Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2283

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:30 AM

Chapter 2283

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Zhang lie's palm and fingers were like a rainbow. The law was wrapped around his arm and burst into light. He punched forward one after another.


The French seal of the previous president was punctured, and the whole person coughed up blood and flew sideways.

Zhang lie chased close, swept his right leg, shook away the corpse of the gods and demons, roared on him and made him fly backwards again.

"Not yet!"

Zhang lie roared and urged by the law of space. In a blink of an eye, when he came near, he shook the other party's palms and hit them with a fist, which almost broke through the previous generation of president and burst his chest.


It was another heavy blow. Zhang lie hit again with a fist. The light was towering. He flew out of the bombardment of the previous generation of president and hit a mountain peak.

How could this happen? People are like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

"The president of the previous generation... Was beaten violently!" Someone breathed hard and said this sentence.

Everything is incredible and shocking!

In a certain era, the legend known as invincible has no opponent in the world. Today, it was beaten by people.

The previous president was invincible in the world. He was strong enough to kill all enemies.

However, the immediate result can only daze people. Zhang lie's strong "mess" and pursuit in the air made the previous generation of President flush with gold.

The dean of the previous generation suddenly gave a long howl, the sky was full of black light, the void was cracked, and the black gap surrounded the black vortex. The scene was terrible.

The black vortex, like a black hole, trapped Zhang lie and swallowed it.

The previous president's gray hair was flying in disorder. His body was soaring and turned into a giant. Then he patted it down with a big hand and hit the center of the black vortex, covering it all.


The void is broken and heaven and earth vibrate.

There was a piece of dilapidation. Zhang lie flew out and his clothes were broken. There was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth. He stood in the far air and looked at the previous generation of president.


The dean of the previous generation flapped his wings, and there was a world-shaking magic light shining!

There are a pair of wings behind him, one black and one white, very strange.

At this moment, the president of the previous generation attacked again. It was born with divine wings and contained incomparable terrorist power.

The two kinds of air flow are different from the darkness, and all of a sudden, they change color slowly.

One black and one white, the wings shake, like the combination of yin and Yang, shaking the world.

"The two opposing forces of holiness and evil, yin and Yang, and light and darkness were displayed like fingers and palms in the hands of the previous president.

In the far sky, some people were frightened, and the Yin-Yang and yin-yang Qi filled the air, making the heaven and earth chaotic, as if they were about to disintegrate.

People feel it is difficult to control their own power, which has been isolated by the road to heaven, and it is far away.

This is the horror of the previous president. He mastered the sacred and evil, light and darkness, yin and Yang, affected the laws of heaven and earth, and made everything disordered. It seemed that the universe was imprisoned by him.

Once swept the same generation and stood on the top of the starry sky, how can you be a mortal.

He was once the protagonist of the world in an era. He was invincible. People of his time lost their voice and kept silent.

"What the hell is this?"

Zhu huojie said, "it is said that the previous generation of president was a saint feather family."

"Shouldn't the holy feather clan be full of sacred?"

"The previous generation of deans was called the fallen evil saint. Before birth, their mother and fetus were cursed. The birth of the previous generation of deans was also affected by the curse. Unlike other holy feather families, they were not a little sacred. On the contrary, they had a surging evil spirit, were despised by the holy feather family, and even imprisoned by the people for a long time." Zhu huojie slowly said the unknown secret.

"It was not until he was secretly released by his mother that the evil Saint escaped from the imprisonment of the holy feather family and met the dean's instruction at that time." Said the silver haired God.

Obviously, this story is not a secret in the college. All gods know it.

"At that time, the Dean saw that he was extraordinary, picked it up and trained it. The dean of evil Saint didn't disappoint the dean at that time. Through cultivating the previous generation of Dean, he walked out of an incomplete path, not only controlling his inherent evil gas, but also integrating his own sacred blood of Saint Yu, controlling saint and evil, light and darkness, yin and Yang. Finally, he became the dean of the previous generation and guarded Tianxing college."

Someone asked, "isn't that the holy feather family spitting blood?"

Let go of a supreme being, the holy feather clan, it's a loss of blood.

There are Shengyu people present who have been gnashing their teeth with hate.

Originally, the holy feather clan could be directly promoted from a near first-class force to a first-class force, or even a super first-class force, and become an eternal religion. As a result, it not only locked up the supreme strong, but also let go.

Zhu huojie shook her head and said, "at that time, Shengyu didn't cultivate the ability of the previous generation of presidents. It's better to say that they didn't even see the special eyesight of the previous generation of presidents."


The evil Saint Dean gave a slight rebuke, turned into a magic light, and rushed to Zhang lie. Between the vibrations of his wings, the void collapsed, the earth cracked, the mountains collapsed, and the rocks collapsed. The scene was terrible!

Zhang lie looks dignified, and a huge swimming fish appears behind him. The rules are intertwined and appear on the body surface.


The two were killed together, and the big crack in the void spread for hundreds of feet, tearing this place apart.

It's like two lights are entangled. They're too fast. They fight as hard as they can. Their arms collide, clang and sparks splash.


The sword light rushed into the night!

"Towering sword · * *"

The sword was shining brightly. It was an extremely terrible blow.

The dense sword light is like rough waves. The sword waves chase each other one after another.

However, the black-and-white wings broke out the two Qi of yin and Yang, dissolved everything, and almost divided the sword wave into two from the middle, showing the invincible style of the previous generation of presidents.


The two kept shooting, the battlefield shook, and the world seemed to be cut apart.

Evil snake!

The dark blue swimming fish instantly dyed black, and its body elongated into a magic snake, like the black snake yemenga, which is said to devour the world. The source force composition was as solid as the essence, making a threatening rustling sound and scales rustling.

With the black fog, he palmed on the shoulder of the fallen son, where the skin melted rapidly and made a nourishing sound, and the dark power like mud spread to the whole body.

It's the pair of wings, the two Qi of yin and yang are boiling, sending out the shining law to disperse the dark source force.


The Dharma seal was patted on him. Although it was partially blocked by the magic snake behind him and most of the law force field was dissolved, it was still shocked and bleeding in his mouth.

All this happened in the electric Firestone room. The two hit each other. Both were hit by each other's fist and palm and suffered heavy blows.

Zhang lie's eyes showed a bright light, but he was a little excited, because he insisted on fighting with the evil Saint Dean.


The black and white wings of the evil Saint Dean. It's really powerful. It collides with the demon snake behind you and emits bright fire. The rules are intertwined. It's all over the sky.

Black and dark blue source force, such as whirlwind, swimming fish change and magic snake change at the same time, the black scales of magic snake shine, and the sword light condenses a pair of wings behind you.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!