My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1064

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:44:10 AM

Chapter 1064: 1064

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The military forces around the royal city have all turned against each other. At least for the time being, because either the important person is not there or he has surrendered.


No one leads.

Against whom?

What's wrong?

How to fix it if it fails?

In short.

A series of questions are before them. In the end, reality defeated the loyalty to Youli. In fact, they are not much loyal to Youli.

after all.

It's only six months since you left the upper position.


I haven't seen them come to condolences. I wandered around the women's pile all day long. I didn't add a single cent of military pay. The folk reviews were extremely bad, and they didn't like it either.



It can even be regarded as a tyrant.

Say it again.

It is not an invasion of foreign enemies, the foreign surname is king. The new king is still the son of the royal family, and most of their allegiance is actually orthodox, not a certain emperor.

You Qian.

Although it is a female stream, it can be. . . Who calls people strong!

Change the emperor in one day.


Return to the field.

Foot restraint.

Sanlian Town, whether it is Youqian's own power or not.

Can't afford it!

. . .

A certain palace.

In front of the door.

Seeing a group of forbidden troops rushing, the guards of the palace were shocked, and wanted to stop, but found that the other party did not intend to rush into the palace, but stood outside.

"What are you doing?" A chief guard stepped forward.

This posture.

Could it be.

A big man is coming?


The person who came here looked grimly.

"According to the king's order, from now on, the palace is only allowed to enter, not to leave." Hearing this, the commander of the palace was shocked and hurriedly ran into the palace.



In charge.

And a large number of important figures in the palace came out.

"This is Wang Ling?"

Although she was over a hundred years old, the glamorous princess was still frowning. Just now the prince went to the palace and never returned. Later, there was a word of changing the emperor.


She understood that something important was about to happen, and then many ministers came out, she wanted to inquire, but the other party kept silent and only revealed a few words.

---Prince, you are on the wrong team.


She dare not get angry now.


"Where is the prince?"

"I don't know."


I don't know a few questions in a row.

Got it!

Come out for nothing.


Take a deep breath.

The princess said: "Since it is the king's order, the king's mansion should be obeyed. From now on, the king's mansion can only enter and can't leave. Everything is waiting for the king's return."


Everyone led the way.

. . .


Some are compliant, and some are dissatisfied.

A huge mansion.

This is the chief residence of the Clan Academy. He is the oldest and highest-ranking person in the royal family. Since the establishment of the mansion, Wang Ling has not always been able to enter here.

just now.

The new emperor is on top.

If you don’t sit for a long time, even if you can sit for a long time, according to your seniority, Youqian will have to walk to get started. Now she has ordered not to enter or leave.

How to bear it?

Spread out.

Where is the face?


A large number of government guards rushed out, drew their swords and confronted each other, trying to drive the forbidden army away. Seeing this, the lieutenant of the Forbidden Army felt bitter, this job was really too difficult.

A little scared.

But he did not flinch.

"Get back quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for doing it."

at this time.

A master inside the mansion stood up and looked at them coldly. Yaoxing's extreme, close to absolute strength, crushed hundreds of Forbidden Army to breathe.

His complexion turned red, desperately resisting.


High-end combat power, the number is useless.


The school lieutenant had a headache suddenly, and one could not stand firmly, and stepped back a few steps. If it hadn't been for his support, he would have been embarrassed, but he still persisted.

Endure the pain.

"This is Wang Ling!"


The master snorted coldly, preparing to teach the school lieutenant a lesson again.


A dark shadow fell from the sky.

"Want to rebel?"

The veteran supervisor with his hands on his back, coldly looked at the aggressive group of people in front of the house, his absolute strength directly dissipated the other's momentum.

one look.

Many people shivered.

"Master Manager!"

"Master Manager is here."


Many people greeted happily. Through the dynasties, this old supervisor and attendant was loyal to the royal family. In their view, the other party should be their own.


The palace’s ‘rebellion’ has already been put down.


With a cold snort, the absolute breath pressure passed, covering the entire mansion, a mansion where thousands of people lived, and everyone was a little bit short of breath.

among them.

The master who was embarrassed by the school lieutenant just now was directly slammed by the old supervisor and the attendant, flew out and hit the edge of the door.



"Master Manager, why is this?" He got up with difficulty, staring at the old supervisor and asked. My heart sank, could it be that the old supervisor also rebelled?

If so.

too terrifying!

Outsiders don't know, he knows very well that the strength of the old supervisor is definitely the first in the palace, even better than Laixia, a super master.

At this time.

The voice of the old supervisor came again:

"You are so courageous, you dare to take action against the banned army that enforces the king's order, and the next time, you will be severely punished, and if you violate the king's order, you will be at your own risk."


The figure disappeared in place.



It is impossible to expect the imperial army to fully control the situation. The power officials are easy to say, but those Wang clan family members are not good at all.

Mostly arrogant.


Youqian sent him to the town.

Before the house.

Being so scared by the veteran supervisor, they can be regarded as recognizing the reality, the mainstay is not They really don't know how to deal with it and can only follow it.

"go back."

"Wait for Taifuzu to come back."

. . .

Just when the old supervisor was serving a family town.

Royal palace.

Main hall.

The people who had been banned by Lin Shan had regained their ability to move. They were summoned by Youqian. Looking at the women on the throne, they felt very complicated.



But just now, that kind of unmovable and unspeakable feeling. Let their anger gradually turn into fear, fear of the supreme power of the forest.

The more I think about it.

The more afraid.

More fearful.

The more respectable.

What an insoluble power that is.

At this time.

Youqian's voice echoed in the hall.

"Want to come."

"You have a clear understanding of the current situation, and I hope that you will not make any self-destructive actions, otherwise the state will be state-owned.

"You go."


Youqian got up and left them with a beautiful back, but this back was slightly different than before, with royal power inside.

beg for mercy?

Yes I do!

But they just lifted the ban, and the ban has not been resolved, so they can only stare. Watching Youqian leave, watching the surroundings, they are only left extremely lost.

Enter the palace next time.

It is estimated that it will be a long time later, or even hopeless for life.

Wrong team!

It's terrible!

"After leaving the palace, the silence will be lifted." Lin Shan's voice suddenly came from his ears, and they trembled as they heard this voice.

Long sigh.

Turned around.

After everyone left the hall and out of the palace, they found that they could really speak. But the atmosphere was still dull, and everyone looked at each other, crying and laughing.

at this time.


Say what?

Do you share failure experiences?

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