and with a single glance, he stayed in place like a petrified person, his eyes staring out.

What did he see?


One. . . People who can shine.

Do not.

This is not a person, it must be a god, and at this moment, that god's eyes are turning to him from the earth fruit, with a slight smile on his face.


The man knelt down suddenly.


"Please help us."


Knocking his head constantly, his head was broken. In order to show his piety, the man couldn't care about it. There was a **** in front of him, so he couldn't be too pious.


He was knocking, feeling that his body was out of control, and stood up, only to see the gods have come to him, the gods' eyes were bright and glowing.

The man did not dare to look directly.

Bow your head.

Bend over.

Very respectful.


In the man's mind.

An idea sounded: "Tell me, who are you and what happened." Because he didn't dare to look directly, he thought it was heard by his ears.


How dare the man be careless, he began to talk.

. . .


Lin Shan had a general understanding that when a meteorite hit, the entire planet's surface life was almost extinct, and this village was also lucky.

There is an underground cave nearby.

Take refuge decisively.


Various problems are constantly highlighted.






Time and time again, a large number of villagers’ lives were taken away, resulting in more than 2,000 villagers. In the end, only a hundred people remained, and they were the only people left in civilization.

The soul searched all over the planet, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is the only place where there are humans, and there are many fish and other life in other places, underground.

Finished listening.


Lin Shan also sighed in his heart. It was very miserable. There were more than one hundred people on one planet. Although there was not one square civilization left, there were still traces of them.





It can still be seen by people, but the civilization in front of him has been completely erased. As for the remaining hundred people, they will live in the village all their lives.

There is no concept of history.

Talk about inheritance?

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