Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:07:00 AM

Chapter 152: 152

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The phone went through.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter?"

A majestic voice came. This was Sun Zhuo, the director in charge of their investigation department. He said that he was the supervisor, but he did not directly manage the investigation department's affairs. Xu Hong did everything, but he needed to file and report to Sun Zhuo.

Xu Hong hurriedly said: "Leader, this is the case. Just now I applied to the Kyrgyzstan province to dispatch a military helicopter to perform an emergency inspection mission. The application for filing has been sent to your mailbox."

"Well, okay, I see, is there anything else?" Sun Zhuo didn't care, as long as there are good reasons, this is just a small matter, let alone an urgent task, he is very relieved that Xu Hong.

"Um, leader, you'd better take a look. If you want to scold, just scold it now, and I'll have a snack." Xu Hong looked at Lin Shan, who was still indifferent, and smiled bitterly at Sun Zhuo on the phone.

If Lin Shan played tricks on him, he would have nothing to do, but he was affirmative. After all, he was wasting manpower and equipment resources, and even listened to the ‘deception’ of strangers.

Xu Hong's words made Sun Zhuole happy.

"Haha, you kid, I'm here to scold you, okay, let me see, um, the reason for the application... I... Xiao Xu, are you serious?" Xu Zhuo was serious when he saw the short email Tao.

Looking for the door of space?

Another planet.

There are pictures with the truth.

A stranger entered Xu Hong's office?

It's like a prank.

But if Xu Hong can serve as the director, he will never accompany others to make such a prank.

Xu Hong hurriedly said: "Yes, the director, the young man hasn't left yet. He said that when we find the door of the space in the picture, we will know the authenticity. I don't think he seems to be mentally ill, just... I believe it. ."

Looking back on the scene just now, Xu Hong's voice became lower and lower, and he was very ashamed. He felt that he had just thought about it and ignored so many processes and doubts.

"You talk about this young man in detail." Sun Zhuo asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, as soon as I walked in, I was preparing..." Xu Hong elaborated on the details of the encounter with Lin Shan.

Finished listening.

Sun Zhuo was silent for more than ten seconds, after some thoughts.

"Xiao Xu, don't act rashly. Let people check and monitor them immediately. You can come in silently. Your security capabilities are worrying. Although you are not a confidential department, it is not easy for you to find your office."

Sun Zhuo also felt that it was not suitable to arrest Lin Shan directly.

"Yes, I will let someone check it immediately." Xu Hong agreed.

"Well, you keep in touch with Colonel He Wen. If it's true, then... the sky will change." Sun Zhuo sighed. Once the space gate is connected to the outer planet, then things will happen.

The history of mankind may enter a new era.


hang up the phone.

Xu Hong immediately ordered the security guards to find out how Lin Shan got in.

Knowing that a stranger had entered the office, the security soldiers were shocked. They guarded them so tightly, and there were still people who could enter the office. Isn't this a slap? Immediately start looking through surveillance videos.

Lin Shan didn't stop it, because they couldn't find out anything, he was parachuted down.

Just looking at Xu Hong with a smile.

Xu Hong immediately called He Wen again.

"Director Xu." He Wen said.

"Colonel He, from now on, we have been keeping in touch. Once the people on your side get to the place and find an abnormality, please tell me. The matter is still unclear. Please keep it confidential. Once confirmed, this is the country’s top secret and must not be mistaken. , Understand." Xu Hong said solemnly.

"Yes, I understand." He Wen also became nervous.

this matter.

It seems a bit big.

. . .

Changbai Mountains.

A hilltop plateau.

The door of space stood quietly in the open field.

There is no one here.

The weeds all around are luxuriant, and the tall ones are 1.5 meters tall. In summer, the flowers are in full bloom, very beautiful.

In the grass.

A mouse's ears moved and looked towards the distant sky. A black figure was approaching quickly. Soon, it was clear that it was an army green helicopter, but it was not armed, but a transport helicopter.

On the plane.

The loud sound of the propeller roared.

The soldiers could not hear what they said.

On the helicopter, they flew quickly towards the coordinates.

When it reaches more than 100 meters above the gate of space.

"Captain, look quickly." A soldier in charge of observation exclaimed. Point down.

The captain hurriedly came to the side and saw something very different from the usual vegetation below 100 meters. . . mirror? But there are no mirrors in the wilderness.


The captain felt that he saw something extraordinary.

"Let's go down, don't open the video yet, Colonel He has ordered it." The captain said solemnly.


Everyone agreed. It is not difficult to understand that if it is really something extraordinary, the video traffic will definitely go through the satellite data channel. Once that happens, the data security cannot be guaranteed.

It is not conducive to confidentiality at all.

