Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:57:48 AM

Chapter 508: 508

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Go beyond the door of space.

The environment changed suddenly.

The light on the surrounding alien beasts weakened a bit.

Lin Shan knows.

This is because the opposite of the door of this space is daylight.

These strange beasts "notify" each other.

It will lower the brightness of the body unconsciously, but because the depth of the underwater is too deep, it has not been lowered too much. If it is on the surface of the water, the various rays of light on these strange beasts will be covered by sunlight.

The strange beasts around did not seem to see the forest mountain.

Passing through him constantly.

This is a secret method of breath simulation.

Just like the aura and coercion of the soul beast, what it conveys is a kind of soul aura similar to the identification code. After the power of the soul can be stripped from the divine realm, Lin Shan has carefully studied it.


just now.

The alien beasts below the heavenly rank and below would not take the initiative to attack when they saw Lin Shan, because in their minds, this was a strange-looking ‘kind’, and it was a powerful kind that couldn’t afford it.

Lin Shan’s message now is ‘Don’t come near me’.

It's not that aggressive.

and so.

These strange beasts only passed by ten meters away from the forest mountain. They did not dare to approach. The strange beasts who were occasionally squeezed over, when they found themselves approaching the forest mountain, they hurried back to the team in fright. It was very fun.

But it can only be used in the Enlightenment Realm.

If anyone saw it.

I guess I really thought that Lin Shan and the strange beast were a group.

Standing at the lower edge of the Space Gate of the Fourth Civilization Planet, Linshan once again dived for more than 30 meters. At this time, the whole scenery appeared polarized. Below, there was a dark, lifeless dark sea.

Can't see to the end.

But under Lin Shan’s mental power, he knew that the bottom was more than four thousand meters deep,


The army of alien beasts like the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ spread in all directions, forming a circular ribbon area. The entire ‘sky’ is like this ‘Rainbow Disk’. To be honest, it looks so beautiful.

Bow your head.

It is like stagnant water.

Not only fish, but even small microbes can't be seen. Obviously, they are all eaten by the beast species. These underwater beasts eat everything except stones and dirt.

The kind that doesn't spit bones.


It should be lively here, and what is being eaten now seems like a mass extinction. A word appeared in Lin Shan's mind.

---Biological invasion.

In previous lives, when alien beasts invaded the earth, it often happened. Near the gate of space, plants with beast stars were often found to germinate, all of which were seeds brought by the skin of alien beasts.


The Gate of Space belongs to the frontline war zone.

Every day I was ploughed by large-scale artillery fire, bombed and attacked again and again. These plants invaded, and they didn't become a climate at all. Before they sprouted, they were killed by the high temperature of the explosion, shock waves and endless bullets.

The same goes for frozen planets.

Frozen like that.

There is very little soil.

The ground is mostly the kind of thermal storage white stone, which is not suitable for the growth of beast star plants. It can be said that in that extreme environment, there is no "fishing pond", beast star animals will starve to death, and plants will starve to death and freeze to death.

The Third Civilization is even more unafraid, the technology of others is not weak.


For biological invasion.

Earth civilization and the other two civilizations don't feel much, but this fourth civilization is probably going to be played to death by this effect, because the fourth civilization seems to be similar to the frozen planet.

There is very little land.

to date.

The soul beasts in the past did not find rocky land. Within a radius of thousands of kilometers, there were only trees and endless trees. These trees grew on the sea with well-developed roots, ranging from tens of meters in length to hundreds of kilometers in length.

The people of the Fourth Civilization that have been discovered so far live on these trees.


Villages and towns.



All are based on trees.

They built houses on trees, built wooden bridges, and built cities on the water. Their lives were primitive. They ate fruits from trees, fish in the water, and some poultry in captivity.

Don't look at other people's food is simple.

But in biotechnology.

Very developed.

They have cultivated many powerful plant species, ordinary bows and arrows, and even armor-piercing firearms that are as powerful as the earth.


Their opponent is underwater.

Directly wipe out the advantages of these weapons.

In addition.

They are also very popular in individual cultivation.

The overall strength is several levels higher than the average martial artist of the frozen planet.

Don’t have too many earth masters and martial artists, the number of heavenly domain experts has dropped sharply.

Maybe there is.

Maybe not.

This is what he has to figure out next.

What interests Lin Shan most is.

This civilization has very powerful underwater technologies and secrets. It can use the secrets of the earth division to move freely underwater, but it has long and short legs. In general, its development potential is huge.

The technology tree is crooked.


These strange beasts.

Most of them can eat the trees here.

Observed by the spirit beasts of Linshan, in the past few months alone, the sea surface of dense water forests had been eaten by more than two hundred kilometers.

The radius is more than two hundred kilometers.

Plus the bite before.

The 700-kilometer radius of this gate of space has changed from ‘land’ to ‘ocean’.

Farther away.

Countless cities and villages of the Fourth Civilization are moving and evacuating.

And constantly killing and resisting the alien beasts at the edge of the woods where the alien beasts gnawed, but it can only slightly reduce the gnawing speed of the alien Fortunately.

The advancement of these strange animals seemed to be regular.

That is, it will not go 20 kilometers beyond the sea with woods. In other words, at least the people behind are safe for the time being, and a strange beast will not suddenly emerge from the bushes of living.

For the time being, Lin Shan doesn't know if there is or how many rocky land on this planet.

If the whole planet is a water forest.

. . . The Fourth Civilization is probably going to be a tragedy.

The whole ‘land’ is gone, where can they go without a place to stay? How long can it last? Will it be the last food that turns into a strange animal?

The probability is not small.


A thing fell on top of Lin Shan.

Stretched out his hand.

Caught in your hands.

He knew that this was the standard bow and arrow of the Fourth Civilization Army, made from special vines.

Spiritual power radiated.

Sure enough, above the gate of this space, several celestial experts are constantly shooting arrows in the air.

Attack the alien beast below the sea.

The huge kinetic energy is reduced.

The lethality of arrows that make these speed comparable to heavy sniper bullets is limited to a few tens of meters below the water surface.

It is impossible to kill a few strange beasts at all.

But Lin Shan knew that their purpose was not to kill.

It slows down the speed of following them.

When the alien beast is attacked and bleeds, the nearby alien beast will gnaw it away. If it is properly predicted and fired continuously, it can indeed reduce the advancing speed of the alien beast within the area.


This can also attract superficial monsters.

Under the water at the location of Linshan, the strange beasts were still advancing in all directions, regardless of the **** similar species on the surface.

Because they are not too stupid.

Knowing that I might have no part in running there.

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