Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:02:07 AM

Chapter 339: 339

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The fact is also true.

Riyan is not crazy.

Just so excited.

The royal family once ruled the planet for thousands of years, but the last heaven and the immortal passed away. The kingship was unable to maintain, and the country fell apart. They were also forced to give up most of the cities, leaving only a few.

As a descendant of the royal family.

There is a mission from birth.

That is, re-cultivating devas, rebuilding kingship, and restoring the glory of the past, but hundreds of years have passed, and no devas within the royal family have appeared. They have been under heavy pressure since they were young.

As a royal genius, he has high hopes.

He is now over forty.

at last.

Achieved the position of heaven and man.

That kind of excitement, outsiders cannot understand.


An unfamiliar voice came into the ear.

Li Yan only noticed Sun Wudao and Kemp not far away. He knew Kemp, but Sun Wudao had never seen him, but the four stars on his shoulders showed that this person was special.

Reflexively stand at attention and salute.


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yan felt a little depressed. This conditioned reflex was really too profound. He is also a celestial man now, unlike Kemp, who was raised to the realm of celestial man by Lin Shan.

He has now completely fallen to Lin Shan's side, he can see it.

But myself.

In addition to learning the discipline for a month, there are also those delicacies. I have not received Lin Shan's great favor. I have a much less awe of Lin Shan. And the person in front of me, even if he is in a high position, what about?

After letting go.

Riyan wanted not to stand so straight.

But he suddenly realized that he had forgotten how he stood before, and he was even more depressed.

"Li Yan, congratulations, you successfully broke through to a new level."

Sun Wudao clapped three times.

Hearing the compliment, Riyan was overjoyed and raised his head a little arrogantly. When Kemp saw it, he had a bad premonition in his heart. Riyan's arrogance was a bit too obvious.

"Liyan, this is Brigadier General Sun Wudao, our training program instructor next month." Kemp said loudly.

"Sun Wudao." Li Yan murmured. This is not the first time he has heard of the three-character name. Many instructors here have three-character names, and there are even longer ones, which is not surprising.

"Li Yan, next, follow Kemp to learn how to control your mental power to avoid hurting others. Your talent is good. Keep working hard and look forward to seeing you next time." Sun Wudao finished speaking and turned away.

If the earth gave birth to a heavenly powerhouse.

He will be very happy and may talk for a long time, but Li Yan is not a human being on earth, no matter how powerful he is, he is not very happy in his heart. These people have not yet agreed with the rule of earth civilization. They are powerful and not very happy.

But just after Sun Wudao took a few steps.

Li Yan two steps forward.

"Brigadier General Sun Wudao, since you are our instructor next month, I would like to see your strength and hope it will be fulfilled." Xue Wei knows his strength, and the weak ones are okay, but he doesn't know how to rank higher.

This time I wanted to try it.

Sun Wudao stopped.

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Exactly what he wanted.

Xue Wei heard from a distance and wanted to come up to stop him, but he was called back by his gesture. Xue Wei was really nervous. Sun Wudao definitely did not reach the heaven. Although the people here are dying of secret methods, but the level difference Put it there.

Turned around.

Sun Wudao looked at Li Yan with a faint smile, "You want to try it?"

Li Yan was a little hairy by this smile, but now it's not the time to admit the counsel, he raised his chest and said, "Yes, I... I want to ask for advice, but I am a little curious, what kind of heroes are Lin Shan Tianren's subordinates? ."

Scene words.

He came easily.

Sun Wudao slowly pulled out the soul soldier from behind.

"Okay, but it's boring to fight and sweat. In this way, within a minute, I put this knife on your neck, even if I win, if I can't let it go, even if I lose, bet. ,No."


Li Yan was speechless.

No bet, what do you say.

"Okay, I don't have a knife." Li Yan agreed.

I saw Sun Wudao shaking his head: "No, you don't need a knife. Now, start timing."


Li Yan felt uneasy.

This is an obvious use of weapons to bully him, but if you don't give him a knife, then he won't run. He feels that the opposite Sun Wudao has a problem with his brain, and even Kemp feels the same.

Looking at Sun Wudao a few steps away.

Li Yan bent his knees and kicked his legs.


After retreating tens of meters, he didn't believe it. He couldn't even escape. Li Yan set himself up, watching Sun Wudao in the distance walking step by step, and counted silently in his heart. Now it is almost twenty. Seconds away.

There are forty seconds.

Sun Wudao lost.

This rule was also passed on, and the soldiers onlookers retreated quickly and watched nervously at the people in the field, thinking that they could watch a master showdown or play with a new higher-ranking officer.

But after a month of training.

The military discipline has long been memorized very familiar.

Be careful.

Here is discipline.

They didn't have the same discussions in the vegetable market, they watched in silence.

"Tread..." Sun Wudao stepped on the concrete ground with his leather boots.

Sound on the ground.

Click on it.

Knocking on the hearts of the people present.

Seeing Sun Wudao coming forward in a hurry, Li Yan really couldn't understand it, but he was still far away and safer. Thinking of this, Li Yan bent his knees again and prepared to back away.


Li Yan had a stature.

There was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

Because he felt that his body was bound by a huge mental power, unable to move, this mental power tightly wrapped around his whole body, hands, feet, and neck, and he couldn't even blink his eyes.

Li Yan was shocked.

This mental power is so powerful that it can be used in seconds, and if its power is used, he will be smashed. The difference between the body and the head is more than terror. Is this the power of Sun Wudao?


Riyan also awakened his mental power.

He felt that this mental power did not come from Sun Wudao, but the weapon in his hand, but how could this be? How could the weapon have mental power, but that was how his mental power was fed back.


Can't even do a knife?

"Step on..."

Just when Li Yan tried his best to break while thinking about it all over again.

There was a sudden coldness on his neck. He knew that it was the knife in Sun Wudao's hand.

Accompanied by Sun Wudao's voice.

"Fifty-five seconds, you lose."

The sound just fell.

Riyan felt the mental power that restrained him disappeared.

Riyan stopped struggling.

Stood up slowly,

Looking at Sun Wudao's smiling face, he had mixed feelings in his heart. This was the worst defeat in his life. There was no resistance. Like the fish on the chopping board, others could slaughter at will.

It's the same even when it comes to heaven.

Like a mustard.

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