Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0784

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:40:06 AM

Chapter 0784

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However, the King Kong immortal has already started automatically, and a layer of golden runes reappeared on the scalp.

Sun Xiaowu's Vajra immortality has long been trained to activate automatically. As long as an attack falls, it will activate automatically.

Golden runes block arrows. Sun Xiaowu shook it hard and broke the arrow directly.

Looking up, I finally found the archer Orc on the wall.

It was a guy holding a two meter black iron bow. His eyes were sharp and his figure was the tallest Orc sun Xiaowu had ever seen. He was three meters tall.

Similar to the Hulk in the past nostalgic movies, there is an oblique scar on his face.


Seeing the tall orc, sun Xiaowu couldn't help falling down and gasping.

It's not that sun Xiaowu knows the green monster man, but that the green monster man is too green.

Just killed two hulks... No, the orc general is a dark green enhanced version.

The green giant beast man standing on the city wall is dark green, which is almost black.

If he didn't take it seriously, he really thought it was a black ORC.

The momentum of dark green giant beast man is not a joke. It is a momentum of stepping through countless Shura fields and standing on hundreds of millions of people.

Status is definitely not low among orcs.

Even if sun Xiaowu was told that the dark green monster man standing at the head of the city was the orc king, sun Xiaowu would believe it.

However, the dark green Orc standing at the head of the city is not an orc king.

Seeing the appearance of dark green orcs, the morale of the declining orcs suddenly revived.

"Here comes the marshal!"

"Marshal invincible!"

"As long as there is a marshal, we orcs will not lose!"


The roar of the orcs cut into the sky, not to mention the revival of morale. At this moment, the morale of the orcs is better than before.

The immediate changes were brought by the dark green monster man on the city wall.

"This is the orc Marshal... Really green!"

The orc marshal is already dark green, so what color is the orc king?

Straight black?

Or green to purple?

The orc Marshal has this momentum, so what kind of existence is the orc king?

Sun Xiaowu provoked Gougou's fingers.

The orc Marshal hung his bow and took out a three meter high battle axe. The huge axe with two cutting edges was one meter long.

This is definitely a sharp weapon for cutting the waist!

The orc Marshal jumped high, and his great power made him soar into the sky like a cannon and fly directly into the air.

Looking up from the ground, the orc Marshal looked much smaller. Then, the orc Marshal fell like a meteor. With the help of the impact of falling from the sky, he waved his axe.

But this time, sun Xiaowu did not choose to fight hard.

Golden light film · hundred weight!

He instantly divided into hundreds of shadows, each of which is false, but each of which can cause damage.

Orc Marshal can't tell who is true and who is false in a short time.


The orc Marshal's attack fell, and a large area of sun Xiaowu was blown up. At least fifty or sixty sun Xiaowu were blown up and dissipated in mid air.

The impact of the axe blade fell to the ground and tore the earth all the way, leaving an invisible gap.

The rest of sun Xiaowu burst into golden light, and another round of self explosion was set off. The orc Marshal waved his Tomahawk and strongly tore the light and air waves of the explosion.

Golden light film · thousand weight!

In an instant, sun Xiaowu separated another 1000 himself.

Golden chopping · thousand feather storm!

Thousands of ways are separated. At the same time, using the shining golden chop is like the stars lighting up the sky, and the sky is dyed into a bright gold. The shining golden chop is cut down at the same time, and the shining golden chop is dense and staggered, like a golden whirlwind.

The orc Marshal held the axe and turned it into a blade storm. The huge force turned the attack of the axe blade into a blade wind and waved it out. A large area of sun Xiaowu was killed.

"Golden scale fist!"

The rest of sun Xiaowu clenched his fist, and his right arm was instantly wrapped by the bright golden light. His arm suddenly increased by a circle, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

The golden light lit up like a wave, reflected around, and a golden sun appeared on the battlefield.

A powerful force rose into the sky.

The wave of terror and hegemony swept out in an instant, and the fist blew out.

The orc Marshal still waved his axe and killed all these sun Xiaowu. Even one sun Xiaowu couldn't touch his clothes.

In the face of absolute power, the number advantage is a joke.

"Golden scale fist collapse!"

A big drink sounded overhead. I saw a sun Xiaowu jumping on the head of the orc marshal.

The power of the terrible golden light fist surged rapidly and dyed the whole sky into a piece of brilliant gold. The light was dazzling, as if there was another round of sun in the sky, and the golden dragon scale appeared.

Sun Xiaowu's breath suddenly changed, and his right arm was instantly wrapped in bright golden light.

A powerful force rose into the sky.

The right fist burst out in the blink of an eye. Sun Xiaowu fell from the sky like a golden meteor. The wave of terror and hegemony swept out in an instant.

The orc Marshal waved his axe and cut it up. The axe blade collided with his fist. The golden air wave exploded and the storm swept the whole battlefield.

The ground sank, and a slight crack appeared on the axe blade. Sun Xiaowu's fist collided with the battle axe. The orc marshal was stronger and began to press back.

Just then, the ground behind the orc Marshal suddenly broke open, and another sun Xiaowu broke through the ground. His fist burst into golden light, covered with dragon scales.

The orc marshal was shocked. He didn't expect another sun Xiaowu to emerge from the ground.

"Stand up and dare!"

A more terrible threat came from the other side of the city wall, like the whole world down.

But this pressure could not stop the fist at all. Sun Xiaowu completely ignored the pressure and beat the fist on the back of the orc marshal.


"Golden scale fist · penetration!"

The fist fell on the orc Marshal's back, and the golden fist strength ran through the orc Marshal's body. The golden light burst through his chest and burst out.

When the orc marshal was attacked from the rear, he was equal to sun Xiaowu in front.

But when the rear was attacked, it immediately broke the skill.

The fist of sun Xiaowu in front opened the Tomahawk, and the fist of the other hand was clenched, which was wrapped in bright gold in an instant.

The arm suddenly increased by a circle, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

But at the moment when the fist was about to fall, the void suddenly broke and an axe light came in front of him. Sun Xiaowu immediately gave up and worked hard to keep the King Kong alive.

Under the convergence of source forces, a layer of golden runes appears on the body surface.

The rune seems to be branded on the surface of the skin. The light flashes and emits a dazzling light. At the same time, sun Xiaowu retreats rapidly.

The orc Marshal's body was cut off by the axe light.

After the axe light, an orc came out of the broken void.

With his appearance, a purple glow suddenly appeared in the sky, extending all the way.

The glow is extremely beautiful. It looks like a dream, but it seems to be conscious. It is welcoming the orc

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