My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1161

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:41:42 AM

Chapter 1161: 1161

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Fire star nucleus.

As the internal activities intensified, the planet's magnetic field gradually increased.

In fact.

Lin Shan thought a long time ago that after reaching a certain level of strength, he would use mental power to push the core of the star to flow, restart the core of Mars, and activate the magnetic field.

But even at level 7, he found it difficult for him to do it.


A seven-level syndicate can easily do it by using clan skills.

That's right.


Clan skills are talents, they don't cost much, but they can be used to great effect.

-magnetic field.



For the three major problems of Mars transformation, the first one can already be completed. As for air and water, it is too easy.

When the syndicate is controlling the flow of the nucleus.

Lin Shan came to the surface.


A blast-like gust of wind spreads around it, rushing straight into the sky at an altitude of 10,000 meters.



carbon dioxide.

These three items are considered to be the main gases in people's breathing activities. Of course Lin Shan will not produce them, but he can obtain them from other places!

Such as the surface material of Mars.





Under the envelope of the domain of rules.

Linshan can directly extract elemental elements in the crustal material.


A large amount of gas was extracted from the compound, and it exploded, forming a diffuse gust of wind. The content of a single location is not much, after extracting one location.

Change the ground!


In space, you can see a huge diffuse cloud of gas, slowly moving.

"The gas cloud contains a lot of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and some other rare gases."


"This... It's incredible."


Seeing this data, the federal personnel stayed again, and the magnetic field problem is expected to be solved, and they thought it would take a long time to fix the gas problem.

What material.

They were solved together.

. . .



The delegates of the speaker country all connected to the frequency band and looked at the data coming from the front. They were surprised when they heard Lin Shan said that they could try to restart the Martian nucleus.

Did not say much.

I agreed.


They only knew how quickly Lin Shan's transformation was.

The magnetic field problem is solved.

The gas problem is solved.


This is a planet, and under Lin Shan's hand, it can be transformed so easily. What it means, they know very well---there is no shortage of life stars.

People can actually be so strong.

It's too bad!



It is inevitable to emerge in my heart.

"The gas contains water!"

Another good news came.


source of life.

But where did these come from? It was really incomprehensible. After watching for a while, Su Yuan asked as a representative, and he quickly received a reply from Lin Shan.

"Extract material elements from the crust of Mars."

It's very simple.

"There is water in the crust?" Su Yuan asked again.

"Very few, but it can be synthesized using hydrogen and oxygen." Lin Shan replied.


Su Yuan was shocked!



This kind of ability, it turned out not to rely on technology, but on personal strength, it was a god-like method, and it was the result of having known Lin Shan for so long.

Otherwise, maybe all want to sacrifice their knees.

. . .


Lin Shan continued to work.



However, due to the fact that the content of hydrogen and oxygen is really limited, the synthesized water is very small, and it is impossible to solve the water problem of Mars. It can only rely on external supply.


The solar system can provide it.

In the entire galaxy, the Earth can only be ranked seventh in terms of water volume, and it is not even necessary to move the water from the first six over, the tenth one will do.

--- Enceladus.

. . .

After half a day.

"The Martian magnetic field reaches the standard, and the atmosphere's dispersion effect has almost ceased."


Without adequate magnetic field protection, the gas in the Martian atmosphere has been stripped by the solar wind, and now the magnetic field has become stronger enough to withstand the solar wind.


Lin Shan's extraction work is almost done.

Withdraw the syndicate.

Turn into a light beam.

Come to the next destination --- Enceladus.

Its diameter was only 500 kilometers. Lin Shan came to the star core and released the silver cluster and Kong Er. In an instant, the entire planet was shrouded in the power of the soul.


Suddenly change the orbit and directly crack the surface of the planet.

. . .

"Enceladus has an abnormal gravitational force, and it decelerates suddenly, cracking on the surface."


"Enceladus is out of Saturn's orbit."


"Enceladus began to accelerate relatively, 500 meters per second... 1 kilometer per second..."


This day, for those federal soldiers who observe, is definitely a day to refresh the world view. They saw the appearance of a magnetic field and atmosphere on Mars.

Also saw such a shocking scene.

. . .


Lin Shan controls the flight trajectory. This kind of "carrying and flying" is not a new skill, but compared to before, the weight that can be run with is greatly increased.

In the past, most of them brought a spaceship.

Now this matter carries the planet.

of course.

It is also relatively small, with a radius of more than 200 kilometers. If it is a planet like Mars with a radius of more than 2,000 kilometers, it will be more difficult to fly with it.

It is not impossible.

Because there is a syndication.

General planet.

The inside is mostly metal, and as long as it is metal, the syndicated family skills can play a role.


If you want to fly with a planet the size of Mars, Lin Shan can do it with all his hands free. The syndicate is at the core, and others protect the crust around it.


If only the stellar core changes speed, the crust is easily damaged directly by the stellar core under huge inertia.

Fly aside.

Lin Shan still collects some rocks on one side to reduce weight. This flight takes two days. UU Reading www. can't do it, it's too big, it takes time to accelerate and decelerate.


Outside Mars, watching the giant Enceladus float by, they seemed to be in a dream.

When shocked.


Enceladus exploded directly on the side facing Mars.




Countless ice fragments hit the Martian atmosphere.

at this time.

The atmosphere of Mars has already formed, and these ice cubes are moving fast. When they rush into the atmosphere, they will rub out firelights, rushing to the surface like a meteor.


They are all ice, and before they hit the surface, most of them are rubbed into water vapor by high temperature and dispersed in the atmosphere.




The ice is like rain. This scene, a scene that a science fiction blockbuster can't think of, is recorded.

The moisture content in the air is getting higher and higher.



In less than twenty minutes, the sky was shrouded in clouds.




In the thick black clouds, lightning roared and thunder bursts.


The thick dark clouds grew older and thicker, and finally couldn't hold it back. A torrential rain started and the forest mountain controlled Enceladus to revolve around Mars, so that the ice blocks could fall evenly.

Enceladus keeps getting thinner.

The inside is not part of the ice, and the rocks are almost ‘eaten’ by forests and mountains.

As for metal minerals, he plans to finally spread to Mars.

This scene can be called the ‘Sacrifice of Enceladus’.

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