Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0696

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:41:35 AM

Chapter 0696

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"Hahaha, I feel, I feel infinite power. I am integrating with the world. Is this the power of the emperor?"

The eighth Prince laughed wildly, and the eldest prince was anxious.

The ninth Prince doesn't know how to stop the eighth prince at this time.

Ren kunjing narrowed his eyes and said, "no matter who you are, as long as the throne of the emperor is inherited and completed, it is equal to our victory."

The Soul Crystal family laughed: "there is a way in heaven. If you don't go, there's no door to hell. Isn't it good to hide outside?"

"I have to come and die. Some people I really don't know what to think."

"We made a lot of preparations for the success of the plan."

When the emperor's body suddenly expanded, he thought that the emperor's son was holding the coupons.

"What happened? What the hell is going on?" The eighth Prince's body expanded rapidly, like countless tumors.

Even the nearby Soul Crystal families were very surprised and didn't know what happened?

"Wait, stop, I don't want to be a world emperor, let alone a man."

The eighth prince screamed and wanted to terminate the inheritance ceremony, but it was too late.

Once the ceremony starts, it can't end.

The eighth Prince's body expands faster, just like a peristaltic meat mass, and the colorful heart light constantly injects energy.

Finally The eighth Prince's body has endured to an extreme.


The eighth Prince's body exploded, and his flesh and blood splashed out, just like a rotten watermelon.


The seal fell to the ground.

Everyone looked quietly at the high platform. On the bloody high platform, the jade seal was dyed red by blood. Under the light emitted by the will of the world, it reflected a strange light, as if there was a terrible curse on the jade seal.

Zhang lie sighed: "sure enough, that position is unstable. I don't know when to die."

Ren kunjing returned to his senses with a frightened expression: "the trap of the old emperor!"

When the prince thought of something, he suddenly looked up and laughed.

Ren kunjing frowned, his face showing displeasure: "what are you laughing at?"

The prince laughed and said, "I'm laughing at your stupidity."

Ren kunjing frowned and said, "what do you know?"

The great prince asked, "do you know why practice is a compulsory course for princes?"

The Soul Crystal family replied, "isn't it for the prince to better protect himself?"

"To carry the power of the emperor."

This sentence was not answered by the Grand Prince, nor was it thought up by Ren kunjing. It came from the mouth of the ninth prince.

The eldest prince was slightly surprised and replied: "I also heard about it from my dead father. The emperor is indeed invincible in the world, but if you want to carry the invincible power in the world, you must have enough strength to carry the emperor."

Ren kunjing was livid. They knew what was wrong with him.

Not only Ren kunjing, there are Soul Crystal families in the place, and their faces become ugly.

The eldest prince laughed mercilessly and loudly: "it's ironic. In order to make Lao Ba better controlled, you soul crystal family let Lao Ba fool around, spend all day and waste cultivation."

The eldest prince ridiculed wildly: "Your Soul Crystal family has absolute self-confidence. Even if Lao Ba is weak and can't even kill a chicken, you have the ability to push Lao Ba to the throne!"

"But you didn't expect that if you want to inherit the throne of emperor, you must have a certain strength as the basis. Do you really think your father emperor is so easy to fool?"

Ren kunjing's mood soon recovered: "it's just an eighth prince, a waste. If it's destroyed, it's destroyed. Aren't there still two princes in front of us?"

The Soul Crystal family came back and said, "the eighth Prince is a waste. I've been unhappy with him for a long time!"

"We've all paved the road. When this boy ascends the throne, he can't even do this. He collapses at the last step. He's a waste of waste, a brother of a brother."

Seeing that the eighth prince was destroyed, Ren kunjing immediately transferred his target.

"Are the eldest prince and the ninth Prince interested in inheriting the throne?"

The Soul Crystal family said: "now if you want to inherit the throne of the emperor, you can do it as long as you climb the Fengchan platform and pick up the jade seal. You don't have to fight and kill each other. You can touch the distance with your hand!"

The prince hesitated as soon as he said this.

The ninth Prince snorted coldly, "you kill your father and destroy our world. Even if we want to become the world emperor, we will never step on the blood path paved by you. I'm afraid to dirty my feet."

Ren kunjing shook his head and said, "you are a child and don't understand anything. You should understand, big prince."

The ninth Prince turned his head and said, "big brother, you can't accept the temptation of these demons. This will only sell your soul and become a dirty puppet."

Blood dripping high platform, brother's blood has not dried up, and the bloody jade seal still emits light under the light of the will of the world.

The glittering and translucent jade seal and colorful light flow, as if with temptation, making the great prince unconsciously take a step forward.

But the great prince has just taken this step. Zhang lie has patted the great prince on the shoulder with one hand and fixed his eyes on the great prince with colorful light.

When the emperor died, the emperor's protection to the princes naturally disappeared. The prince can no longer exempt Zhang lie from complete hypnosis.

The Grand Prince's eyes also showed the light of colorful circulation. Suddenly, he snorted coldly: "joke, how can I be your puppet, Grand Prince of scale Terran?"

Ren kunjing sighed: "it's a pity. I didn't want to make trouble. In that case, I can only use some tough means. Is it the big prince or the ninth prince?"

Ren kunjing looked at them as if he were looking at two commodities.

Ren kunjing's eyes fell on the ninth prince, just like looking at an object: "although the eldest prince's will is not firm, it is the eldest prince after all. Becoming a queen is not easy to control. The ninth Prince is just at this age. Anyway, when he is worn out, there is the eldest prince as a substitute."

Ren kunjing's invisible momentum radiated, and the ninth Prince felt like facing a dark storm.

Ren kunjing's eyes were like a black poisonous snake wrapped around him. The cold snake letter swam on him. The ninth Prince's body trembled unconsciously, but he didn't step back.

Zhang lie took a step forward and blocked the ninth prince. With a cold hum, Ren kunjing's momentum was instantly shattered.

Ren kunjing frowned: "brothers provoke our soul crystal family, but there is no good fruit to eat."

"Well, everyone outside shouted to beat the street mouse. How dare you show off your authority in front of me and kneel down!"

With a low cry, the colorful fog on Zhang lie dispersed, and the colorful fog spread in the air.

The color light in his eyes flows and reflects. He is concentrating on Zhang lie's Soul Crystal family. His eyes appear different colors and kneel to the ground.

Ren kunjing was also mentally terrified, but relying on his strong will, he saw his companions falling to the ground with dull eyes.

He was shocked and said, "you... What are you doing?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!