Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:53:09 AM

Chapter 690: 690

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Frontline construction is in full swing.


   Loess base city.

   Federal Planetary Defense Agency meeting.

   "General Lin, at the current rate, it is estimated that the installation of all attack platforms and expansion platforms can be completed within a week, and the construction of two three-layer defensive walls can be completed within half a month."

   "After one month, the foundation of the Everlasting Fortress can be poured..."

  The deputy minister of the Federal Logistics Department is reporting to Lin Shan.

According to the plan.

   Priority was given to the construction of two of them.

   The amount of work is too large.

   The progress of other space gates will be delayed, and various platforms do not occupy a lot of space. Piling a pile and putting the platform up will be able to play a role, but the main body of the Eternal Fortress is different.

   Inside the three-layer city wall defensive circle.

   There is also a "big guy".


   The door of space cannot be seen outside, and it will be wrapped by a large building. Therefore, the battlefield will soon be pushed to the side of the beast star by the ground army.

   That works.

   Set the power of the Federation.

   can also quickly complete two of them, while the prefabricated materials can only complete four, that is, for a considerable period of time, the logistics department will have to work overtime to produce and construct.

   Expected one year later.

   can completely complete the defensive transformation of this planet.

   is quite slow.

   But if it is based on the speed of the earth's construction in the past, let alone one year, ten years will be a little overhang.

   about this.

  The Federation is also content.

   If it were not for the passage of the Third Civilization in a few months, the time would have to be delayed for more than half a year.

Last time.

   only opened for a few days.

   closed the space channel between the third civilization and the frozen planet.

   will be reopened after a year, and it has not yet reached the ‘cooling time’. With such a large amount of engineering, the earth is also a bit tight, so naturally it must be done with the Third Civilization.

   can do it over there.

   Other civilizations. . . It's good to be alive.

   There is almost no industry on the frozen planet.

   Daughter star’s industrial technology is available, but on a small scale. There is very little land, let alone building a factory. As for the Fifth Civilization, although technology is possible, it is now being rebuilt and cannot help.

no way.

   can only'squeeze' the third civilization.

   is not a squeeze either.

   Everyone is trading, and the federal government paid for it.

   "With the maximum capacity of the Federation, the first batch of combat materials can be all in place within a week. After the construction of the 90 ammunition warehouses on Fortress Star is completed, the second batch of materials will start shipping."

  "...General Lin, that's it."

   It took five minutes.

  The deputy minister only reported all the data.

   Huge material deployment.

   The logistics department is now madly busy. The arsenals have been emptied, and countless supplies have been transferred from the warehouses. Then, huge orders were sent to various arsenals and private factories.

   They are the busiest group of people now.

   "Thank you."

   Lin Shan smiled and nodded.

   "Since the transportation of materials is okay, and the construction is okay, then proceed according to the plan to test the actual combat performance of the attack platform. This week, the battlefield is temporarily placed on the fortress star."

   "A week later, after collecting enough data, we will start immediately to advance the battlefield to the Beast Star, provide the engineers with a safe construction environment, and establish a relatively safe zone 30 kilometers outside the gate of the Beast Star Space."


   The leaders of the conference will stand up and respond.

   After the meeting.

   Everyone else left.

   Sun Wudao stayed.

   "No way, do you have confidence?" Lin Shan smiled at him.

   This meeting.

   Qin Wu did not participate.

  Because she will still be in Qinling Base City, responsible for the defense of the space gates of all countries on the earth, and Sun Wudao, due to the advancement of the strategic buffer space, he was sent by Lin Shan to the sixth civilization planet.

   was not promoted.

   is just the deputy commander of the fortress star.

   As for the commander-in-chief.

   is Talinshan.


   Compared to before, the level has not been upgraded, but the job has been upgraded. In the past, it was only concerned with the defense of the frozen planet. This planet federation did not pay much attention to it. It has been used as a buffer space, and the fortress star is different.

   This is a real military fortress.

   Next, the Federation will invest huge manpower, material resources and army.

   Take care.

   Within a few years.

   It is not a big problem to be promoted to federal lieutenant general.

   "Thank you, master, I will try my best." Sun Wudao said solemnly.

   "Your military level, because you haven't encountered a real civilized war, you can recite all the military books in human history despite reading so many military books."

   "The actual combat is different."

   "One day in the future, we may face highly intelligent human beings or even other lives."

   "Some can get along with each other in peace, and some may kill you and me. This road is destined to be innumerable. We have no choice but to say so much. Do you know what I mean?"

   Sun Wudao nodded,


   "Always be ready for war!"

   "Well, go ahead."


   Sun Wudao finished speaking, turned and left.

   got on the aircraft.

   crossed the gate of space and flew towards the fortress star. The defensive headquarters of the fortress star is on the highest mountain on the planet. At this moment, the top part of this mountain has been cut off, and a command ship is parked on it.

   That's right.

  The kind that can fly.

   But generally it will not take off, but used as a fixed fortress.

   Linshan refining.

   belongs to the ‘sky level’ of the warrior equipment. Tianyu Martial Artist can fly on the beast star, but there is only Sun Wudao here, it is not a simple ‘sky-level’ command ship.

crucial moment.

   Its combat effectiveness will be the strongest in the Federation, except for Lin Shan, the highest control authority is in his hands. Sun Wudao really didn't know how Lin Shan made it, but he was not so curious.

   As strength increases.

   What looked like a **** before is now the same as drinking water.

   One day.

   He will touch that floor.

   came to the office.

   "Call the commanders of the major legions of Frozen Planet. A meeting will be held in ten minutes." Sun Wudao ordered.


   Such a long run-in.

   Frozen Planet is famous for having fully recognized the earth I want to hug my thighs. Therefore, after discussions with the Federal Military Department, it was decided to send one million original troops there.

  Cooperate with the Federal Army.

   Advance and defend the doors of various spaces.


   reduces the pressure and does not need to expand the army.

  The appearance of the fortress star, strictly speaking, the demand for the army will increase. However, as the individual strength of the Federation soldiers increases and the defense is proficient, one person is better than the previous two.


   This time the Federation has no plans to expand its army.

   Only adjust and deploy in the original theaters. In the end, although the total force of the Federation has not increased, the people in the eighth war zone will successively put out 1.6 million people into the ninth theater.

  ---Help defense fortress star.

   is also its importance.

   Many commanders in the base city want to be transferred, even if they serve as deputy. Everyone can see that the defense military merits of major base cities are too narrow, and only military merits of foreign civilization are valuable.


   The Federation did not agree.

   If a quota is given, dozens of lieutenants in the Federation and hundreds of major generals are probably unable to sit still.

  For stability.

   Promote directly internally.

this time.

   The position of the ninth theater as a pro-son has been intuitively reflected, with the best equipment, the most important tasks, the best training resources, and the fastest promotion channel.

of course.

   is also the most dangerous thing to do.

   Once there is a change.

   bear the brunt.

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