Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:54 AM

Chapter 538: 538

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Outside the door of a space.


An evacuating space secretary will inadvertently glanced at the sky, and saw a blue light ball flying down, because the speed was too fast, the sound had not reached the ground, they could only see people.

She yelled.

Let everyone around look towards the sky.

"what is that?"

"do not know."

"Be prepared, it's coming to us."

Because the distance is too far.

They couldn't see clearly what was approaching. By the door of space, Qi Xing, as a rear front legion commander, theoretically didn't need to defend the door of space, but today just happened to come to see her mother.

Is preparing to go back.

Ten seconds later.


The booming sonic boom.

Suddenly, it resounded through the entire fourth civilization's teleportation array. As the sound waves from behind continued to reach the ground, this rumbling sound lasted for more than ten seconds, and everyone was taken aback. It was a terrible movement.

at this time.

Lin Shan has preceded the sound.

Arrived at the door of space.

Volley stood in front of Qixing.

"Qixing Legion Commander, long time no see." Lin Shan smiled at Qi Xing.

Twenty days.

It was a long time for Lin Shan. Since time is a relative concept, the brain has been running at a high speed for a long time. If you follow the thinking speed of an ordinary person, Lin Shan has not seen Qixing for more than ten years.

at this time.

Qi Xing has been stunned.

Lin Shan.

It turned out to be Lin Shan.

She couldn't help taking a deep breath. As the commander of the army, she already knew what had happened in the imperial capital. Her feelings for Lin Shan, who was so strong that it was beyond their understanding, were mixed.

Worship has it.

There is awe.


There is also the slightest fear, because the person in front of him is a powerful existence that can kill himself in his mind. Even the strongest in the empire, except for Lord Xingmu, is said to be like a baby in front of Linshan.

Back then.

I actually talked to Lin Shan for so long.

He even tried to test Lin Shan.

It's simply irresponsible.

Fortunately, Lin Shan did not have the same knowledge as himself. Thinking of the imperial empress’s orders, Qi Xing hurriedly performed a courtesy for the distinguished guests: "Master Lin Shan, I am glad to see you again."

"I'm also very happy, this time, you won't invite me to join again." Lin Shan joked.

Qixing hurriedly said:

"I was reckless last time, but my duty is."

"They are all soldiers, I understand. This time I came here to talk to your empress and Xingmu. As a distant neighbor, I should communicate more often. I also miss the cuisine of the Imperial Capital a little bit." Lin Shan said with a smile.

"Then I will inform the Queen of you immediately."

"it is good."


Qixing took out the communication "Snail".

After passing through the gate of space, within a few seconds, I contacted the queen, "Your Majesty, Your Excellency Lin Shan is visiting, and I want to go to the Imperial Capital to see you and Lord Xingmu, and I want to taste the cuisine of the Imperial Capital by the way."

"Lin Shan? Well, you bring him here yourself."

The empress was shocked and finally came.


End the communication.

The queen hurriedly ordered to prepare the best food, and at the same time contacted the royal family and the palace lord of the Samsung Palace, as well as Xingmu, who was healing underwater. Xingmu does not have the gene blood pool of Linshan and cannot recover in a short time.

For a time.

The Imperial City is a bit lively.

. . .

At the door of space.

"Master Lin Shan, Your Majesty the Queen asked me to take you there." Qi Xing said.


"Mother, I'll leave first." Qi Xing said to one of the women in the Evacuation Realm. Her mother is actually about the same strength as her, and there is still some distance to break through to the Evacuation Realm.

Said it was mother.

But it looks like a sister.

"Lin Shan, welcome." Qi Xing's mother also gave a big gift.

Lin Shan was about to be polite.


There was a burst of sound, and a dozen people flew in the distance.

Qixing and their faces changed.


"Master Lin Shan, they are from the Qiu Mo Empire, let's go first, lest they offend you." Qi Xing received the order to take Lin Shan to the imperial capital, but she didn't want to be out of line.


Lin Shan suppressed his hand.

"Wait, if it comes to me, I have to know the purpose." The three empires of the Fourth Civilization, he has only contacted the Xingmu Empire, and the other two empires. This time he is here to visit one by one.

Since I found the door.

There is no escape gift.

Hear the words.

Qi Xing was a little worried.

Qixing's mother did not hesitate.

Draw out the long sword, brandish it and go up: "This is the territory of the Xingmu Empire. The incoming people stopped. You broke the agreement and stepped in without permission, wanting to provoke a dispute?"

at this time.

Lai Ren is less than one kilometer away from Linshan.

Stopped by the people of Xingmu Empire.

Lin Shan also saw them clearly.

The clothing of the Xingmu Empire is obviously not the same style. The military uniforms of the Xingmu Empire tend to be garish and colorful, but the Qiu Mo Empire, as the name suggests, likes black attire.

Very colorful tights.

Black armor.

Even the sword is black. To be honest, this attire is not less attractive to ordinary men than the bells and whistles, and even adds a sense of mystery. Unfortunately, Lin Shan just appreciates it.

"We don't want to pick something up. We are here this time to see Master Lin Shan." The leader took off his mask, revealing a perfect face, melon face, and black eyeliner.


really do not know.

If the Earth Civilization and the Fourth Civilization form an alliance, how many men can not sleep at night.


In-depth communication between the two civilizations is impossible in a short time. Because the frozen planet is not suitable for transit fortress stars, the fourth civilization will be the same as the third civilization, temporarily not opening the space door with the earth.

This statement came out.

Qixing and their faces changed suddenly.


The secrets of the empire were leaked. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the people of the Qiu Mo Empire to know Lin Shan's name. Lin Shan said that the Starwood Empire was the first place he came.

"What are you looking for me?" Lin Shan asked with a smile.

"Master Lin Shan, our Queen of the Qiu Mo Empire also wants to invite you to our imperial capital. We will prepare the most solemn etiquette to welcome you." The leading beautiful woman leaned forward and said.

"Okay, but now I have promised the Empress of the Xingmu Empire, I will go to her to sit first, and later, I will take time to visit your emperor and appreciate the customs of the Qiu Mo Empire."

See Lin Shan agrees.

Qixing was anxious.

But I don't know what to say.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin We are looking forward to your arrival." Unexpectedly, it was all at once, and the woman was very happy. In order to wait for Lin Shan, they are the gates of space to carry through the Starwood Empire day and night.

Hard work pays off.

It's done.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded, finished speaking, and explained to Qi Xing: "Qixing Legion Commander, you should understand the purpose of my coming. For I promised them, this is also my duty."

"I understand."

Qixing smiled helplessly.


Lin Shan is a soldier.

Take the heavy responsibility of civilization.

It is impossible to decide who to get close to and who to stay away randomly. They are lucky. Lin Shan's first contact was the Xingmu Empire. Otherwise, it might be them who stayed here.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!