Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0342

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:49:28 AM

Chapter 0342

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When the two people around him saw this, they threw their swords.

Zhan Qing leaped high when he received the knife, and his body spun like a top. In an instant, a terrible knife vortex was formed in mid air.

The knife swirls, tearing the air and twisting the void.

Seeing the power of Zhan Qing, the soldiers of the Jero nationality immediately booed, "Oh! Cut off your head and rob women! Peel people's skin and make leather boots!"

But in the face of such a terrible move of the enemy, Zhang lie only stretched out two fingers.

"What's this bug doing? Are you scared? Stretch out two fingers?"


"Yes, who does he think he is? I'm afraid yaxiongtu, the first warrior in the family, dare not hold it up and fight with two fingers."

"It seems that this guy doesn't want to live!"

"It's better for him to die. When he dies, the woman will be ours!"

"I've never tasted human women. I don't know how they taste?"


A crisp sound, the next moment, everyone present was surprised.

Zhan Qingdao's whirl suddenly stopped, and one of the powerful knives was really caught by Zhang lie with two fingers.

"How is this possible? You can't even do it. Why can a mere human being do it?"

"It's so strange. It can't be an illusion!"

The power of that knife is absolutely true. Everyone present, no matter who faces it, should resist it with all his strength. Even if he resists it with all his strength, he may not be able to resist it.

But what kind of ghost is the human in front of him? He actually clamped Zhan Qing's high-speed rotating machete with only two fingers. How did he do this?

However, no matter how surprised the other jeros are. Zhang lie seemed to have done the most common thing, and said calmly: "if you stop now, I can regard what just happened as not happened."

"I said I came here just for a dose of good medicine. I don't want to cause more trouble!"

Clamping Zhan Qing's knife with his fingers is like clamping a straw. At this moment, Zhang lie finally calmed Zhan Qing in front of him.

Zhan Qing burst out a cold sweat on his forehead and exhausted the strength of nine cattle and two tigers. The green tendons of the whole province burst up, and he couldn't advance or retreat.

He knew that he was a great disgrace this time.

I just laughed at human beings as waste, bedbugs and weak chickens in front of my people. As a result, I was immediately clamped by others with my fingers. It was just the opposite of heaven

If he stops, he will have no face to stand in the clan in the future. The clan will point to his nose and laugh at him loudly. Zhan Qing is not even as good as a bug.

No, you can't stop, even if you die in battle!

But as long as it is a wise life, there is no real existence that is not afraid of death.

For a time, Zhan Qing also stopped immediately. It can be said that it is difficult to ride a tiger.

If Hong Xi saw this, he immediately shouted, "master, it's powerful!"

Zhang lie issued a second warning impolitely: "stop, otherwise, don't blame me!"


Knowing that the other party has lost patience, Zhan Qing seems to be unable to see the gap between the two sides. Another knife cuts Zhang lie's neck at top speed.


Zhang lie was no longer polite. When the knife holder shook, Zhan Qing shifted. At the same time, his right arm received and sent. A bloody dragon pierced the knife curtain and blasted between Zhan Qing's belly.

Bombarded the other party like garbage, but it's not over yet. At the next moment, Zhang lie's foot shook into a residual shadow, appeared in front of Zhan Qing who flew out, raised his feet high and stepped down hard.


The roar sounded, the smoke exploded, and the ground was blasted out of a big pit. Zhan Qing, who had just been domineering, was already lying in the pit.

Zhang lie turned back: "so you can talk well?"

All the Jero people took a step back. Now they looked at Zhang lie's eyes and finally had a little awe.

Is this human?

"How is it different from the human beings we know?"

"It seems that human beings are not as weak as legend."

"More than not weak, much stronger than we know!"

However, just as Zhang lie turned his back to Zhan Qing, the guy who was seriously injured didn't give up.

Inject all the source force into the sword and throw it quietly.


The wind of the knife was cold, but Zhang lie didn't look back. He caught the knife with his backhand and threw it back.

The saber crossed a silver arc in mid air. The piercing sound of breaking the air made Zhan Qing's pupils shrink. The speed of the saber thrown by the other party was faster than he imagined.

Almost in the blink of an eye, with his injured body, he couldn't escape at all.

If there is no accident, he will die under the sword the next second.


At this critical moment, a crisp sound of gold and iron strike rang through the audience, and a tooth knife appeared in front of him like a space jump to pick up the flying sword.

"Human beings? When did even human beings dare to act wildly in my Jero family!"

The wind and dust dispersed, but a three meter tall Jero man showed his figure. from

After seeing this Jero, the Jero, who had been a little afraid, suddenly lifted up.

"Yaxiongtu, it's yaxiongtu. The first warrior of our family is coming!"

"Ha ha, it's over. The human race is completely over!"

"Man, I must pay the price!"

"Yaxiongtu, you're here. Kill this human being!"

