Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:03:21 AM

Chapter 294: 294

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Lin Shan, who was walking in front, saw the miserable things all over the street.

It's not easy for me.

After all, they are both human beings, although they are not on the same planet, but they all have the same facial features. Seeing them lying on the ground in such despair, he is not ruthless enough to be indifferent.

Feel the sadness of Ruba next to him.

Lin Shan didn't ask why, it is not a good thing to expose others' scars.

Didn't go far.


Lin Shan stopped.

Looking at the corner on the right front, a little girl is coughing violently. The next one is supposed to be her mother, who is weakly leaning against the corner wall with scattered hair, looking at the little girl next to her lovingly.

Her hand gently patted the little girl's back, but she couldn't relieve the little girl's cough, and the movement of her hand indicated that she had no strength.

Eyes are bloodshot.

Flushing scary.

The little girl couldn't stop coughing.

The mother opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound and could only look at her daughter like this.

"Do you give them food?" Lin Shan asked lightly.

Ruba hurriedly said: "Yes, we have plenty of food here, and they will provide food, but even if they have food, they will not be able to restore their health. The disease is spreading rapidly. We are going to start migrating tomorrow. Will be taken."


Lin Shan nodded.

Walked to the mother and daughter.

Take out a plastic bottle from his pocket.

Take out two white things.

"Eat it, it might be better." Lin Shan put a pill in the little girl's hand, and the little girl only felt that as the forest mountain approached, the surrounding air became very fresh, completely different from the turbid and foul smell before.

The mother also looked at Lin Shan in shock.

Because this does not seem to be an illusion.

Is this a god?

"My lord, can I really cure my mother's disease?" The little girl looked at Lin Shan hopefully. Her voice had become hoarse due to coughing. It was distressing to hear, and her eyes became red from coughing.

The skin still has erythema that makes the scalp numb, but Lin Shan doesn't care, just like intensive phobia, the neural response to this negative emotion hormone has already been controlled freely.

"Well, maybe it will be good after eating." Lin Shan nodded with a smile.

The little girl was overjoyed and handed the pills to her mother.

"Mom, eat it quickly, it will be good if you eat it."

Lin Shan said quickly: "I have one more pill, you one each."

"Can I feed all of my mother?" The little girl's behavior made Lin Shan not know what to say. At this time, the mother was still weakly leaning against the wall, not to move, she couldn't even speak.

His eyes were flustered, for fear that Lin Shan would agree.

"One pill is enough for one person." Lin Shan shook his head.

Heard this.

The mother looked at the forest mountain gratefully.

"Oh, mother, you take it first." The little girl handed the pill to her mother's mouth. The mother took the pill in her mouth. She felt so bitter, but she did not dare to spit it out for fear that Lin Shan would be angry.

"This thing can't be crushed. It will be very unpalatable when it is crushed. Put it in your mouth, drink a sip of water, and swallow it directly."

Lin Shan taught the little girl to swallow pills.

This is the latest high-dose and high-efficiency broad-spectrum antibiotic tablet developed by the Earth.

The bactericidal effect is definitely not blown, it is specially used for large-area infections, and the effect is long-lasting and remarkable. Using a plant extract of the animal star as the raw material, it has a strong effect even on the martial artist.


Lin Shan is 50% sure that he can cure the person's illness with just one pill.

Just get out of this environment next.

People should not die.

Watching the two take the pills.

Lin Shan stood up.

"This mother has no strength. You can find a place to settle it. Also, this is for you. One pill per person on the street. Not much. It should have a certain effect. If it is not enough, come to me again." Lin Shan handed it over. The box is big.

There are thousands of grains in it, and it should be enough for the people here. If not, he still has it. This is the power of technology. As long as the technology is mastered, any ‘magic medicine’ can produce shocking energy.

Trembling, took the bottle in Lin Shan's hand.

"Thank you."

Ruba knelt suddenly.

He believed that this was definitely not fooling them. If they were given to the two mothers and daughters, it might be a comfort before death, but if they were given out in large quantities, it might be really curable.

Thought of this.

Ruba was very excited.

The feeling of being enveloped by death, he watched too much.

"Well, one pill per person, no more, don't hide it privately, otherwise, my temper is not very good." Lin Shan warned.

"Yes, don't worry." Ruba said quickly.


Ruba handed what was in his hand to his team members.

"Starting from the street, one pill per person, let them swallow it with water instead of hiding it privately."


His team members nodded hurriedly, Lin Shan's words, how could they dare to discount, that is the existence of flying to escape from the sky, killing strange beasts, now thinking about them, they are all surprised.

Lin Shan followed Ruba onward.

at this time.

The city lord of the dungeon also got the news, and hurriedly brought his men over. Although he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and questioned their words, it did not prevent him from knowing that Lin Shan was very powerful.


Lin Shan saw the city lord Songku who was approaching the city lord's mansion.

Songku, an old man with a dying year, is a bit uncomfortable walking, but the light in his eyes let Lin Shan know that this person is not as simple as it appears, and he has reached the level of a master. .

It's just a relatively low-level geoman.

When he is old, even if he is a geoman, he cannot resist the passage of time.

"Hello, Shan, I am Songku, the lord here, and welcome to Yawu City."

Songku looked at Linshan without a trace, with a deep respect in his tone, walked to Linshan's side and breathed the fresh air, Songku completely established his identity as a strong Linshan.

"Hello, City Lord Songku, let's go to your place and talk." Lin Shan said.

"Okay, please."

Songku led the way carefully in front.

The people around were instantly surprised by the changes in the air. Some people wanted to try, they got a little far away, and then immediately ran back with an ugly face. There was really no contrast. . . There is no harm.

"Mountain, this air is." Songku asked tentatively.

Lin Shan replied, "As you can see, the air quality here is too bad. I brought some air in." This was easy to say, but everyone present was shocked.

Bring some air in.

How to hear this, how awesome.

"This, take the liberty to ask, have you become a deity?" Songku asked cautiously, combined with Linshan's various performances, Songku remembered a legend deep in his memory.


Lin Shan questioned.

What is it called.

Is it Tianyu?

There is also Tianyu here?

Songku didn't understand why Lin Shan didn't admit it, so he had to explain: "You can fly into the sky. This is the ability of a celestial man. You can fly in the sky and control the movement of things."

Lin Shan suddenly.


"If you said that, it should be."

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