Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:53:41 AM

Chapter 667: 667

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Loess base city.

   Tianpeng has returned from the Fifth Civilization.


   The matter of the Fifth Civilization has come to an end, but it should not be over yet. If the two sides didn't run well, Lin Shan would still be able to realize what he said --- form a coalition government of the Fifth Civilization.


   As long as they are not stupid.

  No country will push things to this point.

   If so stupid.

   That is not worthy to lead a civilization, Lin Shan does not have that much psychological burden to do it.

   "Master, congratulations." Qin Wu said joyfully.

   After the meeting was so long, Qin Wu dared to contact Lin Shan. I'm afraid to disturb Lin Shan and the big guys. After being buried for so long, the master finally received the cheers and applause that belonged to him.

   Of course I am happy to be an apprentice.



   Such a person turned out to be her master, but I don’t know how long it will take him to reach it. It may take many, many years. Unlike Su Yuan, Su Yuan is a general appointed by the Federation and does not require military merit.

   She is a frontline general.

   In addition to military merit.

   There is no other way.

   The federation was just established, and she took advantage, but as the federation's system became more and more perfect, such a situation would never happen again. For example, Lin Mei, her apprentice, still had to start as a soldier.

   It’s just that the road will be easier.

   But there is absolutely no chance of reaching the sky. Lin Mei wants to be promoted to ensign, and it takes at least two years. As for school-level officers, it is possible in five or eight years, but it can definitely be achieved.

   The premise is not to die.


  With the master Lin Shan, it's not easy to die. As an apprentice, Lin Shan has a lot of means to save her life.

   "What do you like, work hard."

   Lin Shan put on the master's shelf.


   Qin Wu is weak.

  . . .

   The sixth civilization.


   A huge city stands on the plain.

   From the scale, it can be seen that the original prosperous scene, but now, the whole city is now covered by a thick layer of yellow sand, dilapidated, not to mention a half-person figure, only heard gusts of wind.

   the edge of the city.

   Under the dazzling light of stars.

   The huge space door ripples through.


   A huge figure came out.


   It screams up to the sky.



   In less than two seconds, the head of the giant beast was pierced by a black shadow, fell down, and slid back along the yellow sand. The black shadow flicked through the air and returned to the top of the opposite building.


   There is a man standing quietly, wearing a dark blue armor.


   The long knife is automatically sheathed.

   Meng Ping.

   Federation Horizon Warriors.

   His task is to look at this place and clean up all the alien beasts.

   Since the gate of space is two-sided, on the other side, there is also a Federation tianyu warrior guarding it. It is estimated that there have been more sandstorms, and thick yellow sand piled up on both sides of the space gate.

   The strange beast comes over and has to climb a hill.

   Every time you finish killing, the corpse will slide back to the beast star along the ramp, and be eaten by the alien beasts over there.

   Automatic cleaning.

   Looking at this almost invisible city, he can think about the prosperity at the beginning, but unfortunately, without knowing what disaster was, all the people here moved away, leaving only an empty shell.

   is by no means a strange animal.

   They have already confirmed.

First of all.

   There are almost no bones here, and there are no signs of humans fighting with alien beasts.


   From the analysis of some traces of life.

   There has been no one living here for at least ten years. According to the information from several other civilizations, it was basically determined how long the beast star had only appeared, and the door of space was opened at the same time.

   will not open here first.

   After coming.

   eyes full of yellow sand.

   At that time, they were still blowing sandstorms, but this did not affect their work. Nowadays, natural disasters in the eyes of ordinary people are just a small trouble for them, so they immediately launched a surveillance satellite.

   This look.

   was surprised.

   The whole planet is like Mars, covered by yellow sand. The mountains, ravines, basins, and hills are all dead, and this dust storm covers almost one third of the planet's surface.

   The environment is really bad.

   The atmosphere is thin.

   Stellar radiation is high.

   contains less oxygen.

   Ordinary people may not be able to take a few minutes of breathing.

   The air humidity is extremely low.

  Gravity is one-fifth smaller than the earth.

   They were still able to adapt. At first, the satellite was constantly searching for traces of life in the sky, but they found nothing. They thought there was no one here, but after the dust passed, there was an accident.

   A city.

Do not.

   An oasis city appeared in the original dust-covered place.

   There are people there.

   There are still a lot. Of course, this is a lot. Compared to the situation where there was no figure before, it does not represent tens of millions. From the results of satellite detection, it is less than one million.

   I thought I was going to make contact.

   But it happened that Lin Shan was going back to Earth for a meeting.

   can only be trimmed in place.

  Waiting for Lin Shan to return again.


   The door of space swayed.

   Meng Ping's mental energy is surging, which means there is something to come over.

   "General Lin."

   saw forest mountain.

   Meng Ping saluted immediately.

   Especially seeing the three generals on Lin Shan's shoulders, he immediately understood what had happened. The generals, their idols, finally took a step further and became the highest-ranking generals in the Federation.

next moment.

   A huge figure came from behind Lin Shan.

   is Tianpeng.

   It seems.

   It is that the Federation felt that the civilization of this planet was not a threat, and began to send troops here. Sure enough, Tianpeng found a place to settle, the tail slowly opened, and a dozen aircraft flew out.


   A line of Federal soldiers came out in order.

   There are many scientists with excitement on their faces. For scientists, nothing is more attractive than exploring the unknown. Every new planet can make them so excited from ear to ear.

   "According to plan." Lin Shan ordered.


   There is no need for Linshan to talk too much nonsense.

   Each has planned a aircraft.

   Carrying federal soldiers and scientists, marching toward the abandoned city that has been proven. According to the label, one can see the scale of the city. There are more than a thousand cities on this planet, which is very many.

   They will pass by one by one.

   Looking for something valuable.


   only a few minutes.

   More than a hundred satellites went into the sky.

   Except for planets.

   There are thirty more for star system observations, and then more than a dozen space vehicles also followed. They will be evenly arranged in the outer sky to support those exploration teams.

   Within half an hour.

   The entire planetary detection and support system has been established.



  Linshan quietly looked at the oasis city above, thinking about how to take it as soon as possible. There is a city with a population, a small population, underdeveloped technology, and a harsh natural environment.

   is not suitable for living.


  Federation has another value.

   If it becomes.

   can solve many problems.

   "The second team is ready to go to their main city." Lin Shan said.

   "Yes, General."

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