Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:06:57 AM

Chapter 154: 154

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Brand new species.

Brand new environment.

A whole new world.

There are also new opportunities.

In particular, the meat of the alien beasts can actually strengthen the human body, enhance all aspects of the body's functions, and let the ‘weak’ human beings embark on a path of strength. This is what interests them.

Just a little tangled.

Because this thing is available all over the world, the North and South Pole are no exception.

Can Huaxia simply occupy the gate of space outside Huaxia, because on earth, no matter how far the gate of space is, the distance on the beast star will be a straight line of 100 kilometers.

This is even more tangled.

What does this mean?

It means that any party has the ability to increase staff quickly.

Since the space gate basically does not hinder things, if you take it forcibly, others will be in your own country and throw weapons at the space gate, and that will be impossible to prevent.

Even if you use a concrete wall to block it, don't forget that everyone on the earth is still a member of the "global village". If it is taken over, it would be strange if others don't kill you. China can still destroy them.

to be honest.

It is impossible to eat alone.

In the future, it is very possible to be a neighbor, and still a very close neighbor.

To know.

The straight-line distance between the gates of adjacent spaces is only a dozen kilometers. It is difficult not to be a neighbor. Just walk in a few steps. It stands to reason that this will promote the rapid economic development between the two countries.

But no one cares about the economy at all.

An opportunity for evolution.

The land of beast stars.

This is what they care about.

"Mr. Lin, this... Since eating the meat of a foreign animal can strengthen your body, you don't know your strength..." Sun Zhuo asked nervously.

Lin Shan must be able to determine the specific number of space gates, he must have good strength, otherwise how to run everywhere, after all, there are strange beasts rampant, and Lin Shan does not have hot weapons.

Everyone pricked their ears.

I want to hear what Lin Shan said.

I saw Lin Shan shook his head and said, "This is too far away for you, and it's not suitable for display here. You just need to know that it's amazing." Lin Shan is not a monkey, so it's impossible to show off here.

The future is long.

There will be opportunities in the future.

They were disappointed by Lin Shan's vagueness.

But it's not easy to ask questions. You can only learn more about it after you gradually deepen your connection. The most important thing is that how strong Lin Shan is, in fact, doesn't seem to have much to do with them. How to strengthen the soldiers is the key.

"Mr. Lin, I took the liberty just now, and there are various dangerous creatures related to beasts, stars and aliens. Can Mr. Lin elaborate more." Sun Zhuo asked again according to what the capital said.

Lin Shan pondered for a moment and said, "Forget it, it will be troublesome to wait for you to slowly explore the gate of space. Tomorrow morning, at the gate of space in Qinling, you will select a group of soldiers with strong physique to come with me. Get used to it first and be there earlier. While establishing a stronghold, I will introduce my two apprentices to you by the way."

Lin Shan is also impatient.

I really don’t want to wait for ten or eight years as in the previous life, watching human beings still spin at the door of space, and I will explore the streamer area and floating deep valley in the future. Human strength must be accelerated.

Since he has all opened up.

Let's take the human collective to open the hang. Humans are too weak now. Once the beast star changes and appears incomprehensible, that is the end of the game as a whole, and Lin Shan has to plan for the worst.

"Apprentice?" Sun Zhuo doubted.

Lin Shan nodded and smiled: "Well, you might still know each other. Okay, you should prepare quickly. Make defenses around the gates of each space and keep it confidential. This kind of thing is not suitable for ordinary people to know. ."

"We naturally understand this and we will definitely block the news." Sun Zhuo said seriously, without Lin Shan saying that they are already doing it. As for who they knew, they didn't ask, and they would know it tomorrow.

Lin Shan thought about it again, and decided that he was still prepared to take a vaccination first, but not to let the earth's development trajectory become internal friction, so his smile slowly disappeared, and his expression turned solemn.

This made everyone nervous.

"Everyone, I want to remind you one thing. At present, the door of space can be concealed, but it cannot be concealed for too long. Sooner or later, it will be known to the world. This time will not exceed one year at the latest, even half a year. indefinite.

At that time, countries without the door to space will definitely not do it. If they are not handled well, World War III will break out. In the end, everyone will lose and the earth’s resources will be consumed for no reason.

