Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:04:18 AM

Chapter 254: 254

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Until these hundreds of strange beasts pass through the gate of space.

After hovering for another ten minutes, let the other strange beasts pass first, Lin Shan ordered the soul beast to fly down, lest the beast king would suddenly attack the other side, and it would be no fun.

The soul beast slowly approached the door of space.

Just about to pass.

Lin Shan remembered one thing.

Looked around.

Seeing an alien beast more than five meters high, the soul beast's huge wings pulled eight alien beasts over. The alien beast screamed in terror, thinking that the soul beast was going to eat it, but it hadn't Fear for two seconds.


The soul beast kicked.

Kicked the little strange beast over.

The soul beast also stepped on its thick hind hooves and crossed the space gate.

The scene before me.

Lin Shan was taken aback.

I saw a large **** in front of me, a very large slope, and no sides were visible from the left and right. The gate of space seemed to be at the top of this slope. The length of the other **** was at least 20 kilometers, with a drop of about two kilometers.

The strange beasts that came were rushing forward.

Because the ground is full of ice, some people who fall down are still sliding on the ground, and then stand up and run. This kind of wrestling does not hurt the alien beasts at all, but it is like a kind of fun, one by one shouting with excitement. .

But what surprised Lin Shan the most was.

At the end of the slope.

There seems to be an artificial building.

There are large-scale artificial buildings, and they are not that stupid and crude style, they seem to have a bit of civilization and art, but the distance is too far, and the soul beast can't see it clearly.

It's too far to see clearly.

Then look closer.

The soul beast looked at the little strange beast that had just been kicked over.

The huge wings spread out and flew towards the small alien beast that was running away. When it was approaching, like an eagle preying, the sharp claws on the back hooves immediately caught the small alien beast.

'call. . . ’

A huge wind sounded flat.

The soul beast lifted into the air in an instant, the alien beast couldn't break free at all, and stopped crying after a few wailing.


With huge wings flashing, the soul beast flew forward for a few kilometers, and saw the beast king who had bullied him just now. He quickly lifted into the air and flew for several kilometers.

Within the safety buffer distance.

The soul beast's feet loosened.

The little strange beast was dropped by air, falling down like a cannonball.

Listen to the wind in the sky.

The Beastmaster looked up suspiciously.

I saw a black shadow hit instantly.

It was just about to escape, but it was too late.


Empty head hit the face.

The Beastmaster was smashed.

As soon as the running body is out of balance, politics comes.

It rolled a few times on the ground, shook its head on the ground, woke up, looked at the soul beast that was driven away by it in the sky, and instantly understood who the "black hand behind the scenes" was, and immediately yelled at the sky.



The soul beast yelled twice, saying, ‘I have the ability to come up. ’


Not overnight.

Of course, this is just a little bit of Lin Shan's bad taste. Life, sometimes without having fun, is really a bit boring. Is this behavior boring? Of course it's boring, but what about it, just enjoy it.

Smashed the Beastmaster.

Ignore its screams.

The soul beast gathered his gaze on the complex ten kilometers away.

The complex of buildings at this time still feels small, indicating that the creatures living in these buildings are not big, or even small. Linshan does not have the idea that the universe is full of humans, but it is not absolute, because the origin of humans has always been puzzle.

It is not uncommon for aliens to have humans.

And at this height.

Lin Shan not only saw the complex of buildings.

Also saw a huge gully.

It lies between the end of the **** and the building complex, and the width is about one kilometer. The depth is still invisible due to the angle problem, but from the artificial traces on the corners, it can be seen that there should be some cable bridges in this place. , Was later chopped off.

Because at this angle, you can see the cable bridge carrying the ice wall.


Perhaps this was originally the bridge leading to the bottom, it was too far away to be distinguishable, and at the edge of the slope, a large number of strange animals gathered at this time, roaring towards the opposite bank, and then fell down.

Lin Shan quickly ordered the soul beast to fly over.

Hovering hundreds of meters on the edge of the ravine.

Lin Shan finally saw the full picture of the gully.

The depth of the entire gully is not as deep as Linshan thought, only more than two hundred meters. At the edge of the slope, reaching the bottom of the gully is a **** of more than seventy degrees. The blood is red underneath. There are frozen animals everywhere.

There are still many strange beasts that have been knocked into pieces. Don't think about it, the strange beast below must have been completely frozen, and the strange beast above has fallen, and then was smashed to pieces. It is estimated that the blood fell and was stabbed by the ice cone.

A thick layer of alien animal corpses.

It is estimated to be more than fifty meters thick.

In the gully, the thickness of the corpse here is the highest, and the thickness of the corpse of the alien beast is lower on both sides.

It is conceivable that because this is the exit of the door of space, the alien beasts are the densest. Many of the alien beasts see that they can't walk back and forth, so they walk to the left and right, and finally freeze to death on the road.

Poor terrible beast.

The activities are too restrictive.

It's better to fly.

More than one kilometer apart.

The soul beast could finally see the appearance of the building complex.

Very strange.

very strange.

The spirit beast's field of vision did not see any biological activity, and it was deadly silent, which made Lin Shan puzzled. These foreign beasts were blocked in the gully, and they couldn't make it through, and the building group showed no signs of being destroyed by the foreign beasts.

If there are creatures.

Why is there not even a headshot?

You should come out to watch the fun leisurely, anyway, these strange beasts can't make it through, and so far, Lin Shan has not seen flying strange beasts here, which can be explained.

The location of this teleportation formation is on the plain. There is no such thing as a jade tree for thousands of kilometers. Even if a beast wave occurs, it is difficult to spread on the scale. When the alien beasts migrate, the effect of the jade tree is basically It dissipated.


A beast roar interrupted Lin Shan's thinking.

The soul beast turned his head.

I saw the beast king chasing with hundreds of his men.

The strange beasts in front were hit by this group of beasts. Under the crowd, the strange beasts lost their direction and ran around, and the strange beasts standing on the edge fell into the gully.

The 70-degree gully, the falling speed is extremely fast.


"Stab it..."


Some strange beasts want to grab the ice surface with their sharp claws, but how can that bit of ice bear their weight of tens of tons and a **** as high as 70 degrees? It is basically impossible for these strange beasts to fix themselves.

Only a few light-weight alien beasts barely secured it.


When excited.

It was brought down by a wave of strange beasts.

For a time.

The scene is very chaotic.

The alien beasts played the stack of Arhats below.

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