Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0387

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:48:24 AM

Chapter 0387

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"As an apocalyptic warrior, I can honestly tell you that this is true. If I were not injured in the battle, three thousand warriors would become three thousand and one warriors."

"If I hadn't been hurt, I would have become 302 warriors."

"If I hadn't been in Apocalypse, I would have become 302 warriors."

"Fart, no matter you are injured, the warrior can only be 3000, which was set by our hero Zhang lie!"

"Hum, I'm not hurt. I'm sure I can choose!"

"Hero Zhang liezhen, how can we human beings suffer losses? If the Shura can beat us, we will fight back."

Of course, some believe, others doubt.

"What happened?"

"That's not to ask? It must be completely destroyed. In history, mankind has not expedited Shura, but there has never been a victory!"

"To counter attack the Shura clan is a reckless decision to die“

"The Shura emperor has been captured alive by Zhang lie. There is Zhang lie who can capture the Shura emperor alive. I think the situation is completely different."

"The situation is really different. At least in the past, expeditionary humans maintained a complete state. This counterattack was completely revenge stunned by hatred. The soldiers were in an incomplete state. Can Zhang lie turn the sky alone?"

"I believe apocalyptic heroes can create miracles!"

"Miracles don't come out by believing!"

Just after everyone guessed wrong, the second post detonated the whole network.

[Zhang lie led 3000 apocalyptic soldiers to the kingdom of Shura to save 10000 prisoners of the Terran family!]

In the first World War of Shura, under the leadership of the apocalyptic hero, we won the war in an instant. Due to our rapid counterattack, Shura could not respond. We have to say that the apocalyptic hero's judgment is correct. As long as we are fast enough, the enemy will not know.

We successfully captured the Shura imperial city and saw the tragic results. Humans were kept in captivity like livestock. We immediately searched and rescued the whole city and saved the human race.

Today, hearing too many shocking news, online games have become numb.

From the beginning, Zhang lie came down to earth to save the Apocalypse City, to the back, Zhang lie took 3000 gene soldiers to counter attack the Shura state. Now he finally won and saved 10000 people.

brother! Hang up!

"There is no shame or shame in the above. Zhang lie is a real hero. He took 3000 warriors to counter attack and directly demolished his Shura imperial city. Not all bears in the world are like you. Heroes like Zhang lie really exist!"

"Three thousand people demolished a Shura imperial city and destroyed a Shura country. Zhang lie is not only creating history, but also creating a peak that no one in future generations can surpass!"

"Three thousand gene soldiers counterattack the kingdom of Shura and take the imperial city directly. It's too hot-blooded!"

"No, I have to get up and practice boxing twice!"

"Yes, yes, I can't sleep. Get up and meditate. I'll go to extreme martial arts school tomorrow. I can do chores!"

"The busboy, stay and form a group!"

"Zhang lie is a real hero, a real man!"

Among all kinds of flattery replies, this post was quickly pushed to 99999 +, and Zhang lie's reputation is also increasing, and the reply is rising rapidly.

At this moment, not only China, not only the blue star, not only the solar system, but also the whole galaxy is spreading his story.



On the other side, Yijin in the city was almost searched. Zhang lie and others focused on the palace and opened the palace treasure house with Zhang lie's special method (violent cracking).

The treasure house is full of treasures. A large number of precious miraculous drugs, like worthless branches, are freely exposed on the Lingyu platform.

Shura is really rich. All kinds of treasures are piled up like a mountain. Even the people in the extreme team are excited with their eyes shining.

Zhang lie's eyes fell on a elixir.

The bloody fruit is like a bloody flame burning, and a demon image looms on it.

Blood burning magic fruit!

The Shura state is well protected and has not been lost by any aura.

No. 4 extreme gene pharmaceutical material.

I didn't expect you could find one in the treasure house of Shura.

Sun Mengmeng asked, "boss, how to dispose of these treasures?"

"First, you choose a few pieces, and the rest will be given to those who are in trouble! That is, those who become the animals of the Shura people! Half will be given to all the soldiers participating in the battle, and the rest will naturally be put away by our extreme martial arts school!"

The soldiers must be rewarded for running thousands of miles with them. After that, they will continue to help Zhang lie fight.

Xia Na hurried over: "boss, look at this!"

"What's the matter?"

Shana handed over a book with a huge human faced bird painted on it.

"What is this?"

"It is recorded that the flame can burn gold and iron, the giant wings tear the sky, open the mouth to devour the sun, the claws tear the sea, and the blood red feathers can incinerate all things... This is the sacred beast of Shura."

"Why didn't even the emperor appear when the sacred beast protecting the country was destroyed?" Zhang lie asked in surprise.

Xia Na said: "we need a ceremony to summon. We came too fast. The Shura people haven't reacted yet. It's too late to carry out this ceremony."

Li Feng disapproved: "since it won't appear, don't worry."

After thinking, Zhang lie asked, "how about strength?"

Everyone in the extreme team is surprised. Since they won't appear, what does strength want to do?

Xia Na said: "according to the records in the book, I'm afraid it's stronger than the chrysanthemum emperor, at least the ultimate!"

The ultimate above, or the above natural disaster?

Zhang lie boldly guessed that if he could become the protector of the kingdom of Shura, he would have to be the ultimate or even natural disaster!

This Shura kingdom is worth killing. We not only found the No. 4 extreme gene medicine material, but also found the clue of super super gene beast.

"What kind of ceremony is needed for this garuro to appear?"

"We need the bodies of 100000 Shura people and the altar at a specific call."

"Just right, a large number of Shura corpses don't know how to deal with them." Zhang lie nodded and said, "tell me where the Summoning Altar is."

Sun Mengmeng asked, "brother lie, since garullo won't come, why should we provoke him?"

"I didn't come this time, but I was lucky. I don't like to leave behind bombs that don't know when they will explode."

The people understood Zhang lie's meaning. This time they came quickly. Just at the same time, garullo was not called out.

However, if the Shura people secretly summon after they know the ceremony, it will be troublesome. Now they still have the ability to deal with it. If they summon the Kalura in a crisis, everyone will be in trouble.

Zhang lie said, "in your spare time, first dispose of the bomb. Sun Mengmeng divided your treasure house and asked the soldiers who still have spare power to dispose of the rest of the Shura country separately. As for the Kalura, give it to me."

It's suitable for Zhang lie to use in a treasure house.

"Ten thousand poison blood soul fruit is worthy of being the treasure house of Shura. There are really a lot of good things. There is just a place to use. Just use it."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!