"This man hurt people after we fought with the purple beetle to weaken our combat power. Lian Zhanqing was hurt by him. You must get justice for our family!"

Hearing these Jero people confuse black and white, Hong Xiruo immediately said, "nonsense, it's obviously you who did it first. My master has made three concessions. You have to do it to the teacher again and again. You have no skin or face!"

Yaxiongtu shook his head at will. "No matter how the process is, it's still true that you want to kill our bravery at the gate of the Jero village, so there's no need to say more!"

"As I said, I just came to buy medicine..." Zhang lie is helpless.

To tell you the truth, I'm afraid he would have killed a lot in another place and target.

But for that dose of good medicine, he had to try to restrain his temper.

In his previous life, he didn't know much about that dose of good medicine. He didn't want to get too stiff with each other until he found something.

Unfortunately, it backfired. Even if he was humble again and again, these guys with muscles in their brains still didn't appreciate it.

Yaxiongtu proudly said, "I don't care what you do here. Those who hurt our warriors in the Jero territory must pay for it!"

"Price, what kind of price?" Zhang lie is patient.

"You two have been slaves to the jeroeites for thirty years."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang lie suddenly laughed wildly, "hahaha, what a group of guys with muscles in their brains!"

"Listen, I'm not discussing with you, but ordering you. If you don't obey, I'll call you until you obey!"

At this point, yaxiongtu walked to Zhan Qing step by step and pulled out the tooth knife inserted on the ground before.

"The first warrior of the Jero family!" Zhang lie looked at ya xiongtu, disdained to smile and said, "if you don't want to be the second guy to lie down, just step aside!"

The Jero people laughed one after another.

"Hahaha, this guy is out of his mind. How dare the first warrior of the Jero family speak like that?"

"It's true that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Does he not know who to face? The reputation of the first warrior of the Jero family was killed in the sea of insects."

"It's crazy to think that a defeated Zhan Qing can run rampant through the Jero nationality. You're far from it."

"Ha ha, it's interesting. Let me lie down to see if you have this ability!"

In the laughter, yaxiongtu burst out and waved the Yadao in his hand. His momentum is more than a hundred times that of Zhan Qing.

Obviously, it's just a tooth knife, but its strength is thousands of times better than Zhan Qing. It's totally different.

As soon as the sabre is released, it seems to be attached with a sea of corpses, and the prosperity of murderous Qi has reached the realm of coagulation as essence.

The murderous spirit turned into a rainstorm and flooded Zhang lie.


However, this trick obviously failed to win Zhang lie. His fists were shocked, and the murderous knife rain was immediately crushed like garbage.

Yaxiongtu is hidden in the murderous knife rain. The knife rain is broken, and the Yadao is already here.

But Zhang lie's face was still smooth, almost unchanged, and made a counterattack carelessly.

Wave fist · silence!


When the black fist touched the tip of the knife, the expected blood light did not appear.

Because the tooth knife failed to tear the fist, but the tip of the knife broke inch by inch when it touched the fist, and finally burst into powder.


The wind roared, a knife failed, and yaxiongtu retreated quickly.

"Interesting, take my blood tooth knife!"

As he said this, two bloody swords came through the air, and the bloody teeth and blades exuded ferocious Qi, like a fierce beast wandering on the blade.

The knives are very long. Each knife is three meters long. The blood color on it surges. It looks like a murder weapon.

"The name of this knife is blood tooth. It's the income from killing the ultimate creature alone. Human soldiers say your name. The blood tooth knife in my hand doesn't kill unknown people."

At this moment, yaxiongtu is not like an alien warrior, but like a Jianghu tycoon, which makes Zhang lie inexplicably want to laugh.

However, seeing that the other party was serious, he responded with evil interest, "Zhang lie!"

"OK! Human Zhang lie, it's your honor to die under my blood teeth!"

The voice fell, and yaxiongtu's blood teeth danced in his hands. In an instant, they turned into bloody daggers, which looked like a snare under Zhang lie's cover.

But Zhang lie seems to be a butterfly wearing flowers. No matter the other party's Dao netizens are careful, he can always shuttle freely in this bloody Dao Gang net.

Work hard, fail again, and exhaust three times!

Such a ferocious offensive, naturally, can not last long, neither can ya xiongtu, nor can anyone come!

After a thousand knives, the knife speed has decreased significantly.

At the moment when the opponent's knife speed dropped sharply, Zhang lie's horn sounded, "slow down!"

"Monstrous sword · dragon bite!"

When the purple poison nether sword was shocked, the vigorous sword turned into a dragon and disappeared without hair. The long sword entered the wild dragon and twisted into the big net. In an instant, it broke the teeth of the xiongtu twin sabres.

No one could see how Zhang lie made his sword. Even when yaxiongtu noticed it, Zhang lie's sword had already hit his neck.

The edge of the sword let yaxiongtu know that if he dares to make a change at the moment, he will immediately separate his body and head.

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