Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2735

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:55:48 PM

Chapter 2735

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The huge golden unicorn has a divine weapon rune on every golden scale on its body, and the metal aura covers it, like gold forging, suppressing the flame of law.

The law flame continued to rise, and more than 2,900 law fires were intertwined, like a net of heaven and earth covering Sun Xiaowu.

"King Kong Immortal God of War!"

Covered by the golden light, the dazzling talisman culture is a ten-meter-high golden phantom. The phantom is like a god of war, surrounded by golden runes, like a burning sun.

Become a god of war and increase your own fire resistance.

Two thousand nine hundred and twenty fire lights lit up, like a fire dragon constantly charging, making a trembling sound that shook the world, and the cold world was shaking.

"Golden Scale Tyrant Fist!"

The right arm was instantly enveloped by dazzling golden light, the arm suddenly increased in size, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

The aura of metal spreads on his arms, and on every scale, immortal swords and divine weapons appear.

A coercion rose to the sky.

The immortal sword and the divine weapon runes vibrated, making the sound of gold and iron contention.

The suppression was only for a short time, and it was quickly rebounded. The fire of the law wrapped Sun Xiaowu's whole body. The more powerful flame of the law erupted like a volcano, and the fire of the law spread to every corner of the body.

Two thousand nine hundred and thirty firelights lit up, and the terrifying firelight burned the world and enveloped the cold world.

The immortal sword rune in the body contends, the sound of the sword chirping sounds, cutting the law and cutting off the fire!

Two thousand nine hundred and forty firelights lit up, and the law firelights continued to crash down on the tripod.

The new cauldron rune rushed out of the body, swaying the fire, causing the heaven and the earth to shake violently, and the law broke.

There are two thousand nine hundred and forty laws on the tripod, each of which is as bright as the sun.

2,950 firelights lit up, the terrifying firelight burned the world, enveloped the cold world, and felt the scorching firelight. The brand-new Ding Rune and the power of the void and the divine power outside the body formed the fusion of Xian Ding. In an instant, a reflection erupted. The brilliance of the entire cold world sweeps away the fire of the law.

The interior of the tripod is self-contained, with wild animals, flowers, birds and plants, Sun Xiaowu feels a lot more comfortable.

The flames of the 2,960 Laws can still be resisted, and more Laws are imprinted on it, and Sun Xiaowu is not the only one who has improved.

The flames of 2,970 laws lit up, raging, and the laws were monstrous, sweeping the entire sky at once, as if to tear the sky apart. Xian Ding was burned red, and it had obviously reached its limit.


As Sun Xiaowu shouted loudly, it was like the sound of a bell ringing at the beginning of the world, shaking the world of fire.


The bell rang out, and Sun Xiaowu seemed to be a bell. Ripples radiate outward from the body.

The sound was like thunder, roaring constantly, the cold world trembled, and the entire world covered in ice and snow was in an avalanche.

The divine sound rang, and the ripples spread from the outside of the body, containing the divine brilliance of the divine chain of laws.

The divine chain of law wraps itself around itself, and the sacred brilliance is like a waterfall curtain, protecting Sun Xiaowu.

On the snow-capped mountain, flames appeared, some from the void, some from the sky, so spectacular that it drowned the place all at once.

The sea of ​​​​fire is flowing across the sky, and the crazy waves of fire are one after another, as if they want to swallow the sky.

Having survived the 2,980 law flames, when the 2,990 law flames lit up, the flames filled every inch of the void, and the dense law flames were intertwined.

With the three thousand laws burning together, the three thousand avenues turned into ripples and spread to the four directions, linking together into a world.

The flames of the Three Thousand Laws were raging, and the Laws were monstrous, sweeping the entire sky at once, as if to tear the sky apart.

On the snow peak, the fire of the law burned the Jiuzhongtian, the universe roared, turned into a cauldron, wrapped Sun Xiaowu, and used the three thousand laws as the fire for tempering.

Here the sound of the gods rumbles, shaking the world.

The vast fluctuations spread and spread in all directions.

But no matter how it is burned, the Divine Chain of Laws remains illusory. It clearly possesses the power to form the Divine Chain of Laws, but it is always close to the door. Even if it is burnt into coke and cannot be climbed up, the result is the same.

"Could it be that this world can't cultivate the Second Law Divine Chain?" Sun Xiaowu couldn't help but ask such a question.

It's not your fault, it's the world's fault?

Inside the Palace of the Immortal King

The sea of ​​​​fire is flowing across the sky, and the crazy waves of fire are one after another, and the entire stone room is submerged with open teeth and claws.

Zhang Lie sat cross-legged in the center of the flame tornado, the thunder light shone, and the thunder and fire intertwined. A thunder dragon broke out in his body, rushing into the sea of ​​fire, and the tornado swept up the sea of ​​law fire.

Under the guidance of Zhang Lie, one after another, the flames of law, stripped of the thunder and fire tornado, guided the body, forged its bones and bones, and boiled its soul.

The stone room has long been transformed into a world of law flames, every inch of space is burning, and the entire stone room has been transformed into a furnace, constantly burning Zhang Lie sitting in it.

Ten thousand paths chirped, every law was shining, emitting a scorching dazzling brilliance like the sun, the law flames continued to burn, the power continued to accumulate, the law of fire was superimposed layer upon layer, and the tornado formed by the Tianluo Xiandao was just a little bit. Compressed, the sea of ​​scorching laws is pressing down a little bit.

As the Law of Ten Thousand Paths shines like the sun, in the stone room with only ten feet, the power is continuously poured into flames to drown everything, and in the small stone room, it is continuously superimposed indefinitely.

After all, any strength struggle has a limit, and the same is true for the tornado formed by the Tianluo Xiandao.

The scope of the tornado continued to shrink, the swirling sea of ​​fire was pressing over, and the furnace that the sky and earth had turned into was cracking and shattering little by little. Zhang Lie also realized that he had reached the limit.


Finally, the cauldron shattered, and he was submerged in ten thousand fires.

I tried again and again, repeatedly deduced it, and it took countless times to recuperate and experience it, but it didn't work.

The ten thousand fire added to his body, like tens of thousands of fairy knives, all submerged in his body, making him unbearable, and even the divine chain of laws burned.

He sat there cross-legged and did not evade, because it was too late, and in the pain, he experienced the process of burning the soul and beheading the flesh, and realized it.

At this moment, the engraved body of the person on the stone wall became crystal clear, and a group of light appeared in the body, dazzling, like a sun blooming.

Then, with a bang, it rushed out!

"What the hell is this?" Zhang Lie was surprised.

It was a young man, handsome and handsome, with extraordinary talent, crowned with peers, the world subsided in an instant, and the flame of the law dissipated at once.

"I'm alive......"

Zhang Lie, who lived after the catastrophe, was as heavy as Shenyue and higher than the sky. He experienced an indescribable silence, as well as the joy and emotion of life.

He looked up at the young man walking out of the stone carving.

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