Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2081

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:11:54 AM

Chapter 2081

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When everyone in the outside world looks dignified, the aliens in the starry sky have opened their arms, and many people want to worship!

Zhang lie felt that the Dragon Sword vibrated in his body, and the Dragon transformer operated automatically. He didn't know what the situation was, so he quickly suppressed it.


The strong wind broke the grass and trees. The creature crossed many mountains and went towards the flower buds of the virtual star. This star flower is blooming, which is the most fundamental reason to attract it. For the fourth level.

Because he felt it and thought it was best to leave.


A dragon's chant startled the mountains and rivers. The huge creature beyond the mountains began to dive again to approach the virtual star flower bud. Although it was suppressed and hit hard, it did not give up.

After it left, there were many figures in that area. Strong people nearby killed the past, and some of them were Tianzong strong people who broke through the boundary wall!

"This is the nature that passed me by. Are you in a hurry to reincarnate? Fight for it." TIANYAO Molin looked back, but he didn't go back after all.

He walked at top speed and went through several boundary walls before landing on the ground.

"Are you strong enough, if I'm strong enough." Cried the stranger.

Zhang lie was dumb. The two are not far away. Is the first war about to begin?

Because the evil spirit of this demon is soaring. At first glance, it is a confident and publicized character, and Zhang lie will never bow to anyone.

TIANYAO Molin naturally feels the strength of Zhang lie. He has special abilities and can sense the strength of others. He wants to subdue some of his men with terrible combat power. He can survive better after entering the fourth level.

In fact, in his area, several of the strongest have surrendered.


Angry with the wind and cloud, Mo Lin stared at Zhang lie. The light beam of his blue pupil flew several miles away. He came step by step. He was extremely evil and said, "you have fate with me. Come with me."

Zhang lie didn't despise it. Although this person hasn't said it, he is absolutely powerful and may surpass all his opponents!

"I'm a demon. It's your glory to follow me." The blue haired youth farted.


Suddenly. A dragon screamed in the distance, and the dragon blood splashed down again. It was defeated by the flower bud containing 3000 Avenue, and was knocked back.

"The fourth level. I'll go in!"

This is a majestic force of the soul. It roars, but there is no strong attack, because it has suffered unimaginable heavy losses and left for the distance.

Moreover, a pair of wings were stretched out on both sides of its body. The brilliance is gorgeous, blocking out the sky and the sun. When it beats, it cracks the sky.

"This is not a real dragon!"

Everyone is sure. Because the real dragon has no wings, it is not in this form.

People know that it suffered very serious trauma and actually needed to leave with the help of the Dragon Wings on its side. It can be seen how serious the impact consequences just now are.

At the last moment of leaving, it roared. All the participants in the passing area were stopped. It was emitting dragon power and breathing, imprisoning heaven and earth.

It's venting its anger!

As powerful as the sky demon Mo Lin, he couldn't move and showed a different color. He secretly suffered from stomach Fei. He was so unlucky that he even ate it again when he hid here.

However, the most incredible thing happened. There was a lot of darkness in the sky and something fell down.

"What's falling down, dragon scales? No, a large area of dragon blood?!"

In the distance, many people envy, because they can't see the truth across many areas, so they are drinking and shouting, and the strongest people in all districts begin to cross the boundary wall and rush in at top speed.

Only the people in these adjacent areas are terrified, so his mother is...... a dragon - dung!

In particular, when TIANYAO Molin looked up and saw what it was, his face turned white, but he could not move.

This area is imprisoned by the dragon's breath.

Even Zhang lie was in a hurry. The sky fell... Dragon dung, which came for them.

"I @# ¥ #@..." many participants scolded and couldn't help cursing.

Such a fierce dragon is an invincible expert in their eyes. As a result, they did such a thing before they left. It's too casual

"No!" The sky demon Mo Lin screamed.

"Help!" For the first time, Zhang lie felt so hairy, moved his fingers and cut through the void.

TIANYAO looked at Zhang lie with tears in his eyes and hoped to take him away.

"I'll talk to you later about who receives who." Zhang Lietou ran away without looking back.

"No!" The strange and beautiful face was filled with despair, incomparably miserable and helpless.


This lump of dragon dung, big enough to be as big as a hill, smashed into the mountain forest and filled a large area. Many participants howled miserably, and many alien stars were buried here.

Far away, the leaders of various forces look dignified. It's not a real dragon, but it's not far away. It's absolutely powerful against the sky.

"Ying Long!" A powerful senior said.

However, no one expected that such powerful creatures would do such outrageous things in the end.

"Not quite right. The dragon is intentional. It leaves a breath on some people for the future?"


In the third pass, Ying Long went away. A group of people rushed out of the mountain like dragon dung. The leader was the heavenly demon.

"Ah ah..." he shouted.

Zhang lie returned, looked at him and said, "do you want to take me?"

"Shit, I'm like this. When you're the boss, you look at me every day. Where's your face?! no one sees me. Dare to say it, I'll kill all of you!" The sky demon Molin ran away. He was crazy and plunged into the great lake.

Breaking through the boundary wall and arriving here, the young and strong are stunned. They thought it was a great fortune, but they saw such a scene.

"In fact, there is no need to clean it. This dragon dung is a kind of big medicine, which can refine a treasure pill." A newly arrived alien in the starry sky smiled and said to other people who got out of trouble.

This is a powerful pharmacist and a strong man!

Others are in a daze, while those who get out of trouble are going crazy.

"Don't make me kill you!" The sky demon sent cruel words from afar. He ran away directly and didn't want to be seen.


At the horizon, the brightest light blooms, Ruixia is towering, the last petal finally unfolds, and the virtual star flower bud is in full bloom.

In a twinkling of an eye, the fragrance soared to the sky, and 3000 golden rules spread to 3000 regions. All alien stars were crazy and rushed up together.

Unfortunately, many talents are shocked and can't go up.

With a brush sound, a divine rainbow broke the air. Someone boarded the golden light rule. The first one was shrouded in fairy fog, wrapped and sucked into the door on a petal.

"It's really the Dragon dung transportation. It's the demon!"

Many alien stars are indignant.

At this moment, everyone changed color. Because the first one who rushes in must have great luck.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!