Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:00:25 AM

Chapter 407: 407

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A small part of soul beasts were left on the island.

The other spirit beasts were summoned by Lin Shan.

Since then.

The first stage of the exploration mission is complete, and the rest is to see what kind of information the mice can return. Frozen Planet is easy difficulty, so it jumped to hard difficulty in one fell swoop.

Hope that the next civilization is not **** level.

Otherwise, Lin Shan wouldn't be able to bear it even if it was opened, if he didn't worry about encountering a civilization that could destroy the planet. . . That would really be fatal.

A meadow about ten kilometers away from the gate of space.

The soul beasts were successively taken back by Lin Shan to the soul space, stripped of the ‘alien items’ they had eaten, and then released them again. These are Lin Shan’s eyeliners, there is no need to take them back.

When all peeled off.

These soul beasts lurked around these twenty-one space gates.

. . .

Consciousness sinks into the storage space.

Lin Shan began to sort the items.



Essential Products.

Unknown equipment or items.

Soil samples.

Rock samples.

Plant samples.

A few minutes later.

Lin Shan opened his eyes.

At the same time, a large number of ‘trophies’ appeared around him, floating around him. These were all representative things he had selected, and there was no need to take out all the repetitive ones.

"Swish." A sound.

next moment.

Lin Shan and these objects disappeared in the forest.

Calm was restored on the grass.

From time to time there were roars in the distance.

. . .


On the ground around the rock lay more than a dozen dead animals.

Zhou Xin stood on the surface of the aircraft.

Looking solemnly at the direction of Lin Shan's disappearance, Lin Shan was just a person, no matter how strong he was, he would still be worried. The third civilization, everything is unknown, if science and technology are extremely advanced, forests and mountains are in danger.

Not all civilizations are as weak as frozen planets.


Another alien beast that wanted to eat these corpses was killed. The bullet passed through the eyes of the alien beast and exploded in its brain. Many of these alien beasts were new-type alien beasts and could not be allowed to approach the aircraft.

If it will spray any corrosive liquid or gas.

They didn't agree to damage Lin Shan's'car'.


"I am back."

A sound came into the minds of everyone around the aircraft.

It is Lin Shan’s voice, the familiar voice is actually a kind of sensation. The transmission depends on neurons. As long as the frequency is well controlled, this kind of thought transmission can realize the ‘listening to distinguish people’.

Heard these four words.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If Lin Shan can't come back.

They all have to catch blind.

It’s about 400,000 kilometers away from the earth’s civilization. They want to go back. They don’t even think about it for a year or two, and they still can’t find a direction. The beast star is so big that they are terrifying even thinking about it.

Weapon pressure.

They saw Lin Shan come out of the forest.

The weird thing is.

There are so many things floating around Lin Shan, I am afraid that a container can't fit, what is this? Could it be. . . They stared at objects they hadn't seen before with their eyes shining brightly.

Are these alien objects?

Have you reaped so soon?

How long is this?

It's only been over two hours.

Is wondering.

"Captain Zhou, organize the manpower, and take some bags and containers from the sample room. These are the things of the third civilization. Let's make a simple number first." Lin Shan jumped on the rock and came to the belly of the soul soldier.

"Yes, General, the second team will go to the sample room, and the third team will go down to help." Zhou Xin said on the intercom.


Quickly jumped down.

The brackets of the soul soldiers are all retractable.

The lower space is three stories high.

The rocks are smoother.

Lin Shan was thrown directly on the ground, a lot, like a hill, these things have hard shells, they are not afraid of being crushed at all, but they look a bit like a garbage disposal plant.

But these rubbish.


If there is something to sell, the earth civilization is estimated to be willing to spend tens of billions to buy it.

"General, have you been there?" Zhou Xin asked curiously.

‘Well, this civilization is very special, with a very high level of civilization, maybe not worse than ours, this is their space gate, I marked it. "Lin Shan handed a wad of things.

