Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:50:08 AM

Chapter 820: 820

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  Fifteen days later.

"carry out."

  Era looked below, the gate of space was wrapped in a stone, like a stone bowl upside down, but the bowl was a bit big, and there was something that made them jealous. This was an adventure.


  They have no choice.

   "Really have to wait 15 days?"

"Do not."


   "Got a gamble, the syndicate should not always guard the door of space. We don't want to go up, just look at the current situation there. If it is there, it should be happy with its belligerent character."

  This truth.

  Everyone agrees.


"it is good."

  Thirty-odd people flew down. This time, they didn’t bring so many. The space was small. Last time, they accidentally injured a lot. Moreover, the thickness of the sealing stone is now thin, and it can't stand the fierce battle.

  100-meter channel.

  Blink across.



  Take a deep breath.

  Era said, "I'll go take a look."

"Be careful."


  Era came forward, flew to the door of space, paused, and slowly passed through.


  In an instant.

  He was discovered by the beasts, and yelled, the Beastmaster looked over with eyes bigger than him, and did not attack, because Ji Yuan was guarded by Lin Shan, and he was out of his control.


   glanced at the golden armor giant on the opposite side, this guy, it is the existence that is extremely afraid, it is it, it killed half of his subordinates, and then became more powerful and unfathomable.


  Era saw the giant golden armor and exclaimed.

  Sure enough.

  In addition to the syndicate, this guy is also there.

  At this time.

  A powerful spirit power rushed over, accompanied by a thought, "The first warning, it is forbidden to step into this area, and leave quickly." As he said, the golden gun in the giant's hand pierced the air.


   points to the era.


  Thousands of degrees of strong waves are blowing Jiyuan’s clothes. The surrounding area is full of lava, thousands of degrees, and even the air is heated. When ordinary people come over, they will be burned and swollen instantly.

   Can't live for ten breaths.


  Looking at the sharp metal more than ten meters away from him.

  The era is tense.

  "Your Excellency, hello, we are here to find Your Excellency Syndicate."

  "Second warning, it is forbidden to step into this area, leave quickly, I will notify the syndicate." With the thought, the golden gun slammed forward more than ten meters, less than one meter away from Jiyuan's face.

"it is good."

   "I will go now."

  Era immediately recognized the counsel.

  There are only three things.

  After three warnings, it is estimated that there will be serious consequences. After speaking, the body retreated, the temperature dropped sharply, the water vapor that had just been condensed began to condense into beads, the clothes were a little wet, and everyone gathered around.

"How's it going?"

  Guoji hurriedly asked.


  Era smiled helplessly.

  "The Abyssal Behemoth is still there. It's alive and well. The syndicate is not there. However, the metal giant was guarding and wearing a gold armor. It was very difficult to mess with. It said that it would notify the syndicate. It should be soon.


  This result.

  Although I have expected it, I still feel depressed.

  People guard.

   is not to pass.

   "You are looking for me?"

ten minutes later.

  The huge body of the syndicate goes through the door of space.

  "Your Excellency Syndicate, we are ready to discuss it with you." Bite the scalp, Ji Yuan said the reason, just hit it casually, anyway, it can't be done, first round out the behavior just now.


  The body of the syndicate trembled.


  It suddenly raised its head.

  "The shell here is much thinner, did you make it?"


  Era hurriedly said, “I thought of this way before in order to resist those giant beasts. Since Lord Lin Shan helped us solve the crisis, there is no need to exist, so I moved some away.”

  This is a good reason for discussion.



"oh, I see."

  The syndicate didn't think much, and then said: "So what do you still keep this shell for?" In its eyes, it has never regarded the sealing stone as a good for its own defense, and the gate of space is the strongest.


  Everyone looked at each other.

What does    mean?

You are not afraid?

   "Take it down, get in the way, this thickness will collapse after two hits." After finishing speaking, all the outermost gold armor of the syndicate shook off, with huge kinetic energy, it smashed towards the top of the space door.

   "Boom boom boom!"



  Countless rubble fell from the sky, Ji Yuan and others hurriedly evaded, this syndicate, it is really unreasonable to play the cards, it is naive, or fearless, but after a few breaths, the sun has taken care of it.

  One minute later.

  There is a hole hundreds of meters in diameter at the bottom of the bowl, and the silver cluster looks like a broken shell cub.


  Hundreds of Hundred Spirit Ships of the Nine Kings Palace, they all saw this scene, the door of space that had not been seen for a long time, and the silver scales of the silver group that reflected in the sun, all shocked.

  Not announced.


  I went back a few times before, and my boss came back in embarrassment, showing the strength of the opponent.

   "The new monster of the abyss?"

"so big."

   "The whole body is silver, much better than before."


   "The strength must be equally terrifying."

"Ready to fight."


  For a time, Jiuzong and Wang Ting’s spirit fleet moved, with the strongest defense and the strongest attack on standby. After only a command, the attack was poured out, and the era did not stop it.


  The syndicate is very satisfied.


   is its greatest pleasure.

of course.

  The behavior just now was authorized by Lin Shan. Otherwise, it would not dare to make any claims, and it would smash the shell on the opposite side of the door of space. Even the fight was under Lin Shan's instruction.

   "Those are all yours?"

  Syndicate looking to the sky.


   "The attack power doesn't seem to be weak." The syndicate became interested.


  Try it? Ji Yuan was overjoyed, still worrying about how to let Ling Ship have a try, the opportunity was delivered immediately, so he hurriedly said: "If you are interested in the syndicate, you can experience it."

"it is good."

  The syndicate agreed without hesitation.

   "Be careful."

  Era also reminded.



   Contacted the spirit ship and ordered one of the auxiliary ships, the spirit source shuttle, to gather energy After a dozen breaths, the light flashed, and the syndicate felt a huge energy rushing, and quickly supported the defense.


  At the point of impact, a ripple spreads.


  The outermost layer of scale armor was directly pressed down for several meters. The powerful energy accelerated the escape of the molecules of the strong golden armor. The outermost layer quickly became riddled with holes, which really surprised the syndicate.

  So strong.

The principle of    is similar to that of your own beam attack.

  Use high energy.

  Break molecular bonds.

   makes it unable to maintain the original structure, and thus collapses. The only difference is that the opponent uses a special energy, while its own beam attack uses a relatively pure stream of photons.

  Strong and weak are inseparable.

  Just look at the power.


  On speed.

  This kind of energy is far inferior to photons. It’s so close. It’s almost in the blink of an eye just now, but it can still feel the difference. Its speed is related to the output power, which is only about a hundred times the speed of sound.

very slow.

  In space, it is almost useless.

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