Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0793

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:39:58 AM

Chapter 0793

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At the moment when Li Feng's words fell, the wind and snow in the sky suddenly increased, the chill rose, the air was cold and piercing, and the temperature was falling rapidly.

A voice sounded from the rear: "no, I've come."

Li Feng looked around and saw a 20 meter high figure in the ice and snow.

The golden mammoth trembled and said, "patriarch!"

Standing in the wind and snow, there is a long haired elephant man, whose hair is crystal like a diamond, and his whole body is pale. Surrounded by the wind and snow, he just stands like Optimus Prime.

The patriarch of the mammoth said, "I'm very disappointed. Even a small Terran can't stop it!"

"Only when you hang out with the Terran every day and go to the Dragon Terran world all day can you become so weak."

The golden mammoth coughed up blood.

In the face of the seriously injured people, seeing that the patriarch who is most likely to take over is seriously injured, the patriarch of the mammoth doesn't care about the injury of the golden mammoth, but accuses him of not completing the task. of

This made Li Feng very unhappy.

However, the golden mammoth used his life to block Li Feng. Although he failed in the end, he not only didn't get a trace of care after being seriously injured, but also accused him.

The mammoth patriarch's voice revealed his displeasure and said, "you really let me down. You asked you to lead the team to attack the Dragon world, but you turned me down!"

"Even accuse me in front of the people. You shouldn't start with the former alliance. For the sake of the only human race, point to the nose and scold me. You don't take me as the patriarch in your eyes!"

The golden mammoth looked up and said, "sorry... Patriarch, even now I haven't changed my mind!"

"Both the dragon people and the Terrans are our allies. Our family can survive in this ice and snow world, thanks to the dragon people and the Terrans!"

"We can't fall when our allies are besieged and in danger!"

Without the knowledge taught by the Terran, the battle array and forging skills of the Terran, whether the mammoth can stand firm in the ice and snow has become a problem.

The patriarch of the mammoth said excitedly, "who gave you the position of the young patriarch, and who kept our family?"

"Who gave us the living environment? It's not the dragon and Terran, nor any ally. It's me!"

"Would mammoths still exist without me?"

Li Feng sneered: "hehe, it's like you pulled up your race with one hand. You've never received the favor of the dragon and the Terran?"

"People, no one can change the world without you. You are too self-centered!"

Without the battle array and forging skills of the Terran, the mammoth could not easily hunt food in this ice and snow, and it would not be as strong as it was later.

Without prosperity, there will be no such figures as the patriarch of the mammoth.

Without a strong mammoth family, it will not be recognized by the will of the world.

There is nothing wrong with the mammoth patriarch's credit and ability, but without the Terran battle array and forging skills as the starting point, there will be no follow-up.

Li Feng sighed: "it's a pity. I wanted to see the mammoth volcanic belt tribe. I didn't expect you to come and die so soon!"

What do we want to live better in this cold environment

Li Feng snorted coldly, "there's nothing wrong with the mammoth family to want a better environment, but it can't be based on trampling on allies!"

The patriarch of the mammoth pointed to Li Feng and said, "look, look, my young patriarch!"

"Anyone who stands in front of me dares to accuse me impolitely!"

"It's all because of you. If you had taken your people to attack the Dragon Terran world, you wouldn't be seriously injured lying on the ground, let alone invaded our world by this Terran!"

"All this is the curse of you!"

Hearing this, the golden mammoth chose silence.

The patriarch of the mammoth accused more excitedly: "listen to me, there will be no human invasion. You can't make up for your mistakes and stop a human race!"

"You are useless, completely useless!"

Li Feng smiled coldly and said, "if it's abandoned, he may not be able to. But you will be abandoned soon!"

"I thought that as the emperor of the world, as the head of a family, you would be a character. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable!"

The patriarch of mammoth turned his head when he heard the speech: "Terran, do you want to die?"

Li Feng sneered: "it's up to you?"

The mammoth patriarch sneered: "tiny Terran, I can stab you with a finger!"

Li Feng looked up at the sky and said, "I don't know which race it was. He knelt on the ground and licked our feet for the sake of some knowledge we don't care about."


The mammoth family roared when they grew up, and their fists came. The ice and snow moved and wrapped around their fists.

The fist was mixed with ice and snow, and the storm came. Before the fist arrived, a layer of frost condensed on Li Feng's face.

"Bright dragon shadow war!"

Li Feng's hands suddenly turned into an illusion, and large white light dragon shadows intertwined with each other, turned into a white light dragon shadow storm, and collided with his fists wrapped in ice and snow.

White light and ice and snow burst at the same time, and a layer of ice and snow condensed on the ground. The white light dragon shadow storm was broken by his fist, and Li Feng quickly changed his moves.

"Flame dragon and snake dance!"

In a twinkling moment, hundreds of flaming dragons and snakes burst out in the face.

The flaming dragon and snake tore the ice storm and fell directly on the mammoth patriarch.

However, the mammoth patriarch is "harder" than the golden mammoth. Even if the flame dragon and snake can tear the ice storm, it will not hurt the mammoth patriarch.

The patriarch of the mammoth smiled coldly, his arm shook, and the flame dragon and snake smashed.

"Light dragon destruction cannon!"

With a loud drink, Li Feng, who added the Dragon Armor, suddenly raised his left arm, and the white light seal converged quickly.

In the next moment, a giant dragon claw with fine appearance collided with the mammoth patriarch's fist like a pillar of light.

The light and ice burst, and the frozen frost on the ground shattered.

Da Guangming fist · flying dragon in the sky!!

Li Feng shook his fist and his right arm was instantly wrapped in bright white. Layers of fine white dragon scales emerged. The white dragon scales wriggled and turned into a white illusory light dragon on his arm. The light dragon hovered in his arm, opened its mouth and roared out.

The patriarch of the mammoth reached out and grabbed the white illusory light dragon directly, disdaining to smile: "that's it?"

When the patriarch of the mammoth shook it hard, the white illusory light dragon collapsed in front of him.

Da Guangming fist · dragon teeth!

On Li Feng's arm, the white light condenses and is wrapped by the high concentration of optical phase source force. The white light is sharp, and Li Feng turns into a streamer.

The mammoth patriarch slapped the ground with his palm, and the huge ice wall rushed out of the ground. Li Feng's fist pierced into the ice wall, and the mammoth patriarch pounded the ice wall behind him.


With a roar, the ice wall broke and debris splashed out. Li Feng was also beaten out and stabilized in mid air.

Galaxy bright fist!

The white light seal converged quickly, and a white light dragon appeared behind him. Li Feng suddenly punched out the white light dragon, which came with the shadow, like a bullet from a high-speed laser.

The light overflows with long galactic starlight, which is extremely beautiful.

As Li Feng kept punching, he scattered the bullets overflowing the galaxy light dragon, just like machine gun shooting, breaking the ice.

The mammoths leaped high and fell down with a snowstorm. Their fists hit one after another and collided with the bullets of the Galactic light dragon.

Li Feng was even better against the snowstorm. The mammoth patriarch's momentum pressed back, leaving scars on his strong body.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!