My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1037

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:44:55 AM

Chapter 1037: 1037

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Along the way.

While walking.

While asking.

Cai Yiyi was quite cooperative, because the questions Lin Shan asked did not involve any secrets of the sect, personal privacy, etc. They were all routine questions.






These information are all public, although she is a little worried that this great demon will invade their world after knowing it, but she changed her mind.

So strong.

Want to invade.

It's not like drinking water. It still needs to be investigated. From the fact that they have been suppressed on the other side of the light gate, they can almost judge their general strength.


Don't dare to play tricks, know everything.

. . .

Walk through mountains and rivers.

Across the river.

Walk the grassland.


For six full hours, Lin Shan counted. . . I only walked less than 20 kilometers. I can only say that the terrain changes under the Beast Star are really a bit urgent.

at this time.

Lin Shan also knew a little about this civilization.

In general.

Pretty strong.


But it is a little weaker than the spiritual source civilization, and it also possesses the dynamic energy similar to the spiritual source civilization. As for whether it is the same, I don't know for the time being.


Cultivation is also very slow.

Just like now.

It took Cai Yiyi about a thousand years to cultivate to the realm of Yin Shen, and then the speed began to crawl like a turtle, and it is still in the middle stage.





This is based on the strength of the limit, Lin Shan himself divided the 4th Tier, which is quite simple and rude, and the standard is based on the strength of the soul.

Every level.

In terms of intensity, they are all about six times the previous order.


The difference in strength brought about by it is far more than this. In short, a difference of one order is a difference of one pick ten +. Like a chasm.

In addition.




The three rule the world together. The spiritual source civilization is the strongest in the royal court, and this civilization is the dynasty ruling by the sect, with three major sects, supreme.

Cai Yiyi.

It is the fifth elder of one of the sects. This sect only accepts female cultivators, and there are a lot of people. The official sect alone exceeds one million.

Dominate nearly one billion livelihoods.

As for the other two sects, one Moxiu sect is very powerful, and only when the other two sects are combined can they faintly overcome this sect.

Three legs stand together.

There is friction.


Just like the spiritual origin civilization, the appearance of the gate of space caused the entire world to panic. Fortunately, the giant beast passed by and did not run around.

Most of the activities are in the gate of space.


The entire front was stabilized, the three sects each defended one direction, and just like the spiritual origin civilization, extinguishing the spiritual fire was also very useful there.

One burn.

It is like draining the air around the average person.

Will not die immediately.

But it would be uncomfortable, and her strength was greatly reduced. Cai Yiyi was also an accident, being chased by a giant beast, panicking, and coming here through the gate of space.

. . .



"Your cooperation can be exchanged for freedom." Lin Shan didn't intend to imprison her. It was boring. In the future, he might still be his own.

No need.

Just make a good bond. As for the difficulty of winning this civilization, Lin Shan said that it is not great, but it is not now.


Finished listening.

Cai Yiyi didn't know what it was like in her heart, she was very weird. She should be happy to be rescued, but she was a big demon, so she was very worried.

Wait a minute.

Will the other party invade his own world?


What to do?


It seems like I can't beat it.

Do not.

It must be defeated, unless all sects, forces, dynasties, and secluded masters come over, otherwise, there is really no way to resist.

Catch it?


Should reality be so cruel?


Cai Yiyi discovers the scene before her and turns into a stream of shadows.



Two seconds later.

The sound stopped abruptly, because they came to the edge of the lava sea. In retrospect, they seemed to have flown so far from the edge of the lava sea.


Just that moment, what happened?


Without waiting for her to think about it, the fiery red in front of her was distorted again, but after ten or so breaths, she realized that she could actually see the light gate.



In her mind, it was a bit messy, this speed seemed a bit foul! If it's not that her thinking is imprisoned, then it's too fast.


She couldn't help but be stunned by the vision.


how. . . More than one light gate?


Her face became more and more solemn. She was chased before when she came here. She didn't find that there was also a light gate in the extreme distance. She was stunned at this glance.

Countless speculations flooded in.

The more I think about it.

The more surprised.

The paler the face, she can be completely sure that there is only one light gate in her own world, but there are five here. Are the five worlds connected?


How crazy this is.

Could it be.

Is this great demon going to invade multiple worlds at once?

. . .


Lin Shan seems to have also discovered the problem, this baby. . . Don't you remember which space door your home is? So this question was asked.

Hear the words.

Cai Yiyi's mouth twitched.


She didn't remember which door she came from. When she ran, she ran around in order to avoid the giant beasts, and she lost her sense of direction a long time ago.

One listen.

Lin Shan was helpless.

At this time.

The giant beasts in the surrounding lava also found them.





When he was about to rush up to fight, in an instant, a powerful psychic power radiated from Lin Shan, and the roar of the giant beast door stopped abruptly.


The figure was overwhelmed.


Do not.

This is their lair, where they can go, subconsciously, this is their untouchable place, even if they die, they can't lose it.

But that little creature. . . Really strong!

Seeing the giant beast stopped.

"These are all raised by you?"

at last.

Cai Yiyi asked a question that had been out of Tibet for a long time. In fact, I already felt that the high probability was so, because in front of Lin Shan, these fierce beasts.

So good.

It's too docile, it's a bit ugly, otherwise, such a big body, such a strong strength, if it is taken as a mount, it will definitely be very exciting.


She heard a negative answer.

"Do not."

"They are not raised by me. UU reading" Lin Shan shook his head.


Cai Yiyi was shocked.

"Then... why are they... not attacking you?"

"Can't beat me."

Lin Shan's answer was straightforward. Caiyiyi listened to it and opened her mouth wide. This answer was fine and couldn't be beaten, so she didn't attack and was logically rigorous.

"Who raised it?" she asked again.

"I don't know."

Words fall.

Lin Shan continued, "Remember which door?"

"do not remember."

Cai Yiyi shook her head.

"What are the characteristics of the landscape on the other side?" Lin Shan didn't plan to take her to try one by one. There would be hints when crossing the door of outer civilization space.

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