My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1046

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:44:42 AM

Chapter 1046: 1046

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It doesn't mean delicious.

of course.

It's not unpalatable either.


It's worse than expected. Strictly speaking, these fish flying in the air can no longer be regarded as fish. The meat is quite good.

Only a few bites.

‘Wow! ’

He threw it straight away, a furry and cute little beast that was slobbering, but was afraid to step forward, and could only look at Linshan with big eyes.

Saw food flying.

call out!

Not afraid of life.

Jump up.

He caught it directly, and then slipped into the jungle. On its chin, Lin Shan perceives an obvious artificially branded symbol.


It was previously raised by humans.


According to the nature of a beast, seeing someone throw something at it, the first reaction should be an attack. It's not like this, it's like throwing food.

Run with it in your mouth.

. . .

Extinguished the fire.

Lin Shan got up, disappeared in the same place instantly, the next moment, it was already a thousand miles away.

far away.

A city stands tall.


It stretches for dozens of miles and is spectacular. But at this moment, there are broken walls everywhere, and the whole city is almost turned into rubble. Don't think about it, the giant beast made it.

Thousands of miles.

In this range, giant beasts have only one word for living humans---kill.


The significance of the existence of the underground giants is not to destroy the civilization, but to prevent them from going to the beast stars. As long as they do not set foot in a certain range, the giants will not run around.


Lingyuan civilization and Caiyiyi's civilization have long been wiped out by the torrent of giant beasts.


This city, within the attack range of the giant beast, was not spared.


The end of the alley.

Under the boulder.

Lots of corpses.


Lin Shan roughly calculated it. There shouldn't be such a small number of people in such a city. Even if one person lives in a room, it is far from being matched.


It is conceivable that most of the people here at that time should have migrated, but there are still some people left, judging by their clothes.

Mostly soldiers.

Nearly 30,000 people.


All buried here.


Lin Shan sighed.

It was another face-to-face battle. In front of the strength of the giant beast's enchanting realm, ordinary people would be killed even if they persisted for less than a second.

To know.

Those giant beasts are controlled by gravity, and even the heavenly monsters under the ground cannot take off within a radius of 20 kilometers. What's more, these people?

Ten times the gravity.


Ordinary people have to be disabled.

at this time.

Since there was no one to take care of it for a long time, the entire ruined city has been overgrown with weeds and vines have skyrocketed. It looks like a deserted city where humans have disappeared for a long time.

Lin Shan estimated.

In another ten years.

From the sky, it is estimated that there will be no traces of the city anymore. The natural erosion and resilience are very powerful.

. . .

In the city.

A street.



Lin Shan stepped on the dead leaves, walking slowly, looking at some buildings on both sides, feeling the atmosphere of this civilization, and there were some animal carts on the street.


Good quality.

Painted with anti-corrosion coating, many of them have not rotted, and beside these cars, many of the bones of animals that are pulling the cars are lying, and the joints are dislocated.


It was caused by a sudden encounter with strong gravity. Some even broke their bones directly, and after losing the ability to move, they could only wait for death slowly.





Under construction.

Many of them were reduced to beasts' dwellings, and they looked at Lin Shan intently, with a look of alertness, and some even grinned at him, wanting to scare them.

Lest Lin Shan come to grab his own home.


I'm super fierce.

of course.

There are also larger predators. It feels like this creature is smaller than its own, ready to be caught for lunch, but it will be the next moment.

A dark shadow flashed by, silently.


It is in a different place.

The rat spirit beasts that Lin Shan released casually, deal with these wild beasts, each paw one.

. . .


Lin Shan came to a huge ruin.

Mind moved.

The huge boulders in the ruins flew up into the sky against gravity, and Linshan could also see the large number of civilized classics buried below, not the stone books in imagination.

Also non-metal book.

It is a kind of resin-made paper, which is thicker than A4 paper and has good strength. It can be understood as a plastic film that is extremely difficult to break.

Hard to degrade.


Looking at the material, it is estimated that it has been preserved for hundreds of years without any problems. If the preservation conditions are good, it will be difficult to tear after a thousand years.


A booklet flew into his hands.

Turn the page.

The peculiar sound of page turning came, and then I saw the densely packed words on it. These fonts were not written in paint, but should be branded.

Green background.

The scarlet letter.

The text protrudes outwards. On the text, if you zoom in, you can still see countless regular stripes, the same text, and the patterns are almost the same.

Want to come.

It also uses movable type printing.

Touch it.

Very textured.

"Not bad."

This paper alone makes people like it.


He didn't recognize any of the densely packed fonts, and he had to be taught by someone with the civilization. "Pop!" Lin Shan closed the book.


The buried hundreds of thousands of classics flew to the forest mountain, the dirt and dust on it fell off, and it became a new book in an instant.


Under this building, all the classics were collected into the space. Lin Shan continued to carry forward the spirit of treasure hunting, and began to search one after another in the city.




Soldier armor.


And all kinds of things that he felt valuable, which made the remaining space of his storage space smaller and smaller, and Lin Shan couldn't help but look forward to this assessment.

the first time.

He opened the storage space.

the second time.

The storage space has expanded a lot.

this time.

Storage space should also grow. As for how much, I don't know, but those materials that can be used to make space rings just recently.

Lin Shan didn't hold much hope.

Too little.

That piece, the whole expansion to the limit, can't compare to his space, so he can create a few, on the one hand, it can be used to cover people's eyes and eyes, and it can be given away.

Mass popularization?

Forget it.

the cost is too high.

No matter the size.

A space ring needs to consume an Attracting Spirit Realm Soul Crystal, which is not counted, and one has to use an Attracting Spirit level space creature, the former is okay.

the latter.

It's really uncomfortable, and I don't know how long it will take to gather a hundred spatial souls next time after this time. Don't forget that it is still a training resource.

It is a consumable.

. . .




Within a few blinks, Lin Shan had already reached a mountain top.

far away. UU reading www.

Foot of the mountain.

The greenery is a bit different from the earth. On the earth, every 100 meters rises, the temperature drops by 0.6 degrees. For a kilometer, it is 6 degrees.


The one-kilometer drop is only about four degrees.

Foot of the mountain.

The temperature is around forty degrees.

It's hot.


On this mountain about 15,000 meters, it is 20 degrees below zero. Even if it is sunny, it is covered with snow all the year round and wears a white hat.

And at the end of the field of vision.

A towering city faintly emerged.

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