Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:07:24 AM

Chapter 136: 136

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   Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the head of the Wujia Soul Beast.

   Follow the spirit beast.

   The body rises and falls.

   His eyes were looking around, filled with nostalgia, countless memories of the past flooded into his heart, a mixture of flavors.

Suddenly, a plant caught Lin Shan’s attention. His eyes lit up. It was a vine-like plant named Qingguo vine. It was wrapped around a large tree with a diameter of more than 20 meters. The vines were full of knots. Cyan fruit.

   Each fruit is the size of a watermelon.

   This is the characteristic of Beast Star.

   Everything is big.

The key is that this kind of food is edible, can quickly recover the energy and blood consumed by humans, and tastes very good. Every time you go out to explore the road, this is one of the important food rations for soldiers. It is distributed in the beast star forest. The department is very extensive.

   A single green fruit vine can bear hundreds or even thousands of fruits.

At this time, Linshan’s habit of collecting food was guilty again, and he immediately lifted off and flew towards the green fruit vine. Since the beast star has many edible plants, the green fruit vine is not uniquely loved by the aliens, and there are no creatures around. Watch as a baby.

   Lin Shan Fei took a closer look and picked one off.

   The fruit of the green fruit vine is a bit like the wogua of the earth, but it is not good in the same line, but it does not affect its taste.

   A thought moved.

   The dust and water stains on the fruit are drained away, as clean as if they were washed.

  Lin Shan held the huge fruit and took a bite down, "Boom..." The crunchy feeling came from the apple. It was not too sweet, but it was just right to eat. Lin Shan ate while flying upwards.

   In less than five minutes, Lin Shan had picked all the mature fruits on this green fruit vine, there were thousands of them, and it was enough to eat as a snack for a while.

   I am satisfied with the feeling that I can only take away two at most at a time. Although the green fruit vines are widely distributed, they traveled very slowly in the forest in the previous life, and they have to walk long distances to meet.

   Every time I meet them, I will be very excited, I want to pack them all away.

   returned to the soul beast head.

   One person and several beasts continued to walk deep into the forest.

Within a few kilometers, they came across a group of alien beasts. They were old friends. It was the ugly group of beasts just now. The group of ugly beasts are brave and fierce, so the number of groups is not as large as the black beasts, generally only a hundred. Come on only the scale.

  Due to the runaway incident just now, Lin Shan took back most of the spirit beasts, only a few of them were left to follow. Seeing Lin Shan’s ‘single power’, the Ugly Beast’s door immediately judged his chance of winning.


   The leader of the Ugly Spotted Beast gave a long roar.

   The whistling sound contains excitement and bloodthirsty.

   directly treat Lin Shan and his soul beasts as dinner.

   Dealing with black beasts, they feel that they are very experienced, just these few, although a little bigger, but not more difficult to deal with than the small, after all, they will not face the fist, that is looking for death.




   A hundred ugly spotted beasts quickly surrounded them, roaring, and staring at the prey that they had eaten before. Lin Shan sat on the head of the black armored spirit beast, with a relaxed and fearless expression on his face.

   It seems that the method of'showing the enemy's weakness' is feasible.

   while walking.

   while harvesting.

   I just want it.

   There is no need to chase them, the strange beasts themselves will come to the door, and then fly around when they are really working. As for now, it is important to take a walk, and the one that comes to the door is a piece of money picked up by the road.

   Linshan thought a move.

   Thirty-six "Cicada Light Soul Soldiers" appeared around him, floating quietly. Seeing these gadgets suddenly appeared, the IQ of the Ugly Beasts could not understand what they were.


   The Ugly Spotted Beast leader ordered an attack.

   The Ugly Spotted Beasts around were ordered to quickly find the attack position. They were not stupid. They could not rush straight up and bite. They knew that this kind of black-shelled Beast could not bite its skin.

   The roar rang out.

   Just when one of the Ugly Beasts was about to make a tentative attack to create opportunities for the companions behind.

   Zhang Zhe had a big mouth in his blood basin. When he just rushed up, his body seemed to have been hit hard, his head was instantly deflected, and he kept the charging posture, and fell directly to the ground, his limbs twitched a few times instinctively and died.

   The body disappeared.

   The Ugly Spotted Beasts were taken aback.

what's the situation.

   What about their companions?

At the moment they were puzzled, Lin Shan's full-scale attack began. He did not release the soul beasts. Because the Ugly Beasts were small in size and very flexible, the forty-meter-sized soul beasts were a bit hard to kill, and they had no one's own. The cicada light is so good.

   Soul Beast Legion is suitable for charge and large-scale frontal battles, besieging alien beasts of the same size or even larger size.

   This kind of small monster.

   It's still good for cicada light.

   saw only thirty-six cicada lights, rushing straight towards the ugly spotted beasts, passing through their heads without resistance, and then rushing to the next one.

   In the eyes of the Ugly Spotted Beast King, his subordinates all fell to the ground and disappeared. Just when it was about to escape, before it took any steps, it felt a pain in its head and lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

   Less than three seconds.

   More than a hundred Ugly Spotted Beasts all died.

   A thought moved.

   The corpse recovered the soul space.

   Two minutes later.

   Thirteen Ugly Spotted Soul Beasts appeared in front of Lin Shan.

  Thinking about it, except for the one he was sitting on, Lin Shan took the other black armor spirit beasts back into the soul space, and once again reduced his goal. With this lineup, it is estimated that many small alien beasts would dare to come up.

   Thirteen Ugly Spotted Beasts were released by Lin Shan.

   Let them attract the surrounding animals.

   I am just waiting here.

The effect was quite good. In just two hours, the Ugly Beast attracted more than a dozen groups of alien beasts, large and small, and they were all harvested by Linshan. This also allowed Linshan’s spirit beasts to officially exceed 100. .

   are all spirit beasts above rank fifteen.

at this time.

   The sky is completely dark The stars are no longer high.

   There will be more than fifty hours of darkness here.

However, the night color of the beast star can be described as picturesque. There are various luminous plants all over the forest, red, blue, green, and purple, with different colors and different shades. The forest of the beast star is beautifully illuminated. .

  Especially some vines that emit light, extending from the bottom of the tree to the top of the tree, as if the whole tree is glowing. Different varieties of vines have different colors, and changes may occur in the first half of the night and the second half of the night.

   is so beautiful.

   Lin Shan sits on the tip of a branch of a big tree over 600 meters high. It is said to be pointed, but it is thicker than an adult's waist. Sitting on it, his feet sway in the air.

   How can I be so leisurely in my previous life.

  Beast Star’s tree also has a variety of strange animals living in it, but it is relatively small, so you still need to cheer up, otherwise it's not like you can run around on the ground.

   is not far from him.

   An eighteenth-order gray wood beast lay there.

   Although it is the eighteenth order.

   But the body is only a little bigger than the horse of the earth.

   exudes the aura that makes ordinary strange beasts terrifying, so no strange beast on the tree dared to come in within a few hundred meters of it. Sitting at an altitude of several hundred meters, there are nocturnal beasts passing by from time to time.

   Linshan naturally reaped unceremoniously.

   Then continue to look at the scenery.

   lay on the trunk.

   Looking at the dense branches and leaves on the top, the night sky can not be seen, or the night sky of the beast star is completely dark and there is nothing. Suddenly, Lin Shan has the urge to fly up to see the whole picture of the beast star.

   The idea arose.

   began to occupy his mind uncontrollably.

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