Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0832

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:39:22 AM

Chapter 0832

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The Chengming river of the black snake formation collides with the red lava flow, and there is no suspense to swallow it up.

The black snake covered the Styx river all the way, directly drowning the salamander.

The red lava explodes, the black snake Styx river is exploded, and the natural disaster salamander can even play self explosion.

After the salamander explodes, it reveals its ruby like body.

It's just like the lava body, which is just like the lava body.

The shrunk salamander is only one person tall. Compared with the giant just composed of lava, it actually looks a little cute, which makes Zhang lie want to be a pet.

You can't be deceived by each other's appearance. Even if it looks cute, it's a natural disaster.

Ruby emits a hot temperature, which is ten times higher than that of lava. Zhang lie thought the real battle would begin.

The natural disaster salamander screamed twice. His eyes showed lava like tears. He turned and drilled directly into the ground.

Zhang lie quickly cut it with a sword, but the natural disaster salamander drilled into the ground too fast, faster than Zhang lie's sword, leaving only a wriggling Ruby tail on the ground.

Zhang lie just cut off one tail of the natural disaster salamander and recovered in an instant according to the natural disaster biological self-healing ability.

"If you want to escape from me, you have to wait for the next life!"

Dragon turtle becomes floating dust monument!

Zhang lie's mind moved, and the virtual shadow of the dragon and turtle appeared behind him. The floating dust monument representing buoyancy appeared on the head of the natural disaster salamander.

The dark stone tablet vibrated, and the unknown words on it emerged from the stone tablet.

The claws of the natural disaster salamander kept climbing in the soil, but felt a pulling force and kept pulling it up.

The weightlessness caused by the floating dust monument slowed down the action of the natural disaster salamander and hindered him for a moment.

Just this moment of hindrance is enough for Zhang lie.

Wielding the sword in his hand, the natural disaster salamander was cut off and divided into two.

"Ding! Kill the natural disaster level fusion salamander and devour its core. You can absorb 10 natural disaster level genes!"

Zhang lie took out the core from the body. The red core was like lava flowing inside, as if there was a lava River in it, surrounded by red flames.

With the power of space wrapped, Zhang lie was once again transmitted to the black desert. After absorbing the natural disaster gene, Zhang lie felt that his strength had been improved.

Zhang lie: natural disaster life

Skill: basic skill · research level, fish dragon nine changes · Jiaolong change initial stage, treading wave · research level, folding wave palm · research level, soft water strength · research level, wave fist · research level, towering sword · research level, eclipse moon skill · research level, dragon soul nine cuts · advanced, heaven eating knife · research level.

Number of genes: basic gene 160, variant gene 150, super gene 150, ultimate gene 150, natural disaster gene 80.

Soul sea soul jade, super silver liquid jade, insect King soul jade, super blood eating ant soul jade, super Changchun mirage soul jade, ultimate moonlight Jiao soul jade, ultimate dragon wolf soul jade, ultimate golden winged bird soul jade (Tibetan sword and light knife included), natural disaster rainbow mirage soul jade.

We still need two natural disaster gene beasts to be full of natural disaster genes.

Wrapped by the power of space, Zhang lie returns to Xianlong's residence.

Xianlong smiled and waited: "do you need to rest?"

Zhang lie shook his head and said, "it's just to deal with two or three small animals. You need to rest and continue!"

Xian long exclaimed, "I envy you young people!"

"Come on, hurry up!"

"The fourth and fifth order monster is the reason why the orc world has become a desert. The orc world used to be a world with rich resources!"

"One is the overexploitation of the orcs, and a large number of people have increased, which has overwhelmed the world. The other is the existence of this fifth order monster!"

Zhang lie frowned and guessed that it should be a natural disaster gene beast that can suck the vitality around, which is similar to the natural disaster field of magic wolf and bear.

However, Zhang lie guessed wrong.

"In addition to fighting for resources and population reduction, orcs often break out in the orc world!"

"The orc's opponent is this five level monster. The orc is called the mother of evil cockroaches. It has terrible reproductive ability and can produce a large number of cockroach like Zerg!"

Zhang lie twitched at the corner of his mouth: "so, do you want me to clean cockroaches?"

Xian long asked, "you can't say that. Don't you want a fifth order monster core?"

"All right." Zhang lie thought for a moment and said, "the orc emperor should be able to deal with it. Even if he has strong reproductive ability, the orc emperor can kill him if he is willing to pay the price!"

"The reason why the orc emperor doesn't kill is to limit the number of orcs. The demon cockroach mother has strong reproductive ability, but the orcs don't lose much."

In order to control the number of clansmen and have strong war ability, the mother devil cockroach will be left.

Zhang lie asked, "it's easy for me to get rid of the evil cockroach mother, but how can I control the number of orcs?"

Xianlong said: "you don't have to worry about it. Now the dragon people world is not the orc world. The dragon people world is a combination of nine worlds and has huge resources!"

"Don't say one orc, three orcs can afford it. Besides, aren't you still going out to fight?"

Now, unlike the previous medium-sized world, there are a lot of resources to feed the orcs.

"Even without your hunting operation, I will do it myself in a period of time!"

"Today's Dragon people world does not need this scourge to exist."

Zhang lie guessed, "are you going to use the orcs?"

"Having this plan is, after all, a large ethnic group, but we need to run in."

"Since it is integrated into a world, all alien races in the world are residents. Even if they are not my people, they should be treated as my people."

"OK, you have a good mind. Send me!" Zhang lie said directly.

As soon as Xianlong waved his hand, Zhang lie was wrapped by the power of space. At the next moment, the environment changed rapidly. In the twinkling of an eye, he fell on a desert land, surrounded by huge black cockroach like reptiles.

Every cockroach has a ferocious appearance. They are as tall as a person. When they see Zhang lie, they flap their wings and fly over. Their mouth drops strange liquid and their body emits a stench.

Seeing these disgusting cockroaches, Zhang lie didn't even bother to use the disaster rainbow mirage soul jade. After sensing that the smell of the disaster gene beast was under the earth, he chose to use brute force directly.

The fist is clenched, the surrounding space is shaking, the blue source force is condensed, the ripples are scattered in the arm circle after circle, and the spiral is wound on the arm.

The wrist shook, the blue source force lingered, and the smell of terror began to bloom. The sky suddenly darkened. A swimming fish hovered in the sky like a giant Kun, and the sky stirred with the giant Kun.

Wave fist · towering!

With one punch, the wind is strong, the waves are surging into the sky, the giant Kun hits back, the fish's tail slaps, the blue waves are lifted, overwhelming

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