Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2254

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:09:10 AM

Chapter 2254

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The first Hunter stood respectfully under the skull, stood with his hands down, and waited for the command to attack.

This is shocking and inexplicable. The king of star hunting, one of the most terrible beings in the so-called young supreme, came in person and showed his true body without hiding, which is enough to show his determination.

Even the first hunter was so restrained that he didn't dare to speak out in front of him. You can imagine how terrible he was!

People almost suffocate at the thought of his legend and the glorious years in history. This is the fatal creature who assassinated several people who once participated in the ascent of the king of the starry sky.

"Son of God, do you see? I've come to avenge you." Honghao said, shrouded in purple mist, the breath emitted by his body is powerful and frightening.

He has recovered from his injury, and now he will fight here!

"Brother of the temple, please don't worry. Killing Zhang Yanyang is eliminating harm. It doesn't hurt to join hands!" Honghao looks at another person not far away.

People shook again, and those who once climbed to the peak and king of the virtual realm of the starry sky united one after another. Whoever the enemy is. I'm dying.

"What else, attack!" The voice of the son of darkness was indifferent. Standing in the rear, the dark fog shrouds the world. It's as dark as ink.

Only his body can shake the void. That's because the physique is too strong. This is a non bad God body accumulated in previous lives. There is the supreme law left in the flesh and blood.


As the army advances, it is necessary to break through the formation.

The big flag hunting is as murderous as the sea. This place is full of people and endless rules are lit up. The war is fierce.

Several kings who had ascended to the peak in the virtual realm of the starry sky appeared, walked forward, led the people around a green stone road and began to fight. To kill Zhang Yanyang.


When the array was impacted, the law was lit up, accompanied by a contemptuous cold rebuke and said, "get out!"

The sound shook the world like thunder and resounded everywhere.

The virtual and real response, after the blessing of the "echo Dharma array", drank out like this, which was deafening and stirred everyone's mood.

"Zhang Yanyang!"

When someone drinks angrily and turns into ashes, he can also recognize that this is his voice. In addition, his breath surges out.

"Sure enough, you can't escape this time!" Many people shouted, one by one showing excitement.

There is a young Supreme Master sitting here, and there is more than one person. What are they afraid of? As long as this array is disintegrated, Zhang Yanyang is bound to fall and blood splashes on the bluestone road.

"Kill..." shouted to kill Zhentian, and everyone shot.

Outside Qingshi Road, all the creatures of all ethnic groups who got the news and rushed to the road were shocked and looked at them from a distance.

No one expected that Zhang Yanyang would be closed here and sit on the bluestone Road, which exceeded everyone's expectation.

"It's a pity that Zhang Yanyang is about to fall. Even if he is a divine man, he can't stop the joint attack and killing of the major forces in the sky. Even if Ling is surrounded like this, it will be difficult to get out of trouble."

In the rear, people talk.


On Qingshi Road, a large array of power was raised, and its strong counterattack was triggered by the first wave of attack. More than 40 people were smashed on the spot, blood splashed high, and white bones flew away.

This is extremely tragic and amazing.

At the beginning, so many people died. You know, they are all experts and elites.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yanyang didn't move or make a sound.

"I know. At the critical moment, Zhang Yanyang may be ill and can't get up. It's really... Dangerous!"

In the distance, the people watching the war changed color, and someone made such a judgment.

"Hey, hey, the end of Zhang Yanyang is coming!"

"If you don't come out, wait for us to kill you and destroy you."

On Qingshi Road, several armies attacked. Naturally, some people guessed that there was a problem with Zhang lie's seclusion, so he can't go out now. He can resist the enemy with the help of the French array.


The more terrible rule broke out, and the large array recovered, enveloping a large group of people. This place was suddenly full of sword Qi, and the rule burned. If fireworks bloom, it looks like a river of stars.

In a breath, a large number of strong people burst into pieces and were killed into broken bones and residual blood, filled with red fog.


"Cut off Zhang Yanyang!"

Someone in the rear shouted in a cold voice. Stop those who fled back and give orders.

This place is boiling!


The cold world is so cold that it is unreal, and the cold is piercing.

Deep in the mountains, light and rain are all over the sky. It's just like someone is flying fairy. It's so gorgeous here.

Zhang lie holds the Tianluo immortal knife, calms his mind, senses the heaven and earth in all directions, opens the law force field and protects the Impatiens around him. He thinks it's very strange here.

"Why is there a sacred breath?" The law God chain outside his body revolves around his body like a real dragon.

"Well, did I accidentally touch this altar?" Xu ShenTeng murmured.

It is obvious that endless years ago, before the great disaster, this tribe was sacrificing and beautiful girls were sacrificing.

Unfortunately, the altar was half destroyed and there was no sacrifice left.

"Stand back!"

Zhang lie said, seriously on guard and stepped back.

Sure enough, when they left the altar, the light and rain disappeared, and the place slowly returned to peace.

Just now, the temperature was about to drop. If you don't build a law God chain. When one's own strength reaches the top, it is absolutely dangerous.

Until after a long time. Then he put away the law force field and released the impatiens.

"It's so cold. Just now I felt a mysterious power, extremely Yin and powerful." Said the impatiens.

Zhang liezhen opened the ice and snow. Let the old tribes reappear in the world and completely expose them.

Ancient Shanzhai, immortal ancient style, and the style of the last era. This ancient land is well preserved and submerged by wind and snow, which seals it completely. Same as before.

"A lot of vegetation has been frozen." The Impatiens' big eyes and bones were rolling. She looked for whether there were frozen holy drugs and so on.

This situation shows that a long time ago. The cold world is not cold, there is strong vitality, but a disaster suddenly came, enveloping this small world and freezing all living creatures.

It's hard to imagine what kind of cold it is. It should contain the power of supreme law, otherwise it would never happen.

There was no clue about the disaster. Zhang lie searched all over the tribe and found nothing.

"It seems that we can only start with the altar, which has something to do with it." Zhang lie frowned.

"Be careful." The Impatiens did not approach, but listened to the advice and hid far away.


When Luo Xian Dao touched the altar on the same day, the altar trembled slightly, and light and rain again floated here, like flying immortals. The sacred atmosphere was filled with cold and piercing.


More bright light blooms, light rain falls, submerges here, and the cold is towering.

The altar was shaking. Although it was incomplete, it also had a violent reaction. It was filled with brilliance and swept in all directions.

Zhang lie didn't retreat. A chain of laws and gods on his body flowed, and the laws of his whole body bloomed to resist the cold.

"That disaster won't happen again?" Impatiens hair.

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