Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:58:43 AM

Chapter 469: 469

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They are very clear.

After going back.

Even if you continue to stay in each.

They will also receive ‘special treatment’, and in the end, because they’re not gregarious, they will be discharged on their own accord. The earth civilization has also calculated this point before allowing them to choose to retire directly.

After being discharged.

There will definitely be various constraints in the life back home.

That being the case.

Follow the earth civilization.

It seems good too.

No matter how you look at it, the latter is the best choice.

Looking at the excited eyes below, Long Weiqi was very satisfied. Such a long education has not been in vain, and the powerful impression of earth civilization has been imprinted in these people's minds.

Teach them words.

Teach them the language.

Isn't it just to set up some examples in the third civilization? Only after the earth civilization can there be meat eating. These people will be the key training targets in the future, among them the outstanding ones.

Earth civilization may give a high position in the coalition forces.

"Please raise your hands if you choose to return to your country and leave the military." Long Weiqi said, this set does not distinguish civilization.

Six hundred people look around.

One minute later.

No one raised their hands.

"Very well, congratulations. From now on, you will know how correct this choice is. Before you go back, your main task is to learn the basics of martial arts-physical training."

"After arriving in your civilization, you will be eligible to eat alien animal meat."

"The meeting is over."

Long Weiqi turned and left.

Others went back one after another.

In the crowd.

Xichen took a deep breath.

at last.

Earth civilization still won, and there is almost no suspense about winning.

And he has no retreat, only to go to the dark with earth civilization, but this is not bad, in this chaotic and unknown situation, following the strong is the right thing.

Back to the laboratory.

Xichen continued to work.

He has only this value to help the earth civilization digest the advanced knowledge of the third civilization. You must know that the earth civilization will definitely require them to contribute the technology of the third civilization.

No more effort.

A large number of scientists from the Third Civilization joined in, and his role was much smaller.

"What shall we do from now on?"

One of Xichen's assistants also realized this problem.

Xichen said indifferently: "Do your own thing, I believe that the earth civilization will have arrangements."


ten minutes later.

New images appeared on the projections in each room.

Ming Dong, who was running back and forth in the room, came in spirit.

Since this is a detention center, not a residential area, although they can now be said to be allies of earth civilization and not prisoners of war, they cannot walk around at will.

It just didn't close the door.


At the meeting just now, it was the first time Mingdong heard of it. But it must be a good thing, because on the way back, Zong Xin asked Ming Dong to practice well, saying that this is the foundation of the martial art of the earth civilization.

I saw on the screen

One is a synthesized voice, and it is being explained in the language of the third civilization.

"Bodybuilding is a set of basic martial arts techniques that extend the flexibility of the body, which is owned by the earth civilization, and helps to quickly and efficiently avoid the attacks of foreign animals in battle."

"Next, please see the complete bodybuilding technique again."


The people of the third civilization look stupid.

I saw that the people inside actually made various actions beyond the limits of the human body as if they were boneless. In addition to the static demonstration at the beginning, they also demonstrated the dodge specifications for large alien animals.

The movement of clouds and flowing water.

Walk through the forest in a chic and comfortable way.

From time to time, he also showed off his sword and martial arts.

Seeing their blood boil.

This is also OK?

This is physical exercise?

"The bodybuilding technique aims to enhance physical coordination and control. The martial artist's position is still based on kinetic energy weapons. The earth division level can start to try to fight with cold weapons and alien beasts. Among them, the high-level earth division..."

Listen to the introduction.

They understand the importance of physical training, which is the basis for single-handedly against alien beasts.


Must learn.

Their dreams.

Isn't it this?

. . . . . .

The third civilization.

Gu Xu Freedom Federation.

As soon as Zhong Shen returned to the Governor's Mansion, he sent a communication request to the biggest figure on the overseas island, but within five seconds, the other party's virtual image appeared in front of him.

"Governor Zhongshen, what's the matter?"

"You should know what happened just now. After the meeting, the earth civilization made a request to give you a chance to become a district of the Federation. You also have the responsibility to resist the beasts, stars and aliens together."

Almost in an informative tone.

Zhong Shen informed the opponent of Lin Shan's decision.

There was silence for a long time. Lin Shan's live broadcast was global. Their equipment was bought from various countries, and they had no manufacturing capabilities themselves, so they were naturally forced to watch two live broadcasts.

Before the beast star was a crisis.

Now it has become a treasure trove, how can they not be tempted.

"What can we get?"

This is negotiating terms with Zhong Shen.

Zhong Shen squinted his eyes and said with a chuckle: "The qualification to go to the beast star, I allow your people to join our army, but we must be under our command. We will treat them equally."

"We want to direct ourselves." The other party said.

Zhong Shen waved his hand.

"Impossible, the beast stars are dangerous, and uncontrollable armed forces are not allowed in their respective defense zones."

"Furthermore, although the command power of our countries is in our hands, they are sometimes affected by the coalition forces. We do not have complete autonomy. Why do you? Even if I promised Earth civilization would not agree. "

Zhong Shen continued: "If it weren't for the earth civilization to give everyone a chance to evolve, do you think I'm willing to bring you in? We don't think there are too many different animals? We don't think there are too many strengthened soldiers?"

The other side was silent for a while and asked.

There was a sentence.

"What if we don't agree?"

Zhong Shen laughed and said: "We asked the earth civilization the same sentence, ‘what if we don’t become earth civilization and belong to civilization?’ Do you know the answer to earth civilization?"

"What did they say?" asked over there.

"Once we disagree, they will not allow us to enter the beast star based on the principle of'the land of no owner', who comes first. Once we step in, it will be deemed as a declaration of war."

"Earth civilization gave me two days. Before noon the day after tomorrow, I must give the earth civilization a satisfactory explanation. So, don't underestimate our determination to accomplish something."

Zhong Shen said lightly.

Although the original words are not like this, it is still quite threatening to change it.

There was silence again.

Zhong Shen's words are obvious.

The earth’s civilization is very powerful now. If he ordered Zhongshen to complete the things within two days, if it is not done, Zhongshen will find a way to complete it. Those who dare to stop can only be sorry.


Long sigh.

Agreed over there.

He was afraid that Zhong Shen would directly press the army in order to complete the task, and there would never be any country to help him. Instead of becoming a bereaved dog, it is better to leave a good impression on earth civilization.

Zhong Shen smiled.

"Know the current affairs, come to me in the afternoon to sign a contract."

"it is good."

. . .

That afternoon.

Just after Zhong Shen finished signing.

Lin Shan on the island of Minluo smiled slightly.

The core of civilization.

Here it is.

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