Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:57:35 AM

Chapter 516: 516

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after an hour.

   Lin Shan has basically mastered the characters of the Starwood Empire.

   After reading the law and some illustrated books.

   He also read a thick dictionary carefully. Common words, rare words, and exclusive nouns can also be distinguished clearly. At this time, Xinling said that her throat was a little uncomfortable, and she was drinking water.

   "Palace Master, how many books can I read here?" Lin Shan asked after putting down the dictionary.

   "This is the regular library. You can read all the books."

   Linshan suddenly.

   There are other bookshelves.


good stuff.

   Of course, you can't mix them casually.


   Lin Shan closed his eyes.

  The huge spiritual power covers the entire 300 square meter library.

   tens of thousands of books automatically without wind.

   began to turn the page.

   Lin Shan’s brain has been overclocked to the limit.

   The mental power is constantly scanned.

   Reading a book, Lin Shan can already read from the bumps of pen and ink on each page.

   There are two ways, co-authored reading and flipping. The former is very difficult, because you have to control your mental power within the sheets of paper. If you are not level, you may read it incorrectly.

   The other is simpler.

   after opening.

   The mental power can be read directly by sweeping the surface.

   His mental power can't be used for everything.

   up to a few hundred.


   under the acceleration of overclocking.

   Every second, Lin Shan can read at least 30 times. When the frequency per unit time increases, it can almost be used as a one-minded one. In this way, every second, Lin Shan can record a page on the surface of these books.


   In Xinling's opinion.

   All the books on the bookshelf turn automatically at the rate of one page per second, which is very strange.

   "Mother, this... this is?" Xinling stammered.

   turned around and took a look.

   Her mother's face was also full of horror.

   "Impossible, impossible."

   She doesn't believe that humans can read it so fast.

   Even she can't read at this speed at all. With the manipulative power required, she thinks she can read more than a dozen books like this at most. Now, Lin Shan reads more than 10,000 at the same time.


   is still limited by the total number of books.

   Ignore their surprise.

   Linshan tirelessly absorbs the knowledge of the Fourth Civilization.

  What is the most important thing about a civilization?

  Lin Shan used to think that it was a resource and a population, but later, after the third civilization, Lin Shan's thinking began to change. A civilization, most importantly, is a civilized culture.

   This is the crystallization of all its wisdom.

at this time.

   The magnificent history of the Fourth Civilization unfolds before Lin Shan.







   A novel world is placed in front of Lin Shan, that is the spiritual world of the fourth civilization.

  A group of thoughts of countless predecessors, there are laughter, sadness, regret, helplessness, excitement, and despair. . . Lin Shan seemed to see the growth history of a civilized life.

   Linshan also discovered.

   The knowledge integration of the Fourth Civilization is done very well.

   can be said to make people stunned, especially in this kind of place, all knowledge is rarely repeated, an idea, Lin Shan will not see it more than three times.

   is not like the earth.

   A concept.

   may be published by thirty or fifty people.

   Dozens of new books are added every year. What could have been said on two pages has been literally turned into one book, or into hundreds of books. It seems that there is a large amount of knowledge and a rich collection of books on the other side of the earth.

   But more than ninety-nine percent are repetitive knowledge, which is a waste of people's time searching for it in the vast sea of ​​books.

at this point.

   Lin Shan felt that when he went back, he suggested that the earth should be integrated.

Just like the textbooks from elementary school to university prescribed by the state, a large-scale knowledge integration is carried out to reduce the cost of finding knowledge for future generations. Duplicate knowledge also publishes books. Apart from making money and seeking fame, Lin Shan can’t find anything else. value.


   The sound of intensive page turning echoed in the library.

   Xinling and Famu were already speechless, and they didn't know what to say, for fear of disturbing Lin Shan.

five minutes.

   due to the difference in thickness.

  Half of the book is over.

   Immediately afterwards, the page turning speed of other books increased a lot, and then, less than five minutes later, when the thickest book was turned over at a shadowless speed.


   The book is closed.

   Lin Shan opened his eyes and smiled at the wide-eyed three people: "Thank you, I'm finished."

This sentence.

   echoed in the minds of the three.


finish watching?

This. . .

"Your Excellency Lin Shan, what realm are you, is it above the sky?" Xinling's mother took a deep breath and asked carefully. Just now, she felt so powerful that she felt the vastness. Mental power.

   "Above the sky?" Famu and Xinling felt the air stagnate.

   Seeing their nervous expressions.

   Lin Shan smiled slightly.

   above the sky.

   He has not understood what it means.

  Kunkong is the celestial realm. The first five steps are the small realm, the middle fourth is the middle realm, and the tenth celestial realm is the great realm of surviving the sky. This realm is the big realm before the establishment of the cellular energy transmission network.

   began to build a cellular energy transmission network.

   is the upper realm of escape from the sky.

   From the great realm to the upper realm, there is no specific cultivation method here, but there are records in this regard. Because the mental power control required is too strong and too detailed, the information recorded in the fourth civilization will take at least 30 years.

   thirty years.

   Can only cultivate spiritual power from the tenth level of the heavens to the cell control stage, Lin Shan can also understand that without the resources of the alien animal flesh of the beast star, the individual's cultivation speed is very slow.

   In the history of the Fourth Civilization.

   records that there are many people in the upper realm of escape, at least with hands, but they all disappeared in the end. Lin Shan probably went to retreat You know, the construction of the cell energy transmission network.

   If there is no such resource as the beast star.

   The great realm to the stars.

   A hundred years may not be expected.

   looked at the three.

   Lin Shan said lightly: "Maybe."

   this answer.

   The three people’s heads were buzzing, and above the sky, what a powerful existence was that, Fei Mu didn’t know, but as the palace lord, she didn’t know how, the predecessors of the Star Palace and the imperial family had such seekers.

   There are not many people.

   They are currently discussing countermeasures.

   I heard that some people have gone to explore the beast stars. They haven't come back yet. I want to come. The beam of light was related to them.


   "Tomorrow I will go to the Imperial Library to see." Lin Shan said.

   "Okay, tonight, I will arrange a quiet room for you first."

   Lin Shan nodded.

   Although I have read so many books, I just remember that I haven't fully digested it yet. It will take time.

after that.

   followed Xin Ling.

   Lin Shan came to a quiet room.

   is made of stone, surrounded by something like rubber. It looks like it should be used for sound insulation. It is said that the heart of defense is indispensable. However, Linshan is a long river, if these people have malicious intentions.

   is nothing more than a smashing tree.

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