Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0839

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:39:16 AM

Chapter 0839

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Xianlong didn't have a good way: "don't break the space. Space repair needs to consume the power of the world!"

"Originally, the world power of the dragon people's world is not much. If you break the space at will, it will be difficult for me to do it."

Space restoration needs the power of the world. It integrates the source of the world, the almost dry black sand world and two cracked worlds.

As a new world, there is not much power left in the world.

"Call me whenever you want. I can be your full-time driver, but don't mess around!"

Zhang lie is the only one who can use the emperor of the world as a driver or the other party takes the initiative to say that he wants to be a driver.

Xianlong said, "you didn't say that after absorbing the fifth order monster core, you will burst out such powerful energy!"

"The black desert has been destroyed. Can't you let me know in advance?"

"I didn't know there was such a big noise."

Xianlong sighed: "fortunately, I sent you to the black desert. I want to level other places. I wish I could strangle you on the spot!"

Zhang lie said, "you have to do it?"

Xianlong was silent.

Even if we integrate ten medium-sized worlds and become the emperor of the big world, Xianlong has no confidence to beat Zhang lie.

"Roll, roll!"

Xianlong waved angrily.

After Zhang lie left, he rested all night and set out with Li Qianqian and Dong Xingming the next day.

Originally, with Zhang lie's strength and speed, it was only a blink of an eye to go to the eastern boundary.

But since I have the opportunity to walk alone with Li Qianqian, get close and enhance my feelings, I will not give up this opportunity.

Greet the red comet and the natural disaster color scale dragon beast and ride in the palace on the back of the natural disaster color scale dragon beast. Zhang lie secretly ordered the natural disaster color scale dragon beast not to hurry back.

Li Qianqian is not an idiot. Of course, he noticed that the natural disaster color scale dragon beast moves slowly, which is completely inconsistent with the speed of natural disaster gene beast.

But she didn't say it. After going to the Dragon world, she didn't spend time alone with Zhang lie, or even have a chance to talk alone.

Anyway, there is still some time before the ceremony. It's not urgent at the moment.

I have to say that the emperor of the western boundary left a good baby and rode all the way to the eastern boundary in the palace. There were two beautiful women accompanying him, which was an unspeakable enjoyment.

Just walk slowly and take a look at the scenery along the way. It took five days to finally reach the east boundary.

When Zhang lie and Li Qianqian entered the eastern boundary, they were immediately noticed by the emperor of the eastern boundary.

Such a large natural disaster gene beast enters the eastern boundary through the world channel, unless the eastern boundary emperor is no longer the boundary emperor.

Otherwise, the fool will notice.

The eastern boundary emperor appeared directly in front of the palace, and Zhang lie, Li Qianqian and Dong Xingming walked out of the palace.

Zhang lie said, "Lao Li, long time no see!"

Li Chongming smiled and said, "ha ha, good boy, welcome to the grand ceremony of the integration of the East and the West!"

Then he turned his face to his daughter and said with a kind and gentle smile, "Qianqian, welcome home!"

Li Qianqian nodded: "well, I'm back."

Li Chong Ming Road: "go and get ready. You are my daughter, your Royal Highness Princess of the East realm. After two years of things, once again, you must be one of us."

Li Qianqian didn't resist and nodded. After saying hello to Zhang lie, he took Dong Xingming and left.

"Zhang lie, stop the five step monster under your seat at the foot of the mountain. Don't scare others."

Zhang liecai noticed that the appearance of natural disaster colored scale dragons and beasts surprised the aliens around the space channel.

Zhang lie nodded and commanded the natural disaster colored scale dragon beast to move towards Tianshan Mountain.

Li Chongming fell at the gate of the palace and asked, "how are you and my daughter going?"

Zhang lie turned his head and asked, "what's going on?"

Li Chongming asked, "I mean, how far has it come?"

Zhang lie understood: "is it going well?"

Li Chongming was not angry: "smooth is smooth, not smooth is not smooth, what does this mean?"

"It should be ok... Hahaha, how are the two worlds of the eastern boundary emperor getting ready for integration?"

Zhang lie noticed Li Chongming staring at himself and hurriedly staggered the topic.

Li Chongming sighed: "it's going well. At the beginning, there were resistance forces in the western border, which were strongly suppressed by me."

The reason why Li Chongming got the certificate of the emperor of the world for so long and delayed the integration of the two worlds until now is that there are still resistance forces in the western world.

However, for a king of the world, these resistance forces are completely mantis, but occasionally there are always resistance forces, which appear in unknown corners, making Li Chongming very sick and tired.

Li Chongming can't kill the whole western boundary. He can only find a way to suppress and deal with it slowly.

Originally, the resistance forces in the western border had been suppressed. With the release of the news of the integration of the two worlds, it seemed to touch the interests of some people. As a result, Li Chongming went to pour fire again and unknowingly dragged it to the present.

Zhang lie turned his head and asked, "so, have they been suppressed?"

"It can be regarded as repression for the time being. At least when the two worlds integrate, there will be no trouble."

The emperor is not omnipotent. He will not monitor the changes of the whole world 24 hours a day.

Thousands of sentient beings in the world are like countless stars in the sky. The emperor of the world noticed that only shining stars are powerful in the world, like Zhang lie and natural disaster gene beasts. The emperor of the world will immediately know any changes.

The emperor of the world does not have time to observe and capture the trivial ordinary lives one by one. There will always be some confusion. Some foreigners living in the western world just like to play terrorist attacks, which makes Li Chongming very upset.

Zhang lie said: "be careful, the world area of your East and West is very large. Once integrated, it is estimated that it will become a super world. Once it becomes a super world, trouble will naturally come to you."

Li Chongming asked, "you seem to know something?"

"The integration of the two big worlds will take a long time and is prone to unexpected situations."

The integration of the two big worlds is different from the integration of the medium-sized world of Xianlong. The integration of the medium-sized world is only one or two hours at most. I'm afraid it will take several days to integrate the large world.

Li Chongming said seriously, "I have tried my best to prepare for all special situations."

Zhang lie turned and asked, "what do you think of the existence of the super big world?"

"The summit of the three thousand world."

Zhang lie asked, "have you ever heard of other super worlds besides the ten super worlds?"

Li Chongming was stunned.

"Listen to you, there are only ten super worlds in three thousand worlds. What does it seem to matter?"

"Ten super worlds describe Xumi world in the ten thousand world insect breeding field."

Li Chongming said: "you say that once the East and the West are integrated, the super world will take action?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!