My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1214

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:40:29 AM

Chapter 1214: 1214

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In the living room.

The family is lively.

"Come on, eat more."

"Look at you, it's still so thin." The mother clamped the chopsticks hard.


Seeing the high dishes in the bowl, Li Mu felt helpless. There was a kind of thinness, called his mother thinks you are thin, but he still didn't refute and finished eating silently.

The taste of home.


Over the past year, they have been eating exotic animal meat.

There are many flavors, but after all, it is a bit single.

There is almost no logistics office in the holy ground, there is only one place to pick up the meat, and you can eat it when you are hungry. This is a rare opportunity, and everyone doesn't care at all.


Brother-in-law smiled and asked:

"Xiaomu, how is it, did you see the Generalissimo?"


Li Mu shook his head.

Whether it was going to the holy place or coming out, I didn't see Lin Shan.

"I don't know what I'm up to, I'm very curious."

"It must be a big deal."



I didn't talk much about Linshan's issue, it was too gossip, and he was still a figure like a **** of earth civilization, it was not allowed, he did not break the law, but he seemed disrespectful.

"When did you bring the ring?"

Li Mu's father looked at his right hand.

"Oh, this is a holy land reward."

Thought for a while.

Li Mu looked at the water glass beside him, and the water glass disappeared instantly.


"Where's the water glass? It's gone."


The family was a little dumbfounded, Li Mu quickly explained, everyone's eyes light up, the space ring, that is the legendary fantasy equipment, is it so exciting?

"How much?"

"I can't buy it, it's not for sale, only the students of the Holy Land can exchange it."



Li Mu opened his hands, expressing his sincerity to sell.

At this moment, Li Mu's brother-in-law spoke:

"This should also be for safety, just like high-level alien beast meat. If it is flooded, anyone can get it. What if some bad guys become stronger?"

"It turns out that this is right."

"One way, it prevents the bad guys from becoming too powerful to be controllable."

"Secondly, it also has the effect of inducing goodness."


"The space ring is the same."

"Its concealment is too strong. Once someone uses it to transport dangerous substances, the harm may be great. Therefore, the Holy Land is the second screening and it is dedicated."

"In this way, nothing will happen."

Finished listening.

The family nodded, and the originally fiery heart gradually cooled down. This thing does have a huge risk and must be in the hands of a few people.

In the hands of the soldiers of the Federation, as the people, feel relieved.

It's really going to flood.

Anyone can buy it.

That's what should be worried about.

"Can I take a look? Although I can't use it, it's okay to have a hand addiction."


Li Mu took off the ring and handed it to his brother-in-law.

In fact.

His brother-in-law is also a member of the Federation, but he is a scientific researcher. He works at a Federal Individual Weapons Research Institute on Mars, and his strength has reached the horizon.

However, he has never been to the Holy Land.

It's simple: six years!

This is a hard target, and it will work on the front line.

Scientific researchers can enjoy some high-level resources, but after all they are not pure combatants, and the Holy Land cultivates combat power, so they can't go.

But I really want one.

. . .

After a meal.

By the lake.

The family walked around, digested food, greeted their neighbors from time to time, and some people wanted to introduce someone to Li Mu. Naturally, it was just a prevarication.

Object or something, so troublesome.

Not urgent!

Thousand years of life.

Now thirty.

There is really no reason to be anxious.

Just like his elder sister, she married her brother-in-law in her forties, but she looks like a girl. Both are from the Weapons Research Institute. It looks weird?

Do not!

This is the normal state now.

I think it's weird because the thinking is still stuck in the old almanac.

The world today.



one hundred?

As long as they are strong enough, their appearance and physical functions will not decline. Such a world would feel terrible and creepy if it were to follow the old thinking.

Can imagine.

You are twenty, chatting with a beautiful woman, and asking about your age, eighty.

I met another one, a hundred.

Grandma's appearance in her twenties like her granddaughter is terrifying.

But after getting used to it, it's actually that way.

After all, you may also live for a thousand years.

After the lifespan is liberated, the mind must be liberated, and there are some people who can't keep up. There are some people in civilization who are opposed to long lifespan.

These people think.

A long life is destroying social ethics.


Longer life span can easily destroy the marriage system.

Many people do not want to get married.


People who are a few hundred years old are equally young and prone to deformed values.


The pressure of the social security system.


In short, there is a class of people who are extremely opposed to lifespan changes, believing that this will lead civilization to an unknowable abyss and the social structure will gradually collapse.

These people believe that 80 years of life is a reasonable number.

To this.

Li Mu is naturally opposed.

What's the matter with the long life?

If you are really tired, there can be other ways to end it, but if the life span is that short, hurry up and live for a period of time, counting down with your fingers.

Is this fun?

Say it again.

Social security is the problem?


The retirement age has now risen to one hundred, and there is an increasing trend, but even if people all over the world retire, can civilization not be able to support it?

The answer is of course: can afford it!

So many civilizations, so many life stars, so many high-tech.

Under the liberation of productivity.

Social security?

It's not an issue at all.

A wealthy retirement life can’t be achieved, but it’s sure to worry about food and drink, and medical care is free, just like Li Mu’s own parents are now retired.

Before the retirement age was raised, the conditions were met.


The one-month pension is not much, but it is enough to live.

. . .

Living under the wings, the earth’s civilization is very stable.

the other side.

The creators of all these people are busy. After breaking through the ninth level, the source body space will have a big increase in coverage and digestion speed.

Lin Shan shuttles on the edge of the universe full of mass and energy.






Kill the black beasts and refine the core rules.

One month later.

"Meet the criteria."

"No. 22301, the second-level wasteland reclamation civilization was upgraded to the third-level wasteland reclamation civilization."


Three months later.

"Meet the criteria."

"No. 22301, the third-level wasteland civilization was upgraded to the fourth-level wasteland civilization."


one year later.

The energy civilization has risen to the fifth level of wasteland civilization, and Lin Shan has also condensed the second core rule, the source space compared to before, UU reading has also achieved a skyrocket.

When the new quality energy is taken in, seeing the same, the mind moves.

break down!


A hydrogen mass began to condense, the color darkened, and then it glowed brightly.

Stellar, success!

This was not over yet, countless material clouds flew toward the star, and its volume continued to grow, and soon surpassed the sun. The forest mountain continued to synthesize without stopping.

Like a snowball, the stars are getting bigger and bigger.

The color is getting deeper and deeper, changing from red to blue, and it is very bright.

A blue superstar appeared.

Only with this size can the beast-star level planets revolve around it.

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