Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:50:11 AM

Chapter 818: 818

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  Once every fifteen days.


  Does this mean to brush them?


  Definitely yes.

  I lost today, and it will take more than ten days to go back to recuperate. It is equivalent to saying that after the injury is recovered, I will come back and fight again. Time is a bit tight, but I have experience, at least not as embarrassed as today.

   "As you wish."

  Era bowed.



  The main body of the syndicate vibrated.


  The strong gold fragments on the ground were all gathered, condensed into a tuft, and flew back to the opposite side. Although these things are outdated, they can be used as raw materials for the next generation of strong gold armor, and there is no need to waste them.

   See it.

  Era sighed.

  Sure enough.

  People will not take these fragments to them.

   Say hello.


  Seeing these people leave, the syndicate also turned back to the other side, and glanced at the unmoving likeness in the distance, flying into the lava with strong golden armor fragments. There is also metal in the lava, but the content is too small.

   is mostly rock and soil.

  Extracting metal is too troublesome.

  . . .


  Wang Ting.


  The king was stunned by the news from the Abyss. This time, let alone seeing Lin Shan, he was just a subordinate, so he beat them like this. Although there is still room for energy, if you lose, you lose.

  One to thirty.

  I'm fine.

  I was injured.

  Isn’t it a loss? As for the metal armor that was shattered, from the description, it may be an attack method in itself. The more shattered, the stronger the attack power and the harder it is to deal with.

  "That is a weapon, or a human."

  This doubt.

   bothered them.


  The king murmured.

  For a while.

  The eyes suddenly shine, and the fighting spirit burns.

   "Okay, let's see, is it the power of my country that is powerful, or you are as powerful as a mountain." It was too shameful to be beaten back by a janitor, and the main face was not revealed.

   "National Teacher, next time, you will also meet it."



  Guoji accepted.

  He is very interested in the syndicate. If possible, it would be better to capture it and study it. Of course, it is after confirming that there is a way to beat Lin Shan, otherwise, Jiu Zong will not agree.


  Not a battle of life and death.

  This is the principle.

  . . .

  Nine cases.

  Go back to each house.

  There is a syndicate. Obviously, the abyssal behemoths will not come for no reason. They naturally don't have to stay in the abyss and fly back to the Yuan Jingzong. Ji Yuan and several deputy suzerains have retreated one after another to restore their souls.

   reached this level.

  Soul is the hardest to recover.

   "What happened to Grandpa?"

  Main hall.

   Ji Xue asked her father curiously, she stayed behind to practice in the sect and did not go to the front line.


   "Who did it?"

  A figure appeared in her mind. She was dressed in strange clothes and mastered extinguishing fires. At first, she thought it was an excellent junior. It was not until Ji Yuan explained that she knew what a terrible existence was.

   "A... the ball."


  What is the answer.


   "A metal ball, it should be Lin Shan's subordinates. Nine Sect Sect Masters and Wang Tingda Enshrine and others were not able to take it. Its skills were so weird, I was caught off guard."

   "Does he still have subordinates?"

   Ji Xue exclaimed.


  His father firmly said.

  More than that.

  It seems that there are more than one, this time it is silver, and there is another golden one. It should have similar strength. "Don't think so much, practice hard, now you can't help a little."


  Jixue nodded.


  That kind of existence, she can only look up.

  . . .

  Fifteen days later.


  The land of the abyss.

  Compared with the last time, there are more people from Jiu Zong Wang Ting. As the syndicate said, there is no limit to the number of people, so I went back to it. It was twice as much as the last time, all from the line of Jiu Zong and Wang Ting.


  This news has not yet spread.

   "Go down."

"it is good."

  "This time, don’t use the spirit attack. We haven't figured out the reason why our spirit power is out of control. Another point is that we can leave if we can't hold it. This is not a life and death battle."




  One by one, the sect bosses have more equipment than last time, and strive to have a better chance of winning. Especially the defensive spirit weapon, the inner layer and the outer layer, you can bring as many as you can to prevent the group attack skills of the syndicate.

  Fly down.

   through the winding passage.


   Ambilight light gate appeared in front of him.

  The door.

   "You guys are so slow!"

  The syndicate turns on the broadcast mode.


  Era looked at the syndicate in astonishment. Today, the outer shell of the syndicate has recovered again, with a height of several hundred meters, but instead of the spikes of the last time, it has become smooth.


  As if covered with fish scales.

  This is really clothes, can you change it at will? When Era was surprised, the syndicate first salutes and then pawns, "Be careful." After speaking, the two longer paws waved past the same as last time.

   "It's faster."

   Ji Yuan said inwardly.


  The air wave rolled, and everyone hurried to escape.

  The target is too big.

   is easy to hide.


   Feeling the field of gravity again, their hearts loosened, is this just the means? Just like last time, it didn't affect them in any way. Feifei, in short, just don't resist.

warm bodies.

  Anti giant claw?

  They are not Lin Shan.


  Era ordered.

next moment.

  All kinds of tricks almost hit the syndicate body within a few breaths. However, what made everyone dignified was that the scale armor was broken, but it was not directly pierced and cracked like the last time.

   "The defense is stronger."

  Era shouted.

prior to.

  His condensed sword energy can penetrate a hole more than ten meters long and more than a meter deep, but now, only the epidermis has been smashed, and the effect is even less than one-fifth of the previous.


  Guo Shi was shocked.

  So many super masters greeted their stunts one by one. The syndicated group only broke a little skin. Although the trauma area is large, the broken skin is the broken skin. A little trauma, people don't care.

   "Be careful."

  Cracked skin.

  Wow, some pieces fell.

one look.

  Era's expression is more serious. These metal fragments are quite regular. Each is the size of a shield and **** thick, if it is deliberately prepared for that skill.


  Era really has a headache.

next moment.

   "Be careful!"

  The syndicate broadcasts again.

   "Hush! Hush!"

  In an instant.

  Those metal scales that landed cut through the air and smashed towards everyone. The newly condensed scales and strong golden armor were actually not its masterpiece, but the experience that Lin Shan combined with his skills.




  Benefit one.

  Due to the excessive number of layers, there will be no cracks on the surface of the whole piece of metal. The pure bulk metal before, cracks, and it will directly open a long hole.

just now.

  This shortcoming is made up for. Its body surface has hundreds of staggered scales. Unless the attack power is really strong to the extreme, the power can be transmitted in, but it will not be easily broken.

  Benefit two.

   can fall off on its own, combined with clan skills, and exert a very powerful effect. Before, the entire strong golden armor was almost one. If you want to play clan skills, you can only be smashed by others or broken by yourself.

just now.

   Body shakes.

  You can shake off the scales on the body at will to activate clan skills.

  Benefit three.

  Easy to repair.

  After standardization.

  A deep wound, it can sacrifice a small half layer, or a layer of outer armor, and move to fill these vacancies to maximize the defense effect. The syndicate was shocked.

  Can still play like this?

  The owner is so smart.

  Lin Shan said at the time that in the second form, the new generation of strong golden armor it originally planned to manufacture is the 20 version, so this fish-scale strong golden armor is 30, or the enhanced version.

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