Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0705

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:41:24 AM

Chapter 0705

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But the next moment, Xiao Jiu was confused


The mountain couldn't bear the energy of Zhang lie's promotion. In an instant, the whole mountain collapsed.

New territories Emperor:

He felt that if his teacher was promoted several more times, the world passed on to him by his father might fall apart directly.

Zhang lie: natural disaster life.

Skill: basic skill? Research level, Yulong nine changes? At the beginning of Jiaolong's transformation, how to step on the waves? Research level, wave folding palm? Research level, soft hydration strength? Research level, wave fist? Research level, towering sword? Research level, eclipse moon skill? Research level, dragon soul nine chop? Intermediate, sky eating knife? Intermediate.

Number of genes: basic gene 160, variant gene 150, super gene 150, ultimate gene 150, natural disaster gene 30.

Soul sea soul jade, super silver liquid jade, insect King soul jade, super blood eating ant soul jade, super Changchun mirage soul jade, ultimate moonlight Jiao soul jade, ultimate dragon wolf soul jade, ultimate golden winged bird soul jade (Tibetan sword and light knife included), natural disaster rainbow mirage soul jade.

After ingestion, Zhang lie accepted the end of his trip to the human world.

In fact, Zhang lie didn't intend to stay here much. If it weren't for the star burning flowers and remnant pictures, Zhang lie might have left early.

Because he has been in the third world, Zhang lie doesn't know, because he once again set off a new storm in the Galactic Federation.

Previously, Zhang lie hid his identity and didn't show his identity. Now the situation is dusty and there is no need to keep his identity secret. He has recovered his original appearance.

What he did in the third world also completely restrained the races of the Galactic Federation.

In particular, Zhang lie's status as the largest celebrity in the Federation has attracted the attention of all races in the whole Galactic Federation.

"What, Zhang lie killed the God of war, or the ninety gods of war!"

"Zhang liecai has just been promoted to the third world. Even if the time flow rate of the third world is low, it should be weak for a period of time."

"Zhang lie is not weak at all. He is the God of war as soon as he is promoted.

In the eyes of the cosmic race, the peak of the third world is the God of war.

Zhang liegang has just been promoted. It is estimated that he has killed the God of war without collecting all his genes. What a terrible combat effectiveness.

"The promotion of extreme genes and natural disaster genes to the third world brings strength, and there is no period of weakness?"

All races in the Galactic Federation know that promotion will encounter a period of weakness.

After all, after promotion, before collecting enough genes, the strength will be at the bottom of the world.

This is almost an unwritten rule.

Even those who once shone brightly in the second world, when they were just promoted to the third world, it was the dragon who got the plate and the tiger who got to lie down.

How to survive in the weak period has become the most important issue. If the races of the Galactic Federation leave their ethnic cities, their lives will be in danger.

Some of them have long been unhappy with Zhang lie. They originally wanted to give Zhang lie a good look after being promoted to the third world.

As a result, Zhang lie actually climbed directly to the God of war list, so that many people who are unhappy with Zhang lie can only give up.

A cosmic race has found a very important problem.

Zhang lie is not in the Terran City, but in the world where the silver sickle city is located three or five worlds away.

This surprised them even more.

What happened to Zhang lie and why did he not directly appear in the city where the Terran was located after he was promoted to the third world.

Instead, it appears directly in the world where the silver sickle city is located.

After being promoted to the third world, does Zhang lie go directly to that world, but how many dangers are there on the way beyond three or five worlds?

Is there anything special in that world?

Although all the ethnic groups were curious, they were not surprised by what happened to Zhang lie and soon accepted it.

After all, it's Zhang lie!

In the second world, Zhang lie didn't appear in the Terran city.

Zhang lie's relatives and friends are worried. Now they are relieved to hear Zhang lie's latest news.

Sun Xiaowu disdained: "I said, don't worry about the boss. With his ability, he can survive in the third world no matter what he meets."

Sun Mengmeng smiled and said, "I don't know who it is. I can't eat and sleep well during this time!"

Sun wubai glanced: "sorry, I don't accept the ridicule of people who are shouting the boss's name in their dreams."

Sun Mengmeng's face turned red as soon as he said this.

Yang Ze glanced at the crowd of the extreme team: "everyone, I have a bold idea."

Zhou Ying said, "I have an immature suggestion."

Li Feng nodded: "in fact, I know what you think, because I have the same idea."

Fang Yi: "promoted to the third world!"

Sun Mengmeng nodded and said, "now the situation of extreme Empire has completely stabilized. Relying on the boss, he has left a lot of heritage. Whoever is the empress of the sea can stabilize the situation no matter what happens to extreme empire!"

"Even if the news of brother lie's promotion is exposed, there will be no problem for extreme Empire without us."

Sun Wuren said: "coupled with the promotion of Jun jiuxiao, night ciliary dust and Hong Xiao, and filling up the ultimate gene in a short time, it can become the three pillars of the Empire."

"I think it's time for us to get a promotion," Yang Ze concluded

Zhou Ying said: "our natural disaster gene has been completed. There is no need to stay in the second world. I think it's time to catch up with the boss."

Li Feng said, "tell Hanshuang and Ruoxi about this. Let's start when we're ready."

Zhang lie knows nothing about what happens in the outside world. After all, he has no transmission node and can't leave the third world.

After that, Zhang lie didn't leave in a hurry and began to manipulate the Soul Crystal family to do things together.

With the help of the authority of the ninth prince, the gene beasts were captured all over the world and kept in captivity in the hunting ground.

Then, with the help of the world rules left over from the hunting ground, the ultimate gene beast and even natural disaster gene beast were cultivated by fighting and swallowing each other between gene beasts.

To cultivate natural disaster gene beasts, we need to consume a large number of gene beasts. It is estimated that we can't cultivate many by relying on the number of gene beasts in one world alone.

There are not enough genetic beasts in one world. We can get enough from other worlds.

Zhang lie directly asks the ninth prince how many worlds there are nearby.

The ninth Prince has world authority. Tell Zhang lie.

"There are three medium-sized worlds, ten small worlds and one big world near the teacher."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "tell me the location of the world channel."

The ninth prince asked, "teacher, what are you going to do?"

For Zhang lie, the ninth Prince is a little afraid. From all aspects, he is a little afraid.

I'm really afraid that Zhang lie will carry out a big plan to destroy the world.

Others can't do it. Zhang lie is really not sure.

"I just want to cultivate a few genetic animals!"

The emperor of the new territories thought of Zhang lie's three genetic beasts, big white, little white and red comet. When he was weak, he was not taken care of by big white and little white.

He has a good relationship with big white and small white. The red comet is relatively high and cold.

"Well, I'll tell you the location."

Zhang Liedao: "there is no space boat."


"Bring it!"

Without saying anything, Xiao 92 directly took the largest space war boat in the boundary library to Zhang lie

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