Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1651

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:20:55 AM

Chapter 1651

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"All the gods in the dream are dead. You killed them."

Zoe karar's pride is full of hysteria and more of the pleasure of revenge after madness.

Bessel said with a tearful look, "I'm sorry, Nancy Kam, the guardian."

Nasi Kam, the guardian, sighed, "I should say I'm sorry, or I got you involved."

Zhang lie said, "I don't care about the lives of the gods in your dreams. I want to know why Robben disappeared?"

As soon as they heard their eldest brother's name, tamash and Zo karar's expressions collapsed, and it was difficult to see the extreme.

Zhang lie smiled and said, "you don't have to answer. I already understand."

The resurrection ability of the tamash and Zo karar brothers can regenerate at a speed, even if there is only one hair left after destruction.

When oneself is destroyed into ashes, the biggest piece left in the realm of dreams will grow a new self.

Since the regenerative ability is the authority of the dream realm, the power from the source is likely to place the soul in it. Even if the physical body and brain are destroyed, the memory can be preserved.

The three brothers knew this for a long time and left a large part of their body somewhere in the dreamland.

That's the problem.

Regeneration ability is the foundation of their existence and their combat effectiveness. Now it is the reason why Robben can't be resurrected.

After Luoben was dissolved by Zhang lie, he turned into a pool of meat mud and was thrown into an iron jar, together with his dark Yuanli magic snake. Then, he asked Bessel to take it away and throw it away at sea.

It is estimated that Bessel didn't say. Rather, even he didn't know where to throw it. After all, the ocean of dream realm is very large. Who knows where Robben floats with the current now.

Because of the existence of the largest pool of Robben, some volume is left somewhere, which is not big enough for that pool of Robben. Therefore, Robben cannot be resurrected elsewhere.

Now, Robben is still in the dark and closed jar. He keeps waiting until Zhang lie's magic snake erodes and the source power of the remaining magic snake is exhausted. Maybe Robben can revive, but this process may take hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years.

Zoe karar sneered: "Guardian Nasi Kam, this is your important friend, isn't it?"

Tamash snorted coldly, "if you dare to enter the abyss, I'll kill this guy."

Nasi Kam, the guardian, hurriedly said, "don't mess around."

The extreme team looks at Zhang lie. Tamash and Zo karar think Zhang lie and the extreme team are newcomers brought back by the guardian Nasi Kam. In fact, the real leader of the team is Zhang lie.

"Nancy Kam, the guardian, wants your friend to be all right. Take my big brother safely to sunset City," joked Zo karar

Zhang lie shouted, "wait!"

Tamash and Zo karar didn't pay attention to a newcomer's words at all. Li Feng started directly, hit a fist, and a white light dragon shadow passed between tamash and Zo karar at a very fast speed.

Li Feng said, "brother lie asked you to wait. Did you hear me?"

Tamash turned back stiffly and asked, "Guardian Nasi Kam, do you really care whether your friends live or die?"

Zoe karar hummed coldly, "if you don't want your friend to die, take care of your dog."

Zhang lie stepped forward and said, "do you think catching captain Bessel can stop us from meeting the Lord of the abyss?"

Tamash accused, "what qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

Zhang lie patted his chest and said, "I killed your brother. Only I know where your brother is."

Tamash was furious.

"My brother is not dead yet."

"Don't hit the other side's trigger," said Jo carrar

Zhang lie said, "even if you stop us from seeing the Lord of the abyss this time, can you stop the next time?"

Captain Bessel also went with them on the sea. He was one of the people who helped them. They were involved because of their reasons, and they were partly responsible.

Therefore, Captain Bessel must be saved.

Just to save captain Bessel, you can't be led by the nose and brought into the rhythm by the enemy.

"Don't you wonder how we found the entrance to the abyss of the ocean without captain Bessel leading the way?"

Tamash and Zo karar were really surprised how the guardian Nasi Kam found the entrance without taking the white boat, even if they found it by taking the white boat.

"Because we have the dark EBO to lead the way."

Tamash and Zo karar were shocked, and the formal members of the ancient god residence joined hands.

Zhang lie put the controlled dark EBO in front of him, and tamash and Zo karar changed their faces.

The dark EBO was covered with ferocious scars. It was so miserable that tamash and Zo karar couldn't recognize it for a moment.

Tamash asked, "Lord EBO of darkness, what happened to you..."

Tamash and Zo karar dare to be disrespectful to the guardian Nasi Kam, or even care about the guardian Nasi Kam, but they dare not be disrespectful to the dark EBO. After all, behind this is the Lord of the abyss.

The dark Ebon snorted goodbye.

Kalazor, you're even more shocked, because you think it's crazy, do you understand

Tamash suddenly realized that his whole body was trembling wildly, and he was so shocked that he took a cold breath: "you are impatient and too bold to kidnap the dark EBO?"

The dark Yibo will end up like this. It can only be artificial. In addition, the dark Yibo is in Zhang lie's hand. Although I can't believe someone is so bold in the realm of fantasy, tamash and Zo karar still want to understand.

Tamash and Zo karar suddenly felt the gap. They kidnapped a special captain, and the other party directly kidnapped the old members of the ancient god residence.

Zhang lie said: "you see, Lord Yibo of the dark is on our side. This time he kidnapped captain Bessel. Next time, we can easily find the entrance. What are we going to rely on for the first time and the second time?"

Tamash frowned, "what are you trying to say?"

Zhang lie said: "we can also exchange hostages, but different from before, hostages become dark IBO and captain Bessel."

Tamash discussed with Zo karar and thought he could do it.

How can captain Bessel compare with the old members of the old God's residence.

Without the dark EBO, it becomes difficult for them to find the entrance to the abyss. The most important thing is to rescue the dark EBO from each other. Maybe the dark EBO will be grateful and give some help.

It's not a loss making deal anyway.

After their discussion, they decided to be greedy.

"In addition to the dark EBO, I want my big brother," said Zo karar

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!