Those who followed are qualified to know this.

There is no need to hide general information from Zhou Xin and others.

Zhou Xin took a look.

The heart suddenly raised it. It was really a defense like a tortoise shell. The only gap was the gate of the five spaces. I wanted to come to Linshan to obtain these things from one of them.

It depends on the situation.

The fight was fierce over there.

The traces of these'captured' items being destroyed by foreign animals are obvious.

"The same twenty-one space gates, fifteen are completely enclosed. The penetrating weapons we carry may be able to penetrate them, but it is meaningless. There is a powerful army on the opposite side.

One of them was used for observation, and only five were opened. Opposite the door of each space, they were equipped with sound wave generators, and the air pressure generated was equivalent to tens of times the gravity.

And there is such a strong damage to the biological brain. I also tried to destroy the sound wave generator of one of them. I only got these things, and they will be repaired soon.

In short, this civilization is difficult to deal with.

For the time being, they only know that they have mastered anti-gravity technology and kinetic energy weapon technology, and have not found gunpowder and other weapons. I don't know if they are eliminated or they do not have gunpowder technology. "

Lin Shan explained to Zhou Xin.

The stenographer next to him also quickly recorded. These are important pieces of information. At the same time, they all felt stunned. Anti-gravity weapons, kinetic energy weapons, and powerful sound wave generators are no worse than their earth civilization.

Even more powerful.

Fortunately, Lin Shan returned safely.

Lin Shan finished.

They numbered the samples together with them, bagged and sealed them, and put them back in the sample room. Because there were too many things, it took more than three hours before they finished packing up the things in front of them.

Seven hundred and fifty pieces.

It was full of a small sample room, but these were mostly samples of materials and equipment, and it was OK to throw them on the ground. Anyway, the skin was very solid, and they had such a harvest on the first day. They were happy.


Soon, he was poured cold water on the technology of the Third Civilization.

On the rock.

The accompanying three scientists were disassembling a weapon.

Take out a light blue box.

"General, this should be a material that can store a lot of electrical energy. It is stronger than the best energy storage battery on earth. As for how much, it needs to be tested.

If we can really support this weapon to fire metal bullets for a long time, I think the earth will set off a new energy revolution, and many of our technologies will have breakthroughs, which is great. "

It's like looking at your own children.

The three looked at the weapons in front of them.

Except for energy storage devices.

The electric-kinetic energy conversion device also made them want to dismantle it immediately, but there are almost no scientific research conditions here, and it is useless if dismantled, and they dare not dare to do such a valuable thing.

As for the suspected anti-gravity device, they dare not take it apart.

"Captain Zhou, on the top of the mountain range in the distance, I found an excellent stationing place where I can see the six space gates. I decided to use it as an observation station and set off in five minutes."

Cannot break through in a short time.

Establish an outpost observation station.

This matter has already been set for action content.


. . .

After half an hour.

The aircraft flew over the forest and flew behind a main peak in the distant mountains. There are a lot of plants under the main peak, but the upper part is bare rock with all kinds of holes.

Densely dense, many of them are connected.

The internal space is not large, and it is difficult for large alien animals to fly in. Before it was a nest of small alien animals, but on the way back, Lin Shan collected them all by the way and occupied their nest.

Whether it is concealment or security is the best choice.

This mountain is more than 20 kilometers high, and it is less than 30 kilometers from the nearest space gate. With a professional telescope, you can see the situation of the six space gates.

The aircraft stopped on the edge of one of the large holes.

Fell off.

The tail slowly flew in.

When approaching the cave wall, the tip of the soul soldier still stretched out more than ten meters.

"This was a nest of a small alien animal before. I killed it just now. Your task now is to draw a map, familiarize yourself with the environment, close some openings, install aisle lighting, and install simple functional houses."

"Captain Zhou, you must build this outpost observation station within 24 hours, and then make a list of what materials are needed, I will bring you back, and I will leave for you in 24 hours."


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