Subsequently, one by one soldiers slowly slid down the rope.


This exploratory group of ten people fell to the ground.

"Everyone is on guard, the weapons are loaded, don't shoot without an order," the captain ordered.


The ten cats were kneeling, slowly approaching the door of that space.


Just walked closer.

Looking at the fuzzy images inside the space gate, and the strange phenomenon of no thickness floating in the air, they knew that this was by no means a mirror, and the environment inside was different from here.

Qi Qi swallowed.

"Alert, I will contact Chief He Wen immediately." The captain said solemnly.

at this time.

He Wen was waiting for news in his office. Since it was not a combat mission, but a general investigation mission, he did not go to the command center. After reporting every five minutes, he thought he was already there.

Just don't know what makes Xu Hong so nervous.

At this moment.

A voice came from the communication channel.

"Sir He Wen, found an abnormal situation."

"What's the situation?" He Wen hurriedly asked.

"There is an unknown mirror-like thing here, almost no thickness, double-sided, suspended in the air, without any support, and no magnetic field disorder. We dare not act rashly, please give instructions." Captain Hui reported.

He Wen stayed.

"What? Well, you are on standby."



He Wen directly picked up the unhanged phone.

"Director Xu, you heard it just now, what exactly is this for you, what shall we do next?" He Wen asked in a deep voice.

the other side.

Xu Hong was shocked when he heard the confirmation.

Turned out to be true.

that. . .

Xu Hong hurriedly said: "Let your people stand by. You should also keep it confidential. I will report to the superior immediately. In short, you must ensure the integrity of the site and don't act rashly."

"Okay, I understand." He Wen agreed.

hang up the phone.

Xu Hong quickly called Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo had been waiting for Xu Hong's call, and he was not in the mood to work. Hearing the ringtone, he quickly picked it up and asked, "Xiao Xu, how's it going? Any news?"

"Director Sun, there is something in the photo over there, on both sides, no thickness, blurry effects can be seen, suspended in the air, there is no abnormal response to the nearby magnetic field." Xu Hong said that his mouth was a bit dry, which was agitated.


Sun Zhuo's heart on the opposite side almost jumped out.

The door to space.

It was actually true.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Zhuo knew that it was time to report: "Xiao Xu, you wait, I will report to it immediately, you hold that young man and don't let him leave."



Sun Zhuo didn't dare to waste time at all.

The reports went up layer by layer, shocking the people along the way, but within ten minutes, the order was sent down to the door of space, let them open the video, and the traffic was sent to the capital through a special channel.

Look at the door of space with your own eyes.

Their shock is beyond words.

"Mr. Lin, is there any danger across the door of this space?"

Xu Hong is now acting as a megaphone, conveying the problems on the capital side in person.

Lin Shan smiled and said: "Of course there is danger. Although it is not much at present, the gravity there is twice that of the earth. If people go in the past, it will be very difficult to move, and there are many monsters over there. If your firepower is not strong, It's best not to pass easily in a short time."

"How much firepower can you pass?" Xu Hong asked.

"At least you have the power to penetrate a half-centimeter thick steel plate, so that you can barely keep the firepower suppressed. Therefore, I don't recommend you to go so quickly. It is best to build a defensive circle first. Otherwise, if the monster comes over, you are likely to produce casualties."

"How did Mr. Lin know?" Xu Hong asked carefully.

This is everyone's question.

Why does Lin Shan know the gate of space?

Why do you still know the specific number.

why. . . There were so many reasons and too many doubts. It was not that they had never thought of arresting Lin Shan and asking, but they did not do any bad things, but kindly reported them, and it was impossible to do so.

Moreover, Lin Shan was not ready to escape, he was in a very cooperative posture, and it was even more impossible to do anything at will.

Lin Shan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, you first deploy the defenses near the gate of space, we will talk about it in detail, I am not running now, you still have five hours, and then I have to go back to eat. talk."

" wait a minute, our leader will come later." Seeing that he couldn't come out, Lin Shan was so cooperative and said that they can talk tomorrow. Their guard against Lin Shan is greatly reduced, but Xu Hong's level is too low. The conversation with Lin Shan is not very suitable.

"it is good."

Lin Shan promised Now that the location of a space gate has been determined, of course the rest must be sealed.


Orders were issued one after another.

He Wen is waiting.

After a while.

A call came directly, it was the number of Beijing, the number of General Three.

"Colonel Ho, I order you to immediately mobilize a battalion to block the area within 10 kilometers of the place just now, and the province will send people there. You must make sure that no outsiders enter the area of ​​10 kilometers. All helicopters patrol around the clock and trespass. Get it, no matter who it is, you understand."

"Yes, I understand."

After half an hour.

All five space gates have been discovered.

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