This is on the one hand, on the other hand, the beast stars are dangerous, and the origin of the space door is unknown. This is an opportunity for the whole world, and it may also be a disaster for the whole world. If human beings don’t work together and watch closely The little bit of interest in front of me is stuck on.

Once faced with unknowable dangers, the entire human civilization is likely to be buried in selfishness.

Don’t blame me for being alarmist. I’ve seen the danger of beast stars with my own eyes. All electronic equipment has failed, airplanes can’t take off, missiles can’t be aimed, and high-tech weapons are basically waste products.

I don't think it will be possible to solve this problem in more than ten years, so your biggest reliance in the early stage is probably to use ordinary guns and armor-piercing gunpowder weapons.

Moreover, many exotic animals have thick skins, and human large bombs may not necessarily kill them.

It is even possible that there is a strange beast that can destroy all mankind.

Once human beings are still playing with internal friction, playing hidden and tucked, everyone can only finish the game together. I hope everyone will act cautiously. "

What is Lin Shan most afraid of?

The most fearful thing is that because it has solved the large number of alien beasts around the gate of space, China and other countries can barely handle it. Without the huge casualties of nearly 500,000 soldiers in the beast wave in the previous life, it would be difficult for mankind to unite. Together externally.

If so.

The earth is in internal friction.

Lin Shan really wanted to wonder if his starting point for reducing soldiers' casualties was wrong. If internal friction occurs as a result, a world war breaks out and more people die, Lin Shan will really be dumbfounded.

Good intentions do bad things.

Lin Shan could not accept such a result.

. . .


Everyone who heard this was shocked.

The joy just now slowly faded, and the last worry also came to my mind.

Lin Shan is right. Opportunities and dangers coexist. Whether it's the beast stars inside or outside human beings, there are potentially huge hidden dangers. If one is not good, everyone really wants to say goodbye to the world.

There are fatal dangers on both sides.

Once it happens at the same time, this result will make everyone in the room excited and sober at the same time.

Beast star.

The door to space.

If these things are a coincidence, they don’t believe it at all. A one-hundred-kilometer circle, with 21 space gates evenly distributed on it, is obviously not a natural creation. If it is not a coincidence, but has a reason, then the reason is there. It is worth thinking about.

If there are aliens.

So what do these aliens want?

See human internal friction?

Who can be so boring.

What could be the reason? Countless questions flashed in their minds, and no one answered them. It seemed that Lin Shan couldn't answer them. They actually wondered if Lin Shan opened the door of space.

But this thought disappeared in just a flash.

If it is not turned on.

Lin Shan will definitely not report it. They don't even have the opportunity to know, and this is just a guess. How to avoid the crisis now is the most important thing. The unknown of the beast star makes them really feel like they are facing life and death.

. . .

Lin Shan left after saying this.

As for how to get there, the security guards outside didn’t know. Originally, Sun Zhuo followed and wanted to send him off, but as soon as Lin Shan left the house, he turned quickly and walked up the stairs. Only a figure flashed by. Then it was gone.

"... That's it. People who can't see him at all are gone." The soldiers who followed came back and reported in cold sweat.

"Where does the stairs lead?" Sun Zhuo asked.


"Does he fly?" The colonel said in surprise.


Regardless of whether Lin Shan can fly or not, it is a fact that when people disappear, Lin Shan is already out of sight. Everyone has been mentally prepared for it. Even if it can fly, it doesn’t seem to be unacceptable when the beast stars appear. thing.

"Okay, Lin Shan stated that he will go to the gate of space in the Qinling Mountains in the day. He should not break his promise. UU Reading's current primary task is to build fortifications. Director Wang, immediately notify the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 128 Research Institute. Experts, bring people and testing equipment to test the authenticity of the electronic equipment that the beast star cannot use, and collect environmental data."


"General Zheng, step up to mobilize more soldiers to strictly prevent outsiders from approaching the space gate within 10 kilometers, and the military bases within 100 kilometers near the space gate will all enter the first-level combat readiness state, weapons are shipped out of the warehouse, guns are loaded, and they are ready at any time. Prepare to respond to emergencies and build fire defenses at the gates of space."


"Minister Qi, put the construction of the road leading to the five space gates on the emergency plan to facilitate the transportation of large-scale equipment and construction materials. We will give you three days to prepare, and the construction will start in a week at the latest, all in accordance with the highest standards. ."



Orders were issued from the capital.

Passed to where it should go.

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